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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

She's an evil bitch isn't she? I mean, don't feel the need to condemn the torture that has been exposed. No! Just condemn the people who exposed it.

It's fucking disgusting if you ask me. :mad:

It is disgusting, yes. I'm sure every attempt will be made to demonise the leakers even further.
So i'm looking at the site, trying to help answer their question "Is this document interesting, Should we investigate further?" But there's no guidance, no hints or tips. Does anyone have suggests for 'interesting' criteria?
For most people this evidence will just be another "Iraq war was bad" story but its real impact may be in giving victims or victims families a legal route to some small kind of justice. Knowing that the documentary evidence that someone was handed over to torture squads by US authorities and knowing which document it was could be a huge help to victims families. I think that that is where the power of this release really lies.
This has gone far enough, now. What the buggery do Britain and America have secret services for, if not for dealing with people like Assange? It's time to have the Wikileaks servers melted down and the founder renditioned somewhere quite extraordinary indeed. And yes, something of the same nature might well spring up, but it woud take time to build the same reach and reputation. Also, the disappearance of Assange might give others pause.

You're kidding right?
Iraqis torturing iraqis welcome to the middle east:( considering there was a full on sectarian civil war and what the insurgents were capable of. Oh sorry the iraq police were insurgents:facepalm:. Any iraqi who was capable of running anything would have been part of saddams machine and torture was just how you worked.
They probably would'nt torture anyone in front of uk/us trainers.
Trying to surrender to a helicopter gunship hows that suppoused to work then?
This has gone far enough, now. What the buggery do Britain and America have secret services for, if not for dealing with people like Assange? It's time to have the Wikileaks servers melted down and the founder renditioned somewhere quite extraordinary indeed. And yes, something of the same nature might well spring up, but it woud take time to build the same reach and reputation. Also, the disappearance of Assange might give others pause.

Wow. Your utopia is a scary place.
This has gone far enough, now. What the buggery do Britain and America have secret services for, if not for dealing with people like Assange? It's time to have the Wikileaks servers melted down and the founder renditioned somewhere quite extraordinary indeed. And yes, something of the same nature might well spring up, but it woud take time to build the same reach and reputation. Also, the disappearance of Assange might give others pause.

I assumed this was sarcasm, I'm extremely disturbed to find its not.

Dont let the truth get in the way of a good story eh?
There's been a particularly aggravating episode of the Moral Maze on the subject just now, which managed to make Michael Portillo seem like a sensible, liberal, defender of justice and human rights.
The fox line as linked to in golden's post #42...is nuts..but then, it's about time I started considering why I'm surprised by this.
When I first heard about this Wikileaks story, I remember thinking that John Negroponte had just been appointed US ambassador to Iraq. Negroponte, as many will recall, was behind the so-called Salvador Option
The ministry of the interior in Baghdad, which is run by the CIA, directs the principal death squads. Their members are not exclusively Shia, as the myth goes. The most brutal are the Sunni-led Special Police Commandos, headed by former senior officers in Saddam's Ba'ath Party. This unit was formed and trained by CIA "counter-insurgency" experts, including veterans of the CIA's terror operations in central America in the 1980s, notably El Salvador.
I doubt the even the CIA could teach former ba'ath party members anything new about being brutal thugs:(
abu grade was there orginal hangout (
It isn't about whether the CIA could teach anyone anything; this is about the sanctioning of death squads by the US authorities; a practice that has long been favoured by the US as a solution to troublesome insurgencies.
This one could be real fascinating because it sounds like diplomatic papers.

The US state department has warned Congress it expects a damaging release of sensitive diplomatic documents by the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website.

The department said the release may create tensions with other governments.

Congressional committees were notified of the likelihood of a damaging release of diplomatic cables in coming days, a spokesman said.

The Pentagon has also told the US Senate and House armed services committees that the New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel "are each currently working with WikiLeaks to co-ordinate the release of the documents".

This release could be so immense, like a thousand Christmases rolled into one for people who like to look at declassified documents of this sort of stuff many decades after the event. To get all this stuff not that long after it happens is a rare gift and invaluable for helping to confirm how the world works.

The military war leaks were really valuable for adding detail and confirming suspicions about stuff, but the details they revealved werent very surprising. Considering the nature of 'diplomatic games' and the differences between private relations between nations and the image that is upheld in public, there could be multiple 'shocking' revelations to come from this latest leak, much more serious in certain ways.

There is more likely to be stuff in these leaks that conspiracy theorists can seize on too. I hope this wont distract from the various complex and astounding things that may emerge in the detail.
According to the wikileaks twitter very recently:

NYT briefed the Whitehouse on Monday over Embassy Files: Now we see every tinpot dictator in the world briefed prior to release.

To which some people are responding 'well release the stuff quickly then'. Im sure it doesnt work like that, they will ty to stick to their original schedule, which I hope is for sometime on Friday but have no way to be sure.
That Assange must have a deathwish. Now everyone will see the US State Department for the duplicitous wankers everyone knows they are. This is huge, far more damaging than the Irag/Ghan logs.

No amount of PR bullshit will remedy this.

The US is fucked, diplomatically.
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