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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Anyway, here's what he said on UFOs, doesn't look like he has anything too incriminating.
Mr Assange,
have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Julian Assange:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.

So it looks like it'll just be someone saying something about them, probably out of context and certainly not worth fapping over.
And Federal empoyees have been "warned" not to accsess any of the leaked material.

Ha, that's funny.

It's like the US government has had a terrible time what with it's own employees knowing how much they suck, and how embarrassing the knowledge that as an entity they are universally reviled.

They put the idiots in charge, and this is yet more proof.

And the farce is that there are people in the world who think this inept bunch of fuckwits are actually promoting democratic values.
And the National congress library that has the largest collection of historical documents... plus a number of public libraries are also banning access...
Jesus fucking Christ, this is outragous. What the fuck is going on??

standard proceedure, been like it for a long time. What i;m waiting for, is for "them" to annouce that anyone, anywhere, who has looked at the files, taken part in discussions related to the files, or even had a dream that they were someone looking at the files.....is now a terrorist, and they can round us all up. It really wouldn't supprise me if it happens.
Linked to it on my fb :)

Christmas...what's it about? A shit load of money, primarily. One of the other things it was about was the state trying to force control of the people and the people using free speech to point out the lies and hypocrisy of the state and our leaders. Assange isn't jebus but WikiLeaks needs to be protected.
They (wl) are playing it well so far IMO.
Latest leaks are details of key US strategic positions in the world.
US retort: you are playing into hands of terrorists, they will attack these positions
WL hasnt actually given exact location details!

Well played. They are pretending to be what they think the US govt should be sharing with their population and the world which is putting no lives or legitimate assets at risk (so far).
sorry the latest leak is just fucking stupid hows it in the public intrest to release a list of vital targets?
que cretins trying to do damage to them.
terrorists could probbly work it out no need to give them a helping hand
hmmm, bit of an odd one. i'm in favour of wikileaks and what they do, but what was the purpose of leaking a list of prioritised potential terrorist targets? i'm sure any terrorist with half a brain could work most of them out anyway, but it seems like bad PR for wikileaks with not a lot to be gained. am i missing something obvious?
Missing something obvious? I dunno, I've not even really seen the latest release, but I could guess that the "something obvious" would be the over inflated "terrorist" threat, which the media use to crimilise these releases.
don't see how the last release was in the publics interest really. silly move.

Still i guess it keeps thier name in the news for a few more days.

Might be just a play to create controversy and more publicity? Assange as much as said they host the site in country's likely to ban or take them off line to highlight the practice so...
Missing something obvious? I dunno, I've not even really seen the latest release, but I could guess that the "something obvious" would be the over inflated "terrorist" threat, which the media use to crimilise these releases.


Of course terrorists could nip down to Cornwall and cut the telegraph wires that leave there and spread all over the world and much grief would be caused.

The fact is there are not that many evil doers around and those that are seem content in blowing themselves and a few unlucky souls to kingdom come.

This list just shows that ludicrous hype around terror for the load of guff that it is.
Just a thought. If the U.K. Government don't like the leaks how come they haven't slapped a 'D' notice on the media? They've done it before.
How irresponsible can you get???!!!? :eek:

Well check this out:

Desford Way, just off the A30 between Bedfont and Ashford has the oil pipe that feeds the oil depot for the whole of Heathrow. Imagine if someone were to have a little dig at the end of the road and then set fire to that.

Fuck wikileaks, amateurs in the 'help-an-Al Qaeda' game they are.
hmmm, bit of an odd one. i'm in favour of wikileaks and what they do, but what was the purpose of leaking a list of prioritised potential terrorist targets? i'm sure any terrorist with half a brain could work most of them out anyway, but it seems like bad PR for wikileaks with not a lot to be gained. am i missing something obvious?


The government and the people who own the usual news sources have only themselves to blame. Journalism and Government have gotten so cosy that they'd never do anything to damage each other's interests.

What they've overlooked is that people will find a way to get information out. The only question is, will it go via investigative reporters and a responsible news outlet, or will it go out without any editing via someone like Wikileaks.

I suppose its possible that its a warning. That they have much more damaging stuff waiting to be released if they arrest Assange. So far, it's been pretty mundane reading. Who knows what else they've got?
Well check this out:

Desford Way, just off the A30 between Bedfont and Ashford has the oil pipe that feeds the oil depot for the whole of Heathrow. Imagine if someone were to have a little dig at the end of the road and then set fire to that.

Fuck wikileaks, amateurs in the 'help-an-Al Qaeda' game they are.

You're one of the muslins ain't ya!
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