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Still nothing though I've not given up hope. I live in a very small established neighbourhood of houses. There are no dead cat bodies and the neighbours are the sort of people who would take one to the vet if they found one. No body = chance he's still alive.

Last night I dreamed he came home with a busted leg. :( I'm going out on the treat run again this evening and going to talk to builders tomorrow. There are a couple of houses where they're doing stuff. Also I put the contents of my vacuum cleaner and some of the foal's really stinky socks in the back garden. They're supposed to be enticing ...
One of the mogs I used to live with had a habit of having weekends away (never found out where the heck he went. He'd usually go out Friday evening and I'd not see him again until Sunday - or sometimes Monday - evening when he'd come home, demand a big feed, then sleep for about 24 hours...)

One time he wasn't back by midweek, and he came home about an hour after I'd gone round leafletting one evening.

I had a mate whose cat liked to disappear for a couple of weeks. Nobody knew where he went, presumably to the cat equivalent of the Bahamas, but he always came back. Freaked them out the first couple of times but then it became the norm.

I think male cats are a lot more likely to go for wanders. Crossing my fingers for you xxx
Sachin almost certainly has cancer. His bad teeth hid it. Off to the vet later to collect him after a night of medical TLC and rehydration and then back here for a final goodbye before my sweet boy leaves me in a day or so.
I'm so sorry to hear that Mogden - we've lost 2 cats to cancer and we still miss both of them terribly

It sounds like you're going to get him home for his remaining time which will be really special for both of you

I don't like this thread at the moment - there's too much not nice stuff going on - come on all you cats - buck your ideas up please
My mum has just been asking if it's appropriate for him to come home. I said absolutely, cos he needs to say goodbye to the others, including his sister, before he comes back for his sideboard spot. I'm never teaching any of the others to high 5 me, seems to be a curse on my brood.
And while i think about it can i moan about the nurse last night. She kept referring to him as a she, gave me a bit of a lecture about flea care when the poor bugger is rake thin and wobbling and i was in no state to give an exact date for the last treatment, and completely ignored me asking about Wilbur who, to top off a thoroughly crappy week, has a hole in his cheek, suspected dog bite, which I've managed to clean up but can't now catch for him to go vetwards for hibiscrub and antibiotics before that goes horribly wrong.
And while i think about it can i moan about the nurse last night. She kept referring to him as a she, gave me a bit of a lecture about flea care when the poor bugger is rake thin and wobbling and i was in no state to give an exact date for the last treatment, and completely ignored me asking about Wilbur who, to top off a thoroughly crappy week, has a hole in his cheek, suspected dog bite, which I've managed to clean up but can't now catch for him to go vetwards for hibiscrub and antibiotics before that goes horribly wrong.

Don't get me on the subject of poor "bed side" manner - some of them are truly appalling

But bloody hell your pack-of-mogs is going through a tough patch at the moment - hope things all work themselves out as well as can be given the circumstances
Don't get me on the subject of poor "bed side" manner - some of them are truly appalling

But bloody hell your pack-of-mogs is going through a tough patch at the moment - hope things all work themselves out as well as can be given the circumstances
With my 2 woes and the Bubbles absence, I'm hoping that's the 3 bad things for this thread. When 3 of the 4 garden kitties of mine went walkabout it was a solid week long wait before their unflustered return. Wait til the sheds are open on the weekend as last was a bank holiday.
Am a mess. Taxi ride back i was wondering if i did the right thing booking him in tomorrow. His leg wobbles when he got out of his carrier said yes. I don't want to leave him in distress over the weekend. He is currently ganneting tinned spring water tuna. Chicken is his very favourite and i have some to poach but i don't know if he's up to it. Death is a big shitter and it can go forth and multiply.
someone earlier very wisely said

better a day too early than a day too late

I feel that this is very true, you know Sachin and what he's like so you'll do the very best for him I'm sure
Thank you HV. I just need some reassurance I'm not doing a totally horrid thing. I know to leave him like this would be far worse but that doesn't equate with my heart.

They assured me all his tests results were fine last month but clearly the cancer did not bugger his white cell count as i would have expected as an indicator of cancer.
With Jess we had several months and at least one false start before her time actually came

With Rusty it was a lot faster - one minute she was fine dandy, the next, within weeks she got a growth on her leg and then it seemed like no time at all we had to make the call

It really does sound like your boy was fine (relatively speaking) up until last month and now it sounds like his time is coming - you're doing the right thing by your boy - it's bollocks, of course, total fucking bollocks but this is the most important part of having a pet - making the right decisions for them now
I'm so sorry Mogden. It's so tough but I'm sure you're doing the kindest thing.

Crap bedside manner doesn't help though. My vets were lovely when it was Itchy's time. Still no news to report here. I've been gardening this afternoon and keep expecting Bubbles to make a sudden attack on Loki. It's very quiet without him :(
Am a mess. Taxi ride back i was wondering if i did the right thing booking him in tomorrow. His leg wobbles when he got out of his carrier said yes. I don't want to leave him in distress over the weekend. He is currently ganneting tinned spring water tuna. Chicken is his very favourite and i have some to poach but i don't know if he's up to it. Death is a big shitter and it can go forth and multiply.
:( you're doing the kindest (and the bravest) thing (())
The heating is on, the tuna is being shared, many head and cheek rubs from the others, some very loving long blinks between he and me and some last photos of a contented as he could be being held like a swaddled baby Sachin.


Thanks all. It helps to know I'm doing okay at this furry parenting thing in a bad situation.
Haven't been here in a while and oh no, so sorry to hear about Bubbles and Kitty being awol, oh and Sachin :(
(((Mogden and Sachin)))

Love to the both of you. I have always been of the opinion that giving them a release from suffering is the last good thing we can do for our beloved pets - even though it hurts us so much.

My thoughts are with you xx
Sorry, Mogden, it's a terrible thing to have to decide when the time's right.

Hope Bubbles and Kitty come home safe, too.
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