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"Young professionals" to infest flats above Iceland

Orang Utan said:
You are making assumption about people from their backgrounds though
:rolleyes: I'm not fucking putting them in a cunting death camp, am I? :rolleyes:

Jesus, I never knew you were such a blockhead either.

How evil I am, making assumptions about rich, greedy conservatives. :rolleyes:
IntoStella said:
Oh come on rabbie. We have already been over this. What a totally out of order and Godwin's law busting comparison to make. Only a total moron would draw a comparison between rich tory cunts and asylum seekers or, indeed, the victims of the holocaust. You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. I didn't think you were that low. Clearly I massively overestimated you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What a fucking tosser. Yuppies=holocaust victims? You ARSEHOLE.

Once again, IS, you completely miss the point - my objection is to the dehumanising use of "infest" or "vermin" to refer to any group in a discourse charged with hatred.
IntoStella said:
How evil I am, making assumptions about rich, greedy conservatives. :rolleyes:

do you not see that that is exactly what you are doing? you have gone from somebody buying a one bedroom flat above a supermarket in brixton to them being "rich, greedy conservatives".
lang rabbie said:
Once again, IS, you completely miss the point - my objection is to the dehumanising use of "infest" or "vermin" to refer to any group in a discourse charged with hatred.
Don't try to wriggle out of it. You should apologise. What a DISGUSTING insinuation to make.
tommers said:
do you not see that that is exactly what you are doing? you have gone from somebody buying a one bedroom flat above a supermarket in brixton to them being "rich, greedy conservatives".
I don't know ANYBODY who could afford to buy one in their wildest dreams. You are so dishonest. You are trying to make out that the yuppie died out with red braces and huge mobile phones and you are lying. All over London 'luxury' apartments are going up that cost astronomical sums. And no one is building any significant amount of affordable or social housing. Why, because that is the market the fucking yuppies have created.
lang rabbie said:
Once again, IS, you completely miss the point - my objection is to the dehumanising use of "infest" or "vermin"
I didn't use the word vermin, you weasel worded, lying arsehole.
It's the word 'infesting' which made me lose my rag the other night, along with a couple of other things. It dehumanises the target and so degrades the argument - because you're tempted not to take the point seriously when it's pursued with such terrifying venom. You're distracted by the hate.
hendo said:
It's the word 'infesting' which made me lose my rag the other night, along with a couple of other things. It dehumanises the target and so degrades the argument - because you're tempted not to take the point seriously when it's pursued with such terrifying venom. You're distracted by the hate.
You poor flower! So oppressed by that one little word.

If you identify yourself as a yuppie than that is your personal choice. But don't draw comparisons between asylum seekers and holocaust victims on the one hand and the hugely privileged, choice-rich and socially irresponsible on the other. It's an absolutely disgusting thing to do.
IntoStella said:
I don't know ANYBODY who could afford to buy one in their wildest dreams. You are so dishonest. You are trying to make out that the yuppie died out with red braces and huge mobile phones and you are lying. All over London 'luxury' apartments are going up that cost astronomical sums. And no one is building any significant amount of affordable or social housing. Why, because that is the market the fucking yuppies have created.

well, I'm confused as to why you think I am dishonest. all I'm saying is that because somebody can buy a one bedroom flat in brixton that doesn't make them a "yuppie" (your term, not mine.) and I'm also saying that because somebody can afford to buy one of these flats that doesn't make them a "rich, greedy conservative." you don't even know how much they will cost.

for the record I can't afford to by a flat either but I don't resent people who can. I think it has more to do with the sharp fall in the amount of council housing over the past twenty years than with the people who buy a flat.

surely the idea that the amount somebody earns determines their worth as a human being went out with the ark?
IntoStella said:
I don't know ANYBODY who could afford to buy one in their wildest dreams. You are so dishonest. You are trying to make out that the yuppie died out with red braces and huge mobile phones and you are lying. All over London 'luxury' apartments are going up that cost astronomical sums. And no one is building any significant amount of affordable or social housing. Why, because that is the market the fucking yuppies have created.
It's not a market that yuppies have created. They obviously would like to spend as little as possible on a home. It's a market that property speculators have created, and that is economically tenable because of the ridiculous and growing rich-poor divide in this country and the lack of actual space to build houses.

It's less of a problem in the US, oddly enough, despite there being an even greater rich-poor divide, because there's a lot of space to build things. It's still a problem in the cities though.
IntoStella said:
You poor flower! So oppressed by that one little word.

I'm angry about people trying to meet their own housing needs from the market which, if they had their choice, wouldn't be as it is, being labelled here as insects.

I'm angry because ten or fifteen years ago, that was me thinking about buying a flat above an Iceland.

I wasn't an insect then, and I'm not one now.
IntoStella said:
I didn't use the word vermin, you weasel worded, lying arsehole.

Sorry to disillusion you, but I was actually directing my ire at OldSlapper for the first use of "infest" in this thread. My inclusion of "vermin" related to its appearance in previous now deleted threads on similar topics.
tommers said:
well, I'm confused as to why you think I am dishonest. all I'm saying is that because somebody can buy a one bedroom flat in brixton that doesn't make them a "yuppie" (your term, not mine.) and I'm also saying that because somebody can afford to buy one of these flats that doesn't make them a "rich, greedy conservative." you don't even know how much they will cost.

I could actually afford a one-bedroom flat in Brixton and I wouldn't class myself as a yuppie. I work in the charity sector and I don't think I'm greedy and I've never voted Tory. However, I couldn't do it as a single person.

The only reason that we didn't move to Brixton is because we wanted a house not a flat.
LD Rudeboy said:
I could actually afford a one-bedroom flat in Brixton and I wouldn't class myself as a yuppie. I work in the charity sector and I don't think I'm greedy and I've never voted Tory.

well, sorry mate but you're wrong. you have to vote tory at the next election. you have to talk with a ridiculous accent and you have to oppress the working class.

otherwise this thread has all been for nothing.

wait a minute....
tommers said:
well, sorry mate but you're wrong. you have to vote tory at the next election. you have to talk with a ridiculous accent and you have to oppress the working class.

Well, I already talk with a ridiculous accent so you'll have to make do with one out of three. :p
The threads been about two things; the shortage and cost of housing, and the thinly veiled hatred that Oldslapper has for anyone who tries to buy anywhere in Brixton.
tommers said:
well, I'm confused as to why you think I am dishonest. all I'm saying is that because somebody can buy a one bedroom flat in brixton that doesn't make them a "yuppie" (your term, not mine.)
How much do you think a flat in Brixton costs? Go back to the start of the thread, in fact go and look at some estate agent websites. We DO know what property prices are in Brixton and they are far, far, out of the reach of most people.
surely the idea that the amount somebody earns determines their worth as a human being went out with the ark?
How they get their money and what they do with it are certainly valid criteria for assessing their social responsibility. I never actually said these peple were subhuman or that their lives were worth less than anyone else's. Lang rabbie made that disgusting insinuation. I said I think they are socially irresponsible and greedy. And conservative. And I stand by that. I didn't say I wanted to put them in a gas chamber. I simply wish they wouldn't create a market that pushes all but the rich out, not because they have the basic human need for a roof over their head (which they could obtain almost anywhere) but simply because they want to live somehwere cool and trendy. Like Hoxton as was (now suffering the consequences), and Brixton.

Them wanting to live somewhere cool and trendy denies poor people a roof over their head. And it's wrong.
FridgeMagnet said:
It's not a market that yuppies have created. They obviously would like to spend as little as possible on a home. It's a market that property speculators have created, and that is economically tenable because of the ridiculous and growing rich-poor divide in this country.
Without the yups to sell to, the property speculators would not have created that market.
How is it greedy and irresponsible to want to own your own home? Is this a definition which extends to council tenants who decide to extend their right to buy? Since the RTB legislation is the big factor in the running down of local authority housing stock.
Its just from another world this thing about 'yups'. The people who can afford to buy are getting there by clubbing together, borrowing like there's no tomorrow, using money passed to them by their parents who have embarked on perilous equity release plans - this insanity is called the housing market, and the people buying at the moment are almost as much victims of it as the people stuck outside it.
hendo said:
How is it greedy and irresponsible to want to own your own home? Is this a definition which extends to council tenants who decide to extend their right to buy? Since the RTB legislation is the big factor in the running down of local authority housing stock.
It's greedy and irresponsible, IMHO, to knowingly push up property prices (by buying into 'luxury apartment developments') in poor areas simply because they are 'cool' and 'edgy'. Besides, the value for money argument doesn't wash. Property in Brixton is not good value for money at all. By buying into that trendiness premium, they make ever more remote the possibility for most people of ever buying a place or even of being able to continue to rent one. let's not forget that that is a significant consequence of property price rises. It's not just about home ownership.
hendo said:
Its just from another world this thing about 'yups'. The people who can afford to buy are getting there by clubbing together, borrowing like there's no tomorrow, using money passed to them by their parents who have embarked on perilous equity release plans - this insanity is called the housing market, and the people buying at the moment are almost as much victims of it as the people stuck outside it.
You know them personally? All of them?
IntoStella said:
I don't know ANYBODY who could afford to buy one in their wildest dreams.
You know at least one: LD Rudeboy.

If he decided to move to Brixton and buy one of these apartments, would he automatically metamorphose into a ghastly yuppie and start frequenting the Living bah?
FridgeMagnet said:
It's not a market that yuppies have created.



That enormous bulge of people in their 20s & 30s is the young professionals of which we speak.
hendo said:
Its just from another world this thing about 'yups'. The people who can afford to buy are getting there by clubbing together, borrowing like there's no tomorrow, using money passed to them by their parents who have embarked on perilous equity release plans - this insanity is called the housing market, and the people buying at the moment are almost as much victims of it as the people stuck outside it.
If they are struggling so hard, why buy a place in cool, vibey Brixton that represents rotten value for money, rather than something that is better value in a less trendy area?

You know perfectly well that this process goes on. Look at downtown Manhattan -- some of the most expensive real estate in the world. Why? because it became cool and trendy in the 60s/70s. Who can live there now but the astronomically rich?
IntoStella said:
You know them personally? All of them?

I was one, as I mentioned earlier. And I know quite a few would be first time buyers in London. And this is exactly the sort of thing they're having to do.

If you're implying that I'm generalising, well, that's you and me both.

If we're going to discuss housing seriously here we have to get away from saying that people 'infest' areas, and start looking at the pressures, the reasons for the pressures, and the extreme solutions that a lot of people are having to adopt to find somewhere to live.
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