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I expect he'll say stay on the steroids for a while, no more antibiotics once the course has finished (can antibiotics give them a poorly tummy?), and maybe back in a couple of weeks to see him again.

It's like I'm a soothsayer or something.

With a few minor alterations. Not to bother continuing the antibiotics since he's not infected anyway. Steroids reduced to half of one a day, but keep him on them for another couple of weeks and give Ted a call when they're on their way to running out to talk about what to do next. Unless he gets worse, in which case call him sooner.

Ted's so confuzzled he asked his brother, a GP, about laryngitis etc.

We have the greatest kitty and human minds on the case! Now, if one of them could work out what's going on...
Is the middle one tailless?

Yes, he lost it when he was quite young, don't really know how, he was just hiding a bit and being a bit out of sorts so we took him to the vets, turned out it was broken near the base and had to be amputated. The vet reckons that pretty much only happens if they're swung by it, which I don't want to believe happened. It's gained him the sympathy of strangers over the years which he's milked ruthlessly. Being probably the runt of the litter and smaller and skinnier than his siblings also helps with this.
Well he looks just as lovely without it. Hope he can still balance on fences etc.

He seems to do just fine. There is a tiny lump there which does move a bit, he still just about manages to show when he's irritated etc.

It's a shame because he had a very expressive tail, quite thin, almost prehensile. He used to walk around, especially at feeding time, with the tail right up with the tip curled back on itself, like a feline dodgem car.
RIP station master cat Tama - died a week ago



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^ sad, but at least Tama has ASCENDED TO GODHOOD :cool: (ok ok most cats are living gods - in their own minds at least - but this time it's official)
Is the middle one tailless?

Casper (one of the boys) has got a reduced length tail - I'd guess that the total tail length is about 7" or 8" and he's a fully grown cat

We've been told that, when newly born, it's not unknown for the mummy cat to mistake a tail for the umbilical cord and nip some or all of it off - Casper's tail doesn't reach the ground and, most of the time, is fairly lifeless and unexpressive, although Mrs Voltz has seen him moving it
Apologies for barging in - still no sign of Bubbles and it's making me very sad so I can't really bear to read the thread :oops:

But I do still have Loki who I would like some advice about. He's my first even long-haired cat and suddenly overnight, he developed lumpy sections in his fur. I've tried brushing them out but to no avail. Should I try giving him a bath and then brushing? I was wondering about putting some conditioner on the dodgy bits
Apologies for barging in - still no sign of Bubbles and it's making me very sad so I can't really bear to read the thread :oops:

But I do still have Loki who I would like some advice about. He's my first even long-haired cat and suddenly overnight, he developed lumpy sections in his fur. I've tried brushing them out but to no avail. Should I try giving him a bath and then brushing? I was wondering about putting some conditioner on the dodgy bits

Don't use conditioners designed for humans, cats lick their fur constantly, humans don't tend to, and some of the chemicals are not suitable for ingestion.

If they aren't up against the skin you might be better off cutting them out (use round-ended scissors for safety). Or a nurse at your vet surgery, or a pet groomer would be able to deal with it. If left, they can chafe the skin so best to deal with it.

Has he been missing Bubbles (((trashpony and Loki))), ie. is it possible he may have been neglecting himself a bit if he is upset or confused?

EDIT: Sorry, just remembered - DO NOT GIVE HIM A BATH - it could cause the tangles to tighten even further, I remember a long-hair cat breeder telling me that once!
Loki could have picked up some seeds - or plant sap - whilst outside, or been somewhere muddy/mucky ... actually, I would have expected him to "overgroom" as a displacement activity as he's missing Bubbles. Yes, try and get them out - coarse comb might help, or just cut them out. Depends how amenable he is to you fiddling with his fur.
Thank you - that's very helpful

Yes he has been missing Bubbles - he doesn't have anyone to play with any more :( It's just so weird the way they just appeared overnight. I will try cutting them out - I have a large stock of children's scissors ...
Thank you - that's very helpful

Yes he has been missing Bubbles - he doesn't have anyone to play with any more :( It's just so weird the way they just appeared overnight. I will try cutting them out - I have a large stock of children's scissors ...

Once they are dealt with, if you don't already use one, try a Furminator to groom him daily, it will help prevent a recurrence :)
Don't use conditioners designed for humans, cats lick their fur constantly, humans don't tend to, and some of the chemicals are not suitable for ingestion.

If they aren't up against the skin you might be better off cutting them out (use round-ended scissors for safety). Or a nurse at your vet surgery, or a pet groomer would be able to deal with it. If left, they can chafe the skin so best to deal with it.

Has he been missing Bubbles (((trashpony and Loki))), ie. is it possible he may have been neglecting himself a bit if he is upset or confused?

EDIT: Sorry, just remembered - DO NOT GIVE HIM A BATH - it could cause the tangles to tighten even further, I remember a long-hair cat breeder telling me that once!

Yep no bath, I used to cut them out of my long haired cat. Used to leave her with bald bit but she did not get tangled very often.
Sorry to hear there's no word of Bubbles. :(

Furminator is good - except that Breeze usually only lets you get in a few strokes before she decides it's the greatest toy in the world and tries to grab it. That may just be her.

I've used baby nail scissors to cut knots out of her fur. There were a few too many recently, hence the trip to the poodle parlour to have it done properly.
Thank you - that's very helpful

Yes he has been missing Bubbles - he doesn't have anyone to play with any more :( It's just so weird the way they just appeared overnight. I will try cutting them out - I have a large stock of children's scissors ...

please be careful. if the lumps are close to the skin, it is astoundingly easy to cut their skin doing this. I know it sounds really obvious and patronising to bring this up, but i have seen this happen, done by someone with a lot of expereince on a sedated dog.
When long haired Flinty gets cat dreadlocks I hold the offending lumpy bit and then tease the connecting fur out from said dreadlock freeing it from the cat. Basically I gently separate the fur. She's patient about it for a bit then gets grumpy but over the space of a few days I can usually tease it away from the fur enough to be able to pull it off completely. I've done the same with best mate Mogden's feline who was equally okay for a bit then grumpy but the result is much safer than the scissors, if you count the odd scratch on me rather than them safer.
I will be. I'd rather leave a lump than cut him. Luckily he goes limp when you try and do things to him.

mine swears at me. I got growled and hissed at for a hour for using a nit comb to remove a lot of loose hair out of her coat when she first moved in with us, but she still shifted about to make it easier for me to get it all, just patted me with a paw to tell me not to do her back leg.
I will be. I'd rather leave a lump than cut him. Luckily he goes limp when you try and do things to him.
When we had to cut stuff off our old long haired mog I used to keep my fingers between the scissors and her skin and that seemed to work ok
I cut out a bit before he lost patience but I'll get there - I think I need to get the nit comb out. His fur is too dense for me to put my fingers between it and the mat - I can't even find his skin to put the flea stuff on!
how much is cat and how much is floof?
I suspect there's a little wizened body in their somewhere, under all the fur :D
That looks like the cat I'm trying to dematt!
Exciting moose! How come you decided to add to your fluff pile?
The woman at Cat's Protection is very persistent, and also a former colleague! She came to get Car Park Cat and told me about Fleur, and now I can't stop looking at her on the adoption pages. It's not definite yet - she's not keen on other cats, but getting better, and I really feel for her. She's been living rough in a garden for well over a year. She'd need to get on with Stan, though.

Re. your cat clumps, Shirl recommended I cut into the clumps, rather than across the root of them, as it's less painful for the cat, and you can tease the lumps apart. It works for a lot of them.
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