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Young professionals who move into Brixton and then complain about long established venues...

Personal preference but I can live with "wankers", but feeling threatened/intimidated is a different matter. As I say, the "wankers" have never threatened me. Sorry, just how it is.

Because that is your background?

You describe yourself on your profile as a "rugger bugger" from Kensington.
Not sure I'm blaming anything on street drinkers am I? Just saying I don't feel threatened by Cath Kidson-bedecked prosecco drinkers. I don't mind if people hold a different opinion.

You are.

This is your usual posting style. Make remarks. When people draw conclusions from them say that is not what you mean.

This thread :facepalm:
I've never been mugged locally but the last time i felt scared was walking home along coldharbour lane, two young men in suits and shiny shoes, pissed and whatever else who in their excess of high spirits thought what they were doing was fine. I think there might be an obvious difference of experience of what kind of aggression we get but am properly wary of the groups of young men who come to brixton for their wild nights out.
Having lived in Brixton for nearly 20 years I’ve rarely seen trouble from the Windrush Square drinkers outside their group. You occasionally see them getting a bit Agro with each other. Rubbish and public urination is a problem, but probably no more than any other group causes. Lambeth needs public toilets!
I can't really recall having problems beyond one bit of low level haggling from a 'street drinker', plenty of times from suited and booted young blokes out on the lash with their mates who think they're gods gift and its appropriate to pester/comment towards me and other women walking by.
Having lived in Brixton for nearly 20 years I’ve rarely seen trouble from the Windrush Square drinkers outside their group. You occasionally see them getting a bit Agro with each other. Rubbish and public urination is a problem, but probably no more than any other group causes. Lambeth needs public toilets!
It's a lot to do with how you handle the situation. Some street drinkers can be a bit troublesome but if you're polite and just go on your way there's rarely a problem.

On the other hand, the coked up party crew are far more insistent and from my fairly considerable experience of being around Brixton at night, far more inclined to act like twats or look for trouble.

I've never had a street drinker try and grab my hat or comment negatively on my appearance. That only comes from the laaads and city boys who take over Brixton every weekend.
Clue is in the name. Ignore

Im afraid Spams a constant on Brixton forum. This kind of right wing trolling wouldn't have been tolerated when I first joined Urban. Given the parlous state of Brixton forum Spam interventions are tolerated here. Spam doesn't try this on other sections of Urban.
Without suggesting anyone has claimed as much here, I hope we all agree that is both factually wrong and a bit absurd to try to pin blame on antisocial behaviour on the streets on any one social group.

There have always been instances of street pissing/ vomiting/ rowdiness in Brixton. There are more now than before, but that's simply because there are more punters descending into Brixton now than there used to be. And the increased weekend visitors certainly are from all walks of life. And they are all (including long term resident revellers of course) responsible for the increased levels of noise, litter and unpleasant bodily fluids deposited on Brixton's streets every weekend.
People of my acquaintance have been driven out of pubs and bars by the high prices and the fact a lot are not welcoming to those who fall outside the desired cool demographic so drinking in public space is their only option for a social drink.....unfortunately sniffy cunts find this intimidating and get the authorities involved but they wouldn't bat an eyelid at a throng of braying w*nkers with bottles of prosecco, and a Cath Kidston picnic set.

This has happened on Brixton Station road. I bumped into Small World Urbanism today. I had a chat about Beehive place. The chairs they made were removed by Council. Yet Craft bar have put there chairs end tables out. I'm still bring trying to find out if they have permission from Council for this.

Yet the Eritrean cafe underneath Brixton rec lost right to have tables and chairs in front of his cafe. The Council "community safety " officers said to me it was due to need to "design out crime". Which struck me as racial profiling. They reckoned his shop attracted Somalian drug dealers to hang around.

I did complain at the meeting. Looks like Lambeth will be re looking at this.

Brixton BID want more public seating on Brixton Station road. The Council are resisting this. They don't want people hanging around.

Lambeth "Community Safety" section is imo contributing to excluding the less well off/ ethnic minorities from central Brixton with there policy of designing out crime.

"Designing out crime" can sound neutral policy wise. It's not in practise.
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Tonight I learnt that some fucking shithead young professional couple who have moved into the new Lexadon flats on Coldharbour Lane have started repeatedly complaining to the council about the noise from the 414.

If you don't like the noise from a much-loved club that has been around from before when you were born, don't move into the fucking area, you self-entitled, selfish, arrogant pieces of shit.

Haha... I remember moving into Clifton Mansions in '85. Where the 414 is, and maybe was then, a faulty alarm rang, and continued to ring for days and nights on end. Finally, at about 4am one night, my flatmate and I decided to do something about it. Hoisting him on my shoulders, he took a hammer to thing which fell silent in a cloud of rust. The drug dealers applauded, and quiet descended over Coldharbour Lane.
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