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Mr. Kippers waiting for Mr.QofG's to come home

Cats are so elegant, aren't they? :D



Charlie's 15 now. He's developed some kind of breathing issue, but he was at the vet on Monday for his 3 monthly and Ted said his lungs sounded just fine, his heartrate was perfect, and when we got his thyroid blood tests back they were spot on as well. He's eating fine, he's a good weight (5.2 kg :D), and seems perfectly happy in himself. Anyway, not much we can do other than sit and look a little concerned if he's having a noisy breathing episode. There's no point putting him through lots of tests while he's otherwise perfectly happy and seemingly healthy. After his series of vet visits last summer that resulted in his teeth coming out and a change in his thyroid meds, he's been utterly traumatised about the vet. Whereas he'd grumpily and silently tolerate it, now it's clearly very stressful, he growls, sometimes hisses, and gives them a lot of trouble when they try to take blood. I've got some Zylkene, but I don't think I gave it him for long enough before this past trip on Monday, or in high enough of a dose. Next time I'll give it him for 3 or 4 days before hand, and double it up the day before.

Anyway, dead graceful, Charlie ^
The household consensus is that Hilli is much better already - still eating and drinking like she expects Gideon to tax the stuff - with some slight weight gain and fur (despite a moult in progress) coming back into condition. Apparently, I'm still the slave from hell because of the tablets, this morning I needed the aid of a towel as I was running a bit late and not wanting to faff about - although the food reward / bribe was eaten quickly. And I got a headbutt and purr when checking the bowl (just in case she dropped the tablet ......... )

Sorry to hear about your furry friend.

As has been well documented here and there, Charlie was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a couple of years ago. There have been ups and downs, but generally as long as you can make sure they take their medication they do just fine. Charlie's a right fat fucker now, despite having been utterly skeletal twice along the way. Your vet may or may not try to convince you to put them on the thyroid food they do now. Don't do it! Hyperthyroid cats need a decent amount of protein to retain their lean muscle, and the thyroid food has your typical low amount. Plus you'd have to ensure they eat nothing else but that, ever. Seeing as though Hilli isn't quite the spring chicken anymore, you want to make sure she has the luxuries she deserves :)

And yes, twas me who recommended Arden Grange Liver Paste. It's a god send. It's difficult to get the cat version these days, but the dog version seems plentiful. They are the same thing (I emailed Arden Grange to ask), so no worries there. Apparently it's also fit for humans. I mean, I think it smells nice, but I now have insider knowledge that it doesn't taste as nice as it smells :hmm:

One of our bastard cats just brought this lovely duckling home :(
It's back with mum and dad now but keeping cats away from the duck pond is impossible :(

I turned-up in a town not far from you once to find that one particularly enthusiastic local cat had to be sent to the cattery for the duration when the ducklings were on the-go, such was his determination to hunt them to extinction! :(
And yes, twas me who recommended Arden Grange Liver Paste. It's a god send. It's difficult to get the cat version these days, but the dog version seems plentiful. They are the same thing (I emailed Arden Grange to ask), so no worries there. Apparently it's also fit for humans. I mean, I think it smells nice, but I now have insider knowledge that it doesn't taste as nice as it smells :hmm:

When I was about 7, I decided to see what Kit-e-Kat tasted like, so I ate a small spoonful.

It's not too bad. Like gritty sardines. Would go well on toast....:cool:

One of our bastard cats just brought this lovely duckling home :(
It's back with mum and dad now but keeping cats away from the duck pond is impossible :(

Blood helly; those rings. Beautiful! Can I have them?

Oh sorry; cat thread. Errm, Miaow?
Baby Mapped and baby cat are just too cute!

Bubbles is missing. I went away overnight - left them loads of food etc and was gone just over 24 hours but no sign of him since I got home. I'm really worried :(
Baby Mapped and baby cat are just too cute!

Bubbles is missing. I went away overnight - left them loads of food etc and was gone just over 24 hours but no sign of him since I got home. I'm really worried :(
Oh Trashy, poor you :(

One of the things that helped us, which I think the Cat's Protection League suggested, when Mr.K went missing, and this is how we found him, was to go out later at night, midnight-ish, and shout for them as then there is less noise so you can hear them and they can hear you better. Might be difficult with the foal unless he wants a midnight adventure.
Oh Trashy, poor you :(

One of the things that helped us, which I think the Cat's Protection League suggested, when Mr.K went missing, and this is how we found him, was to go out later at night, midnight-ish, and shout for him as then there is less noise you can hear them and they can hear you beetter. Might be difficult with the foal unless he wants a midnight adventure.
The foal isn't here! He's at cub camp. I went out earlier and shouted but nothing. Thanks for the tip. Will go out again later.
Good luck trashpony - you must be fraught with worry. Hopefully the little furry one has only gone on a big adventure and will return utterly confused as to what all the fuss is about.
Baby Mapped and baby cat are just too cute!

Bubbles is missing. I went away overnight - left them loads of food etc and was gone just over 24 hours but no sign of him since I got home. I'm really worried :(

I hope he's off having an adventure somewhere. Sending 'come home Bubbles' vibes your way
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