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Went into the kitchen yesterday to find the cat eating her biscuits. In her other bowl which had a couple of biscuits left there was ickle mouse merrily munching away. She had obviously felt lonely and invited a friend in from the garden to have dinner with her.
I've been remiss with kitten pics recently. Seymour has grown so much. He's found his favourite spot in the house

what an absolutely beautiful mog, please pass on a (very careful) scritch behind the ears from me.

Oh oryx, yes, tickles and strokes to Tiggy from me and Charlie as well. She's beautiful :)

Thanks! I will. :)

One of the problems of her being a very elderly cat is that she is almost certainly deaf and howls at night. :eek: I read somewhere that this is due to not being able to hear herself, e.g. mewing, moving around, and it freaks her out. If I'm still up I give her a stroke or five.
Because of course Charlie would have an adverse reaction to the Metacam.


He's developed diarrhea, which the leaflet and every vet website says is a red flag. So I just called the surgery and spoke to the duty vet and she says to stop the Metacam and see how he is over the next 24-48 hours.

Do not google metacam and cats. Nothing but people telling you how it will kill your cat. It's not approved for use in cats in the US, but is pretty widespread in its use here in Europe. But, it's still to be used with extreme caution, as side effects can prove lethal (acute kidney failure, being the main one).

Of course, you can't switch from metacam to anything else without at least a week in between. I wish Ted had just given him steroids right away. He's had them before and tolerates them well. Steroids have almost no problems in cats, you just have to be very careful in how you slowly taper them off. But metacam comes with a big old warning sign saying "YOUR CAT WILL PROBABLY DIE."

So now Charlie has no pain relief or anything for the swelling in his throat, and can't start on anything new for a while.

Poor little fucker. I can't even let him sit on my knee and give him lots of strokes, because he purrs like a tractor whenever I touch him (I'm that amazing) and purring sets off his hiccups/coughing. Seriously, he's so starved for my lap's attention, I gave him a little stroke earlier, and as he curled up to go to sleep he was still purring while dropping off.

Trying very hard not to panic/cry/scream/fall apart. I haven't slept yet. I'll try and get some now.
Vintage Paw - huggsssss to you and Charlie.
You can get zylkene into Charlie as you've mentioned it before vet visits - try a dose at night, sort of as a sleeping pill/tranq'ie. It should relax Charlie enough for all of you to get some sleep (that's what we were doing with a previous pet with similar night-time problems).
Thanks, everyone.

Zylkene is a good idea.

He's had some boiled chicken. Gave himself hiccups while it was cooking because he was really hungry. He's just climbed on my knee, trying to avoid purrs but it's tough!
When we had a problem with Bob (RiP) - he was doing a LOT of swallowing and this was traced back to acid-indigestion - the vet got some "special" cat antacid tables - something like £6 or £8 for not very many at all - and they turned out to be human Zantac antacid tables - which we had to cut into 5's and give him 1/5 every day - so if Charlie's got some indigestion and your vet suggest antacid then by all means go with the initial meds that your vet might give but Zantac or similar is OTC and costs a fraction for a load more

And (((VP and Charlie))) btw
He's had hideous zantac liquid in the past - it's peppermint flavoured, who thought that was a good idea for cats? No end of stress trying to get it into him.

It might be worth thinking about this anyway, since metacam like human nsaids can irritate the stomach. It might be all that's happening, in terms of the reaction to the drugs, rather than the doom-acute-renal-failure-end-of-the-world scenarios running through my head atm.

Just gave him a sneaky brush seeing as though he was on my lap and purring anyway. He's headed over to his coracle (that's what I call his cat bed) and is all nice and curled up now. It's entirely possible part of his change in behaviour is because I've been denying him the usual affection (so as to not make him purr), so a few short sessions on my lap with some love and strokes might calm him a bit.

I'm going to call and see if Ted's around tomorrow, and ask about the zantac and if it's worth having a bash with that in the meantime. He gets some righteous gurgles, that we've put down to the breathing weirdness, but it could be a combination of things. Since we don't know what's causing the laryngitis -- whether it's the cause of the hiccuping/gurgling/breathing or a symptom of something else that's causing the hiccuping/gurgling/breathing -- it's difficult to know how to treat it other than to assume it's viral or bacterial and wait to see if it goes away.

Poor little bugger.
He's had hideous zantac liquid in the past - it's peppermint flavoured, who thought that was a good idea for cats? No end of stress trying to get it into him . . .

That's it - I remember now - we started Bob off on a minty antacid liquid and he would NOT have it - the liquid is better but if you can't get it into him then we went for the next best - 1/4 or 1/5 tablet hidden in a bit of mince - if you go back further in this thread you'll read all about our trials and tribulations trying to get meds into Bob

And the liquid peppermint Zantac is also the human one - hence the peppermint just licensed for cats
Oh no VP :( I've only used metacam for guinea pigs which seems to be okay, but their digestive system is waaay different from a cats. Hopefully Ted will have some ideas. Fingers crossed.
Well, the metacam was definitely helping his throat. Now it's out of his system he's back to hiccuping/sneezing/coughing for an hour at a time :(

He was okay this morning, but he's at the tail end of an hour+ long fit at the moment. The vets has just closed, so I'll call first thing tomorrow. I guess it's steroids then, but it'll be a few more days before he can start them, I think.

No more poorly poos so far, though. I don't want to risk starting the metacam again, even though I know it would bring his throat relief.

Shitty shitty shitty :(
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