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Wisconsin governor to end ALL collective bargaining rights for state workers.

Is this about free speech and the right to strike? If so, I think I've just shown that they still have the right to free speech even though they don't have the right to strike.

No you really haven't. Ignoring posts refuting your take on it isn't showing anything. See my post regarding "expressive conduct."
she's a mental racist. in good faith.

I suspect that Spring is representative of something that society is going to have to handle sooner than later. There's an entire class of poor whites that see themselves as disenfranchised and disrespected. They've watched the things they relied upon to make a living become less and less viable due to changes in the economy that usually favors the richest of rich. And instead of focusing on the real causes, will focus on a scapegoat instead (usually race).

Its much better in the long term to talk openly with them and figure out how they can make a living in the new economy than it is to shut them up and pretend it doesn't exist. Then maybe the focus can be shifted to the real causes of our economic problems such as inequitable income distribution and political corruption.
Oh, Spring. You're better than that, arn't you? :(

Sadly, no :(

We were told about a whole bunch of jobs offered by the government, but you have to be under the age of thirty (honest!!!!), I'm white (so no visible majority), and all the local jobs require complete bilingualism. I only have conversational french.

I would say that my sex could be to my advantage, but the field I'm studying requires some strenght (heavy lifting of grates, screens and the like), so being under 5 foot and 100 lb.....I don't think I would hire me.

There are plenty of jobs if I want to move to northern alberta or one of the territories - and that isn't happening.
No you really haven't. Ignoring posts refuting your take on it isn't showing anything. See my post regarding "expressive conduct."

Which post did I ignore and where is your post about "expressive conduct"?

And -> free speech and the right to vote are completely separate issues. I can badmouth my employer without the right on strike.
Which post did I ignore and where is your post about "expressive conduct"?

And -> free speech and the right to vote are completely separate issues. I can badmouth my employer without the right on strike.

Post 134. I didn't say anything about the right to vote at all. I'm not certain where you're getting that.
Sadly, no :(

We were told about a whole bunch of jobs offered by the government, but you have to be under the age of thirty (honest!!!!), I'm white (so no visible majority), and all the local jobs require complete bilingualism. I only have conversational french.

I would say that my sex could be to my advantage, but the field I'm studying requires some strenght (heavy lifting of grates, screens and the like), so being under 5 foot and 100 lb.....I don't think I would hire me.

There are plenty of jobs if I want to move to northern alberta or one of the territories - and that isn't happening.

We lived in Moosefactory when I was a wean - and thoroughly enjoyed it.
We lived in Moosefactory when I was a wean - and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The thing about choosing to live in an economic and cultural backwater is that there's several things you have to accept and lower wages is usually one of them. I've chosen to live in Nebraska, despite the fact that it ranks 48th in pay for the profession I'm in. I could double my pay by moving.
Sadly, no :(

We were told about a whole bunch of jobs offered by the government, but you have to be under the age of thirty (honest!!!!), I'm white (so no visible majority), and all the local jobs require complete bilingualism. I only have conversational french.

I would say that my sex could be to my advantage, but the field I'm studying requires some strenght (heavy lifting of grates, screens and the like), so being under 5 foot and 100 lb.....I don't think I would hire me.

There are plenty of jobs if I want to move to northern alberta or one of the territories - and that isn't happening.

What I'm hearing here has more to do with frustration with your economic situation and the economic system in general than I'm hearing outright racism.

However, you should be aware that people of other races don't have it any better than you do. Those programs you mention don't come close to making up for the levels of discrimination out there. Having white skin has an economic advantage all its own. If you look at the major pockets of poverty in North America, in almost every case, its a minority community. Its a waste of human capital to allow it to continue.

As far as creating programs for people under 30, that makes a lot of political and economic sense. You don't want pay to educate people who will be paying taxes for another 10-15 years, when you can invest that in people who will be paying them for 30-40 years. You may think it unfair, but its logical.
Some really interesting thoughts and commnets here:
Report from madison: why wisconsin? - makes the key point that

The political inhibitions of the average Wisconsinite, only two months ago seemingly internalized to the degree that politics had become a subculture rather than everyone’s business, have evaporated, steamed off by the extreme attacks of Scott Walker The political has returned to Wisconsin, to everyday life, to people’s expressions in both private and public spheres

That's exactly what we need to be working towards here - and that means no one isolating themsleves, it means people having a wider responsibility to others rather than just themselves and what they want to do.
We lived in Moosefactory when I was a wean - and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't like it. I probably would, I love living in the middle of nowhere.

It's just that my husband is about to retire, the kids will soon start producing babies, and I want to stay around here.
What I'm hearing here has more to do with frustration with your economic situation and the economic system in general than I'm hearing outright racism.

However, you should be aware that people of other races don't have it any better than you do. Those programs you mention don't come close to making up for the levels of discrimination out there. Having white skin has an economic advantage all its own. If you look at the major pockets of poverty in North America, in almost every case, its a minority community. Its a waste of human capital to allow it to continue.

As far as creating programs for people under 30, that makes a lot of political and economic sense. You don't want pay to educate people who will be paying taxes for another 10-15 years, when you can invest that in people who will be paying them for 30-40 years. You may think it unfair, but its logical.

There are no concerns about racism, agism or any other ism. It's the way it is - and I accept it. The question was why don't apply for a government job, and I answered it.

Please don't lecture me on how it is, okay?
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.

The politics of envy :(
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.

That about sums it up for me!!!
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.

Mug. How many sacrifices do you reckon the people who actually cause financial crises make?
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.

If union workers have got it so cushy then join/organise a union, you utter muppet.
Gov union workers are the privileged few & then play the victim if they're asked to make any sacrifice at all in a time of economic disaster. Don't know much about Wisconsin but in my state of Oregon, state union workers contribute nothing to their cushy pension plans & nothing to their health ins plans & most get automatic pay raises no matter how bad the financial condition of the state. They can't be fired no matter how bad a job they do. They don't give a damn about private sector workers who get fired by the millions. In fact they launch attacks on priv sector workers by using union funds to promote constantly higher taxes to pay for benefits that only they get. They even push for non-union state workers to be laid off. For the 95% of workers who live in the real world, it does get pretty irritating.

Oh, and you massive ignoramus, being a union activist massively increases your chances of getting fired, be it in the public sector or private sector. Being a union militant, more so.
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