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Fakey/marmite just went for Loki and now he's too scared to eat his breakfast :(
:( poor Loki! Females can be trickier to introduce than males, they're not as friendly with other cats IME. Did Loki and Bubbles used to play fight? If so, he'll soon start to stand his ground and they'll establish a pecking order. It can take time (and sometimes a bit of flying fur) though
One of the key bits of integrating-cats magic I've seen done on telly, is to feed cats in view of each other but with a barrier between them - if you have a glass door or a partition or something that might help Loki eat his brekker in peace without being completely freaked out. If you have the patience for this sort of elaborate cat choreography* it might be worth keeping them semi-separated like that for a bit.

(* says the person who washed the duvet cover at 6.30am this morning due to a cat coming to thoughtfully puke a massive hairball and a small spray of green grass by my sleeping face.)
One of the key bits of integrating-cats magic I've seen done on telly, is to feed cats in view of each other but with a barrier between them - if you have a glass door or a partition or something that might help Loki eat his brekker in peace without being completely freaked out. If you have the patience for this sort of elaborate cat choreography* it might be worth keeping them semi-separated like that for a bit.

(* says the person who washed the duvet cover at 6.30am this morning due to a cat coming to thoughtfully puke a massive hairball and a small spray of green grass by my sleeping face.)
Yes I read that but I don't. I have been feeding them either side of a door but it's wood. Unfortunately, I put his food down first and that's when the drama happened. I also read about rubbing a sock over their faces to release friendly pheromones and then giving the other cat the sock. She got out earlier which I was in a bit of a panic about but she trotted straight to the area under the trampoline (which is disgustingly the neighbourhood cat toilet), went to the loo and came straight back in again :D
Took Bob to vets yesterday, just for a wee check up as he is an old fella but is in generally good health & to get some of his dreadlocks trimmed (he does get quite matted). Nurse/Vet suggested a blood & urine test to check his thyroid & kidneys to which I agreed. 132 fucking quid though :eek: & we have to try & get the pee sample ourselves as his bladder was empty.
Yet more drama at Voltz Towers - I've been away with work for a couple of days this week and I got a text from Mrz Voltz this morning telling me that Clive Chuckle has got outside this morning - it was one of those things but this was the first time either of the Chuckle Brothers have had access to the "new" outside

Luckily he got himself back in and was to be found yowling outside their safe room (so back inside the house)

FiFi's been taken to the vet this afternoon with, what can best be described as a "blue spot" on the inside of her ear - the last round of cats used to get the occasional tick but these weren't blue so we're both a bit baffled about what this can be - so v.e.t. to find out

And to capitalise on Clive getting out this morning, as it's a lovely afternoon I've just let him out officially

His brother, Casper, is now inside the house yowling for his missing brother and I've got a downstairs window ajar so this yowling can act as a bit of a homing beacon for when Clive decides he's had enough and is going to come in

In order:-
  • FiFi's blue spot on the inside of her ear - either a burst blood vessel or a cyst - nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on it. She's returned from the vet nicely "revved up" so we've decided to postpone the all-in-one Spot On treatment for another day - and just to let Mrs Voltz be totally aware of how annoyed she was of being taken to the vet - FiFs decided to piss in the cat carry box - but it didn't stay inside the cat carry box most of the pee seemed to spray out of the back of the box into the car/handbag
  • Clive has returned safely and is now tucked safely away for the time being with Casper
And breathe again
Well I'm a complete failure as a cat fosterer :( Fakey got out of the cat flap last night and didn't come back when I called her. I thought she might come back this morning but no sign of her.

The phone rang about 7.30 - she was waiting outside the back door of the house of the people who told me about her! 1.5 miles away :eek:
So they've decided she wants to live there instead of here and are going to keep her :D

I'm quite relieved really - I was finding trying to keep all the doors shut/protect Loki a bit stressful. And she went for the humans a couple of times so E was scared of her.
Well I'm a complete failure as a cat fosterer :( Fakey got out of the cat flap last night and didn't come back when I called her. I thought she might come back this morning but no sign of her.

The phone rang about 7.30 - she was waiting outside the back door of the house of the people who told me about her! 1.5 miles away :eek:
So they've decided she wants to live there instead of here and are going to keep her :D

I'm quite relieved really - I was finding trying to keep all the doors shut/protect Loki a bit stressful. And she went for the humans a couple of times so E was scared of her.

:D Cats navigational skills are amazing! When my grandparents were on holiday once, their cat escaped from kennels about 4 miles away from their house and found his way home :cool:

Good luck with the puppy introductions (I reckon a small puppy will be much easier to integrate than an adult female cat!) can you get a blanket with their scent on it to get Loki used to the smell?
:D Cats navigational skills are amazing! When my grandparents were on holiday once, their cat escaped from kennels about 4 miles away from their house and found his way home :cool:

Good luck with the puppy introductions (I reckon a small puppy will be much easier to integrate than an adult female cat!) can you get a blanket with their scent on it to get Loki used to the smell?
Wow! 4 miles - that's phenomenal. I'm glad she's okay but it's made the foal very sad because Bubbles hasn't been able to navigate his way home :(

That's a good idea re the blanket - I'll take something with me tomorrow and let the puppies play with it while I'm talking to the breeder
When we acquired out recent 3 - one of the questions both cat rescues were very specific about was where we lived - not necessarily from a road PoV (although that's important, obviously) but more from where the cats originally came from and the likelihood of them trying to "go back home"

FiFs from W-s-M so a 25+ mile trip and she's a lazy little sod

and the boys are from some way away as well and we've had them exclusively in the house for nearly 4 months now and I'm getting very nervous about letting them out - Clive escaped the once and came back and then I let him out yesterday and he came back but it's still very worrying nevertheless
Wow! 4 miles - that's phenomenal. I'm glad she's okay but it's made the foal very sad because Bubbles hasn't been able to navigate his way home :(

That's a good idea re the blanket - I'll take something with me tomorrow and let the puppies play with it while I'm talking to the breeder

Poor foal :( I hope Bubbles has just been an ungrateful, arsey cat and found somewhere "better" to stay x
Jakey killed a mouse at some point today, I nearly stepped on the bloody thing.

I know it was Jakey, because Sonic is too lazy to hunt, and Radar is very noisy when he hunts (the distant sound of things being broken would have alerted me).
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Oh FFS - when we came back from choosing our puppy today at 1pm, this tiny kitten ran out of the drive. He's still there. He's not neutered. Is he a bit young to be out and about? He looks about 8 weeks or so to me

Oh FFS - when we came back from choosing our puppy today at 1pm, this tiny kitten ran out of the drive. He's still there. He's not neutered. Is he a bit young to be out and about? He looks about 8 weeks or so to me


He does look very young, they're only meant to be out and about after their vaccinations aren't they? What the heck is happening with the cat population round your way?!
He does look very young, they're only meant to be out and about after their vaccinations aren't they? What the heck is happening with the cat population round your way?!
He belongs to my idiot next door neighbours - I posted the picture on the town website and the mum contacted me. She and the kids are at a school camp out tonight and her husband was supposed to have put him indoors before he went to work :rolleyes:

At least he's not an unloved stray
that's my fault now is it?

The root cause of Her Majesty's iron rule is you having taken her in. All her progress towards becoming Domestic Dictator flows therefrom.

Ergo, I am entirely blameless.

The prosecution rests, M'Lud.
i love my cat :)

I love mine, they are awesome :)
I actually am a bit of a softie when it comes to animals and I love everyone else's pets too (apart from my ex's mother's dalmatian, I'm sure we'd have got along much better if it had been neutered and trained mind you)
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just had to go apologise to another neighbour. she ushed the window open and by the time I got to it, I saw her tail disapearing through their window. now they already know her, cause she's tarting to everyone. but it gave them a jump to see her scampering down their stairs.
just had to go apologise to another neighbour. she ushed the window open and by the time I got to it, I saw her tail disapearing through their window. now they already know her, cause she's tarting to everyone. but it gave them a jump to see her scampering down their stairs.

Did she bring any goodies home? (Friend of mine had a cat drag a hot roasted leg of lamb back through the cat flap).
Just after I was married, when I was at theirs on Xmas Day, my MIL told me to keep an extra eye on their cat. To my questioning look, the reply was that the cat had a habit of attempting to retrieve the turkey/goose carcasses and bring them home. On one memorable day, the attempt was made before the neighbours had eaten !
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