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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
I feel as though catching covid is now inevitable at some point this summer unless I just stay at home all the time.

It does really depend on your workplace and where you go. I work with the Covid Testing and Vaccine projects at the moment so have been in contact with a lot of positive people and a lot more negative people.

So far (sounds cheesy but) the hands, space and face thing has kept it away. I test about 10-12 times a week and am firm with people getting too close or not wearing a mask.

Sounds like I am simplifying this. It is not the case at all. Have a number of staff to care for and the public are Pricks :D it is not nice wearing a sweaty mask for 7-14 hours a day but better than getting Covid-19 ffs
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Thanks, useful to this. It's a pity, as you say, that the 18-64 category isn't broken down into smaller groups though. I imagine the UK must have a fair number of unvaccinated 18-20 year olds still.
Would be interesting to see how many double-vaccinated persons have been admitted to hospital in the last few weeks compared to non-vaccinated or single-jab people.

Large numbers of unvaccinated or single-dose vaccinated people across a wider range of age groups than that. See for example the tables and charts on pages 78-80 of https://assets.publishing.service.g...005056/Weekly_Flu_and_COVID-19_report_w29.pdf

We get some vague info on vaccinated vs unvaccinated hospitalisations, but not shown over time via graphs much. And Vallance got his figures the wrong way round when he mentioned this stuff in the press conference on Monday. His correction could have been worded better too.

Sorry for the off topic stuff on this thread, I go where the conversation goes.
Got my FFP2 in time to go work tonight in a small hardly ventilated venue with bands, LFT have been ordered and should be with me so I can test before going to work at the mental hospital next Wednesday
I confess it's making me wonder how I will respond if my sister invites me over for a meal any time soon where there would be 3 generations in the house and they keep posting photos of my niece's boy with his great-grandmother - and if not covid, he had a horrible vomiting stomach bug that kept him off school.

A couple of months ago I was fairly happy to meet at their house where most of us were vaccinated and my BIL does regular LFTs - though we were mostly outside.
I now have a different perspective on the meaning of being double-vaccinated ... especially as time moves on past my last dose ...
norovirus on the rise
The amount of in person, indoor activity I had to do this past fortnight I think the chances I could have been exposed to covid is pretty high.

I’d hope having had 2 vaccines if I did encounter it I won’t have symptoms.

I understand that if I had it and was asymptomatic I could still pass it on. I’m still wearing masks and doing all my socialising outdoors.
Observations of my first trip into town today since all the restrictions lifted. Mask wearing was generally still pretty high, hard to put a percentage on it and these things are very time of day dependent I think, but noticed that more people seemed to be wearing them outside than before.

Also got 2 trains, hour each way. First one was pretty quiet and mask wearing was about 50/50, but coming back it was much busier and mask wearing was very much the minority.

It's hard not to be pissed off at people and a bit despondent that loads of people can't even do the most basic measures to slow the spread and look after other people tbh. (Yeah, mixed and confused government messages etc etc I know, but still ffs.) I am really glad I've had both vaccines and am not in any high risk groups, it must feel very stressful if you are trying to negotiate all this as someone like that, I'd probably just avoid things for a while.

Also, fuck the government for them not keeping masks compulsory on public transport and in shops for another month or so the cunts.
At my work mask wearing has dropped to about 2% (both in the factory and office).

Most shops i have been in this week customers and staff are mostly wearing masks.

Had a haircut earlier and almost everyone in the barbers was not wearing a mask although the barber that cut my hair did put a mask on when he saw i was wearing one.
I spent three hours today on a train sitting next to a bunch of maskless builders who were talking loudly and getting drunk all the way. Today’s train experience is the worst I’ve had since this all began.

I sent the Conservative party a shitty tweet but that only marginally improved my mood. Going to work has now become dangerous.
spent three hours today on a train sitting next to a bunch of maskless builders who were talking loudly and getting drunk all the way. Today’s train experience is the worst I’ve had since this all began.

I sent the Conservative party a shitty tweet but that only marginally improved my mood. Going to work has now become dangerous.

TBF you can't wear a mask and be drinking. Put it on between cans lads please. :D


I did not wear a mask in the pub tonight, upon entry or between table and bog. I did when going into the corner shop earlier.
My anecdata of the week. I'm in Wales, where mask wearing is still mandatory, got train into England on Thursday, in that direction was at almost 100% compliance, coming back we were in the minority.

Went out last night, all measures in place still, in one bar a group of lads got kicked out as one of them kept refusing to comply. As an English person living in Wales I'm ashamed to say he was saying that he didn't have to because he was English but his mates were telling him to stop being such a dick so it kind of evened out.
I think the fact you need to point it out sort of confirms the overall trend though

Im still wearing a mask when inside with others, but Im beginning to see shops large and small with staff no longer wearing them which I believe is actually breaking the law here in Wales but most people round my area seem to think we are on the final stretch to ending this, thick as shit they are
Actually got told to take my mask off on a train yesterday evening.

Funny thing about it tho, he couldn’t make eye contact whilst saying it. He’d just had a civil exchange with me because we’d both briefly leapt off the train because the automated announcement of the calling points was out of sync with where it was going, then got back on when a human corrected it to say it was calling at all the listed stations. He was making full eye contact and friendly demeanour throughout throughout that bit. I was more concerned about being taken miles past my destination or possibly having to wait ages for the next train, to be bothered making anything of his bare face.

I’d started a reply of “you don’t get to tell me what I wear” but he didn’t hear it - partly because he was still looking at the floor, partly because a gaggle of other anti mask twunts arrived halfway thru my sentence, making a lot of noise.
I moved to a different seat, because 4 maskless blokes bellowing was more of a problem than one maskless bloke silently engrossed in his headphones and screen. Overheard the bellowing blokes regaling one another with their fun times in Trafalgar Square. Wondered what he’d do when we both got off, he’d said he was going to the same station as me. Maybe he decided to carry on to Cambridge or wherever with his new friends.

Edited to add there were about 6 more people in the carriage who did have masks on & being the evening people were a bit more chatty than usual. I wasn’t sure if the group mentality would make the fella feel like having more of a go at me. I wasn’t too worried as I figured the other ppl would probably say something.
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I wore a mask a LOT at the festival I was volunteering at. All the time when I was on the gate, as dealing with so many people, some of whom got right in my face, didn't feel especially safe (even though it was outside and attendees needed to show either a negative test or proof of being double vaccinated to get in). I also wore it when walking through really busy parts. Nobody reacted or cared.

I haven't been putting it on to go to the loo in pubs though. Went for a carvery today and the rule was you had to have it on while at the carvery.
I haven't been putting it on to go to the loo in pubs though.
Neither have I; I don't think that's meaningful given that I walk a few seconds to get to the loo past not many people at all. I can see the point as a general rule about going inside buildings but when that's gone I don't see the reason to keep following it in that instance.
Neither have I; I don't think that's meaningful given that I walk a few seconds to get to the loo past not many people at all. I can see the point as a general rule about going inside buildings but when that's gone I don't see the reason to keep following it in that instance.
fastest infection with Delta so far 14 seconds in a bathroom...
Went into town yesterday - maybe 10% of people masked ouside.

Barbers - 100% masked, socially distanced seating, name and phone number taken.
Waterstones - 100% masked (both branches)
WH Smiths - 100% masked
HMV - 100% masked
Poundland - one shopper unmasked.

In the pub, walked in with my mask on and bought a beer at the bar. None of the staff had a mask on. Went back for my second pint, forgot to put my mask back on, and I'm afraid it felt quite good.

Sainsburys today - maybe only 80% - unmasked staff and shoppers.

It's a pretty mixed bag down here. I'm going to my first indoor gig since March 2019 on Wednesday. Might be best to take a mask, but I doubt many will be wearing one.
The majority of people in local Tesco are masked - 65-70% I'd say. Went to a few furniture and other miscellanous shops in some out-of-town sheds and most people masked in those as well.
Sainburys Local just now. Not v busy. Reckon I was the only person wearing a mask. Including staff. Don’t know what their policy is
One benefit of being immobile is not having to go out much.

Here at Waterloo station concourse the unmasked are approx 50%

Seems higher on the trains as people are applying their mask as they go through the barriers
My local Sainsbury’s today which is a student hub, I’d say 80% masked, which pleases me :)

It seems to vary a lot from place to place. I went to our big Sainsburys in Wolverhampton on Saturday and was quite shocked to see probably 95% of people masked. All staff apart from one with an exemption lanyard.
I went to a big Tesco store a few miles away in Willenhall on Sunday and I'd say there were less than 20% masked, including about half the staff
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