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"Young professionals" to infest flats above Iceland

As a matter of interest which particular areas do you think it is acceptable for so called Yuppies to ' infest ' ? Why do some of you have this irrational hatred of a group of people who you can only identify with 20 year old label.
The vast majority of these people are just ordinary folk who scamble just about enough to pay the mortgage and have enough left over for a night out and a couple of pints at the weekend . I dont even know the development you are talking about but doubt there will be a Tarquin or Tamara anywhere near the place , more likely Mike`s and Julie`s just like the rest of us.
chegrimandi said:
its a heavily stylised rip off organic shop for right-on foolish twats with more money than they know what to do with.
Why don't they just find a Waitrose, good organic food at a reasonable price. I am hooked on the place.
hammerntongues said:
As a matter of interest which particular areas do you think it is acceptable for so called Yuppies to ' infest ' ? Why do some of you have this irrational hatred of a group of people who you can only identify with 20 year old label.
The vast majority of these people are just ordinary folk who scamble just about enough to pay the mortgage and have enough left over for a night out and a couple of pints at the weekend . I dont even know the development you are talking about but doubt there will be a Tarquin or Tamara anywhere near the place , more likely Mike`s and Julie`s just like the rest of us.
The poor darlings.

You're clearly lucky enough not to encounter the hordes of whinnying and yapping advertising sales executives -- on their way to becoming advertising sales managers and one day advertising sales directors -- who troop down to Living bar of a weekend. More to the point, you don't have to deal with these vacuous horrors in your daily life. They might well be called Mike -- are we allowed to say Mike? -- and Julie but they are still appalling, massively overpaid, dung brained, self serving yups of the first water and London is thoroughly infested with them.

And I don't fucking care if anyone has a problem with that.
I don't believe any 'yuppies' live in Brixton. I think their presence is the figment of some highly fertile prejudiced paranoid imaginations.
you may well be right but personally I just find it really difficult to hate people with such passion without knowing the least bit about them as individuals as compared to lumping them altogether in one putrid stinking collective.
IntoStella said:
And I don't fucking care if anyone has a problem with that.

I don't have a problem with you not fucking caring what anyone else thinks, I just think you have a few problems with reality and overexaggeration.

I've known a fair few Media Sales 'executives' over the years. It is a horrible vacuous field with more than its fair share of wankers, but the majority of the folks earn crappy money for turning up to soul destroying sales jobs, and whilst they are promised the earth in OTE earnings, little generally materialises. Career expectancy and longevity is low too - it's hardly as these people are naturally on the highway for directorships and huge salaries.

Can't we pick on people on much higher salaries, like Bankers, Lawyers and , erm, Plumbers...
IntoStella said:
and London is thoroughly infested with them.
So not being satisfied with being the self appointed "who's allowed to live in Brixton" tsar you want to extend your role to the whole of London.

I'd say there are a fair few "yuppies" about whose short sighted, biggotted, selfish and self centred attitude is dwarfed by your own.
Juice Terry said:
So not being satisfied with being the self appointed "who's allowed to live in Brixton" tsar you want to extend your role to the whole of London.

I'd say there are a fair few "yuppies" about whose short sighted, biggotted, selfish and self centred attitude is dwarfed by your own.

do you know, I've been trying to think of a response to that statement for about five minutes and you said it so much better than I ever could.


IntoStella said:
hordes of whinnying and yapping advertising sales executives [/i]
How do you know they have these jobs?
You're making massive assumptions here.
I know some ordinary people who go there and they wouldn't take too kindly to be described as ad executives. And who cares if they are anyway?
I can see what IS is saying, it's the attitide of some of them that gets peoples' backs up.....like the one who told Pig to "Shut up talking so loudly on your mobile phone." from a luxury flat overlooking Shoreditch police station. :confused: WTF? That police station has been there for over a hundred years, who in their right mind would buy a luxury flat right next door to it? They also get complaints about horses clip-clopping, sirens wailing and prisoners shouting. Er.......it's a police station! :confused:
Juice Terry said:
So not being satisfied with being the self appointed "who's allowed to live in Briston" tsar you want to extend your role to the whole of London.

I'd say there are a fair few "yuppies" about whose short sighted, biggotted, selfish and self centred attitude is dwarfed by your own.
Well that shows us exactly where you're coming from, you poor oppressed yup. Perhaps somebody should start a charity to pay for counselling for people like you to cope with the heartbreak of being roundly despised -- not in this increasingly torytastic environment perhaps but out there in the real world.
Squat The Lot

Well you lot seem to have really wound each other up
and i sincerly hope you all can kiss and make up afterwards :D

but the sollution to it as i see it is if they been empty for so long why not SQUAT THE LOT
and then invite the locals who couldnt ever afford to buy them to move in rent free
it would fuck up the property speculators somewhat :p
all u need it a crowbar and a few good locks
zcat said:
Well you lot seem to have really wound each other up
and i sincerly hope you all can kiss and make up afterwards :D

but the sollution to it as i see it is if they been empty for so long why not SQUAT THE LOT
and then invite the locals who couldnt ever afford to buy them to move in rent free
it would fuck up the property speculators somewhat :p
all u need it a crowbar and a few good locks

Somebody talking sense at last. :cool:
IntoStella said:
Can you not see the inherent contradiction there?
What I meant is that they earn considerably less than them. The point I was trying to make is that being an ad executive does not somehow make you have less of a right to visit or live in Brixton than anybody else.
Orang Utan said:
The point I was trying to make is that being an ad executive does not somehow make you have less of a right to visit or live in Brixton than anybody else.

or the amount you earn?

This whole thing isn't really helping, is it? I mean, is there really anyone here who thinks that whether "young professionals" are lovely or horrible is at all significant compared to the fact that new housing is being specifically targeted for that subsection of society, whilst other people are unable to afford it?
editor said:
Will you be leading the charge of squatters?

I'm trying my best to imagine a "charge of squatters" toward Iceland, and I'll I can visualise is hordes of people getting squashed by the godawful traffic in Brixton Rd.

I prefer to imagine "a stealthy infiltration by squatters" myself. It's a much more appropriate image. :)
Who would you rather live next door to, really? Pikeys who have piles of junk outside and kids wrecking your car or a quiet, hardworking Yuppie? I would prefer the Yuppies, any day!
Orang Utan said:
What I meant is that they earn considerably less than them. The point I was trying to make is that being an ad executive does not somehow make you have less of a right to visit or live in Brixton than anybody else.
They don't visit Brixton in any meaningful sense. They scuttle into Living bar as fast as their little legs will carry them -- always in groups -- and then they get a cab home so that they don't have to encounter any scary Brixton people. That hardly consitutes visiting Brixton.

If they move into the block above Iceland they will be literally next door to the tube station and so won't have to interact with Brixton at all. It will simply be a dormitory for them, conveniently placed for the west end.
That's what your assumption is. How do you know they won't use the market, shop at the local deli, etc etc etc. I'm thinking they are actually more likely to spend money than poorer people who live here.
Nobody *has* to interact with where they live at all. It's quite possible to live somewhere where your only connection with the community is that you walk through it to the train station, and maybe buy the odd paper. It's not a question of where you are or where you work, it's a question of how you live the rest of your life. And I don't see that "young professionals" have any more or less tendency to do that than anyone else - all the people around my age that I know who've been able to get together enough for property have chosen areas where they think they'll feel comfortable and be able to make a home.
IntoStella said:
They don't visit Brixton in any meaningful sense. They scuttle into Living bar as fast as their little legs will carry them -- always in groups -- and then they get a cab home so that they don't have to encounter any scary Brixton people. That hardly consitutes visiting Brixton.

If they move into the block above Iceland they will be literally next door to the tube station and so won't have to interact with Brixton at all. It will simply be a dormitory for them, conveniently placed for the west end.

what do you consider a "meaningful sense"?

how do you know all this info about them?

do you follow them around?
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