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Your daily cat and kitten news

Oh my god I'm so envious!! They're so cool. I'm nervous about encouraging them because of the cats. Are they pretty cat-proof? Both of mine are in full on kill mode at the moment :/
About the only thing that can unroll a hedgepig is an adult badger.
Cats might transport a few fleas [but those are species specific so shouldn't be a longterm problem].
Hogs have far more spikes so a cat should learn to stay clear ...
About the only thing that can unroll a hedgepig is an adult badger.
Cats might transport a few fleas [but those are species specific so shouldn't be a longterm problem].
Hogs have far more spikes so a cat should learn to stay clear ...
Friend who fosters underweight hedgehogs over winter told me that their fleas are specific to them and never spread to either her or her two cats. I was surprised (& relieved!)
Oh my god I'm so envious!! They're so cool. I'm nervous about encouraging them because of the cats. Are they pretty cat-proof? Both of mine are in full on kill mode at the moment :/

Pretty much cat-proof, yes. My old BD - a major hunter had a go at one once, which promptly balled-up and he learned the hard way what all those prickles can do. He never more than sniffed one again and they coexisted pretty well. :D

The first of the kittens to escape the big rubber bucket.
I think it's safe to say this one is socialised now.

This poor little mite got abducted by its mother and taken outside to be hidden in the hedge.
Fortunately I caught her trying to sneak another one past me.
After a nervous night worrying about rats and other predators I heard her meowing loudly in the undergrowth the next day and was able to call her out and grab her. She is now safely back with the litter in the cage and I've revoked her mother's open door privileges.
Got a call from the vet with Jakey's urinalysis results this morning!

Great news - no bacteria remain so he needs no further treatment for the UTI, it's completely gone :)
Protein levels in the urine down on last time which means his kidneys haven't declined any further during the illness or treatment. :) :)
We are to carry on with his daily Fortekor pill for his kidneys and the vet said quite sternly that he doesn't want to see us for the next 3 months until his next checkup is due, so that's Jakey told to stay well! :D

Such a relief :D
And just to confirm that he is still the same old Jakey, he just tried to turn around on my lap, tripped over his own feet, and abseiled down my legs gripping onto my tshirt with his front claws and a worried expression on his face, only to land on his back on the floor tangled up in his blankie - I had to rescue him from his own clumsiness and idiocy - some things never change :facepalm:
And just to confirm that he is still the same old Jakey, he just tried to turn around on my lap, tripped over his own feet, and abseiled down my legs gripping onto my tshirt with his front claws and a worried expression on his face, only to land on his back on the floor tangled up in his blankie - I had to rescue him from his own clumsiness and idiocy - some things never change :facepalm:
Really happy you've had a good outcome.
And just to confirm that he is still the same old Jakey, he just tried to turn around on my lap, tripped over his own feet, and abseiled down my legs gripping onto my tshirt with his front claws and a worried expression on his face, only to land on his back on the floor tangled up in his blankie - I had to rescue him from his own clumsiness and idiocy - some things never change :facepalm:

some cats didn't get the graceful / always land on their paws message...
Really happy you've had a good outcome.

Considering a couple of weeks ago I really thought on a few occasions he looked like he was going to die because he was that ill and that drugged up, it's really really good news - I knew he was feeling better but to know there's no bacteria lurking in his bladder waiting to make him ill again and require more treatment is such an incredible relief.

Now just to carry on and hope his kidneys keep on ticking along for the forseeable and that he doesn't do himself a mischief falling off anything... :D 🐱
Epona - yah !
very pleased for you & Jakey ...
that Jakey fell off your lap made me smile [Bella's done that a couple of times in the past couple of days, but it will be a red letter day when I finally get Beauty to have some lap time]
It was really noticeable when we had 3 cats and they were all young (less than a year between oldest and youngest) - they'd be dashing round chasing one another and Sonic would leap up to the top of the bookcase and charge along it and jump to the next bookcase about 1.5m away, closely followed by Radar - poor Jakey would try to follow them and go splat on the side of the first bookcase and slide down it with all his legs scrabbling like in a cartoon - bless his little heart.
It was really noticeable when we had 3 cats and they were all young (less than a year between oldest and youngest) - they'd be dashing round chasing one another and Sonic would leap up to the top of the bookcase and charge along it and jump to the next bookcase about 1.5m away, closely followed by Radar - poor Jakey would try to follow them and go splat on the side of the first bookcase and slide down it with all his legs scrabbling like in a cartoon - bless his little heart.
Thor was that cat. He was very... special.
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