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After much bribing with treats I'm now fairly successful at getting Clive up on the sofa (several shakes of treats bag and 1 treat max) - then he'll quite happily eat treats off my leg and out of my hand


I'm starting to get in with the gentlest of strokes and, if I'm very lucky, he'll let me itch his should/neck area - granted he'll often jump off after a couple of "goes" but a rattle of the treats bag and he's back up on the sofa for another round of stealth stroking

This is progress - still not a proper cat but he's showing all the signs of starting to become a little bit better socialised - and he's got the softest fur imaginable
Things are still pretty shit for Charlie.

His hiccups are worse than ever. It's clearly very distressing for him. We're upping his steroids over the weekend, and Ted is trying to get hold of a specialist to get their advice. It's likely he'll be referred to them. They're a good hour's drive away. I don't drive.

Ted says they can knock him out and try to put a scope down his throat, investigate his trachea for anything unusual, look up his nose to see if there's anything going on there. That's about the limit of what they can do at my usual vet surgery, so if that yields nothing the specialist will be able to do more. So it makes sense, probably, for the specialist to do it from the get go, to avoid a second potential general anaesthetic. And of course there's the worry of him spasming while under the anaesthetic.

This is horrid. He's so fucking healthy otherwise. The picture of slightly rotund feline health.
So sorry to hear Charlie still isn't right Vintage Paw - I do hope they can work out what is causing it, and that it can be remedied. You must be really stressed by it all, it's clear how much you love that cat xx
Thank you, everyone.

So sorry to hear Charlie still isn't right Vintage Paw - I do hope they can work out what is causing it, and that it can be remedied. You must be really stressed by it all, it's clear how much you love that cat xx

I do love him. Maybe more than is healthy? Idk. I get depressed and anxious, and don't deal well with life sometimes, and as daft as it sounds he's always there for me, even when he's ignoring me. Having him around gives me a lot of strength.

And I can't explain how much it cuts me up to think of him suffering, or being scared. More than anything else, I just don't want him to be sad.
Thank you, everyone.

I do love him. Maybe more than is healthy? Idk. I get depressed and anxious, and don't deal well with life sometimes, and as daft as it sounds he's always there for me, even when he's ignoring me. Having him around gives me a lot of strength.

And I can't explain how much it cuts me up to think of him suffering, or being scared. More than anything else, I just don't want him to be sad.

Doesn't sound daft to me at all, I am the same way with my pets, I suffer from anxiety and OCD and they provide no end of comfort and unconditional love. Although when unwell that is something extra to be anxious about (Jakey's cancer scare last year nearly did me in). But yes, I completely understand what you mean.
awwwww vp.

and dear kitty

if you're going to sneak in a plaything and do the mighty hunter routine at 4.30 in the morning, can you perhaps manage this slightly more quietly

When Radar does this, the 'plaything' is more often than not my toes, impossible to sleep through and bloody painful. Even at 9 1/2 years old there is still plenty of kitten in him.
When Radar does this, the 'plaything' is more often than not my toes, impossible to sleep through and bloody painful. Even at 9 1/2 years old there is still plenty of kitten in him.

the plaything in this case was a mouse.

no idea how she can feed herself so often if she's such an idiot when chasing them about the house. but it's very clear that she wants me to play with her. so there was absolutely no objection when the poor creature got stuck trying to wriggle between the bookcases and left it's tail sticking out, in the most convenient way for me to grab it and deposit it outside. if you're going to play at t7ort7uring the wildlife, at least do it somewhere else, so i can pretend it isn't happening.
the plaything in this case was a mouse.

no idea how she can feed herself so often if she's such an idiot when chasing them about the house. but it's very clear that she wants me to play with her. so there was absolutely no objection when the poor creature got stuck trying to wriggle between the bookcases and left it's tail sticking out, in the most convenient way for me to grab it and deposit it outside. if you're going to play at t7ort7uring the wildlife, at least do it somewhere else, so i can pretend it isn't happening.

Mine are indoor cats but the occasional mouse is stupid enough to come in. Radar at least tends to kill them quickly (same with my toes LOL), and then plays with their lifeless corpse.
I stepped on a disembowelled mouse in the kitchen a few days ago because I don't put on my glasses first thing in the morning. Cute as he looks, Alfie does go all Hannibal Lecter on them. The poor thing looked like it had been flayed. And despite the fact that he tortures small animals to death for fun, he whines every evening for me to play with him with his toy mouse on a stick.
Last nights bedtime - in order:-
  1. Mrs Voltz - shortly followed by
  2. FiFi - I allowed them to get nicely settled then
  3. ME - and for the first time EVER, the Chuckle Brothers were NOT shut up in their safe room - so some time after I'd got into bed
  4. Clive - queue much hissing, swearing, general "dapping" and assorted annoyance from a "certain young lady"- then, we got the full house
  5. Casper
So we now have a full house with FiFi curled up between me and Mrs Voltz - Clive at the bottom right of the bed (my side) and Casper bottom middle - which was fine right up until the toe biting started :eek:

Casper only plays one way and that's for keeps, nothing gentle when he bites your toe - as Mrs Voltz found out
Our two are delighted we're back from holiday - no pretend disdain ('So, you thought you'd come back, did you? Don't expect me to care.') this time.

I think it's because a) they've been uncomfortably hot and b) they can't stand each other.
Well they had a bit of a half-hearted hiss at each other but I've shut fake Bubbles in the living room and shut Loki out so that he still can come upstairs/go outside. He's sitting me with me in my office and fake Bubbles is sitting curled up on the foal :eek:

I would get the chip scanned to make sure - what makes you think it's not Bubbles? I know some cats can look alarmingly similar (there are 3 cats that live across the road that look scarily like Radar, yes he is neutered and is indoor only so nothing to do with him LOL) but if it's just due to the hissing it could just be that they no longer recognise each others' scent.
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The boys. Each pretending they haven't noticed the other one next to him.
I would get the chip scanned to make sure - what makes you think it's not Bubbles? I know some cats can look alarmingly similar (there are 3 cats that live across the road that look scarily like Radar, yes he is neutered and is indoor only so nothing to do with him LOL) but if it's just due to the hissing it could just be that they no longer recognise each others' scent.
Yes, absolutely - I'm going to take him to the vet in the morning and get his chip scanned. His face isn't the right shape and he's not quite the right colour but I don't like having only one cat - and I don't think it's good for him either. He's bored and lonely. So if this cat lives somewhere else (he's definitely not a stray - he's very domesticated) then I think we'll adopt another one. Bubbles has been missing for 6 weeks and I think we need to accept he's not coming back. And if he does, well then we have 3 cats.

We're getting a puppy next month too :D
Yes, absolutely - I'm going to take him to the vet in the morning and get his chip scanned. His face isn't the right shape and he's not quite the right colour but I don't like having only one cat - and I don't think it's good for him either. He's bored and lonely. So if this cat lives somewhere else (he's definitely not a stray - he's very domesticated) then I think we'll adopt another one. Bubbles has been missing for 6 weeks and I think we need to accept he's not coming back. And if he does, well then we have 3 cats.

We're getting a puppy next month too :D

Ah yeah if you are now noticing small differences in appearance :(

What sort of puppy are you getting?
Yes, absolutely - I'm going to take him to the vet in the morning and get his chip scanned. His face isn't the right shape and he's not quite the right colour but I don't like having only one cat - and I don't think it's good for him either. He's bored and lonely. So if this cat lives somewhere else (he's definitely not a stray - he's very domesticated) then I think we'll adopt another one. Bubbles has been missing for 6 weeks and I think we need to accept he's not coming back. And if he does, well then we have 3 cats.

We're getting a puppy next month too :D

Does Fake Bubbles know where things are? Feeding bowl, etc?
Ah yeah if you are now noticing small differences in appearance :(

What sort of puppy are you getting?
Looking at him curled up next to me, he isn't our Bubbles. But he's lovely. I hope he doesn't belong to anyone :oops:

We're getting a boston terrier :)

Schmetterling - he's eaten and I've put a litter tray in here. Our living room is pretty small so I don't think he'll miss the litter tray! I haven't put the lid on either.
Looking at him curled up next to me, he isn't our Bubbles. But he's lovely. I hope he doesn't belong to anyone :oops:

We're getting a boston terrier :)

He does sound lovely and is obviously a very friendly and relaxed kitty if he's just made himself at home that quickly, usually with adult cats in a new environment there is a 'hiding under the sofa/bed' phase (Jakey spent about 9 hours under our bed when we first got him, woke up in the morning with him on my face and purring tho!)

Looking forward to puppy pics in the near future :D
Looking at him curled up next to me, he isn't our Bubbles. But he's lovely. I hope he doesn't belong to anyone :oops:

We're getting a boston terrier :)

Schmetterling - he's eaten and I've put a litter tray in here. Our living room is pretty small so I don't think he'll miss the litter tray! I haven't put the lid on either.

I was hoping that if Fake Bubbles knows where everything is he might be Real Bubbles after all.
Oh also I agree that while having a companion is not for every cat, some do genuinely enjoy having a feline friend, and if they are used to that state of affairs they can be lonely by themselves.

Typically it is very dominant personalities that would rather be 'only cats' and having another cat around can cause stress if they feel any threat from a similarly dominant cat, but a lot of more laid back cats aren't so unsociable. My Sonic and Jakey are inseparable, Jakey is very easy going and doesn't challenge Sonic's boss status and they are both very happy.
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