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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Are you suggesting he should be personally responsible for verifying every leak on his site?

Most of the leaks seem good, that's fine for me, I have critical faculties.
naah, you've got to trawl through it yoursel (or let the nutters do it for you :D )

I havent gone looking for the nutters opinion on any of the files yet, has there ben much?

Its not entirely clear to me whether wikileaks are releasing all of the stuff either. I havent read every single cable released so far, but have read quite a lot of them, and there do not seem to be very many obvious things in the full cables that the media are not touching on. People probably would get a slightly different feeling from reading the raw cables as opposed to only reading stories about them, due to the usual way that journalism shapes and guides things along fairly narrow pathways, but Im not sensing much covering up really.

I was probably expecting a bit more discussion about many of the issues raised in the cables than has actually happened so far, not entirely sure why that is. Certainly didnt expect all of my friends on facebook to be all-consumed by these releases, but thought there may be more talk on this forum for example.

So far I still dont think there is anything much in the cables released so far that would surprise anybody who has looked at such sources historically to form a view of how the world works. A variety of cables have given some more depth to specific areas of my understanding, and it extremely useful to get confirmation of our suspicions, but there is nothing that utterly contradicts established wisdom. Which is actually saying something positive about the state of the media etc in the world today - for all the secrets that are normally kept, for all the spin, propaganda, iffy political positions, competition and tension between nations, we have actually been able to get a reasonably true sense of the world from mainstream unclassified sources over the years. I suppose that if I had gone into this with a slightly more simplistic and naive worldview, or knew little about the relationships between different countries in the middle east, I might be a bit shocked by the stances of certain regimes, of the scale of the gameplaying and the various accusations of deep corruption from some quarters.

In terms of the info about domestic UK matters, again much of it is what we should have expected. Hagues 'we are children of Thatcher' is utterly unsurprising, as is their Atlanticist stance, their views on wars past, present & future, and pretty much all of the pre-election analysis about the parties positions, prospects & strategies. So the occasional funny line in that lot but not that much worthy of being persued further. The stuff about the Bank of England heads view is a bit more newsworthy and could have implications, and the price Andrew stuff does cast a tad more light on the murky world of international corruption & business, but not much of real substance to get teeth into.
Are you suggesting he should be personally responsible for verifying every leak on his site?

Most of the leaks seem good, that's fine for me, I have critical faculties.

The reason that Wikileaks exists in the first place is because of huge changes in the way news is delivered and the demise of the investigative journalism that a previous generation took for granted.

We have a show called 60 Minutes that used to be a great example of investigative journalism. It's gotten so dumbed down and cowardly in recent years that I almost never watch it. The most controversial thing you'll find now is an interview with Tiger Woods.
The reason that Wikileaks exists in the first place is because of huge changes in the way news is delivered and the demise of the investigative journalism that a previous generation took for granted.
Oh yes...the media's a different, corporate animal now.
suspect the bloke's got a massive ego also

And he must have an impressively large cock too, if he somehow raped two Swedish hookers at the same time or whatever the US "intelligence" services told them to say after they were paid to ensnare him in a honey trap...
I havent gone looking for the nutters opinion on any of the files yet, has there ben much?

Naah, not really. Like everyone else has said, there's nothing really ground breaking in them. They're still badgering over wether or not Assange is Mossad, or CIA (they forget it's the same institution ;) )
Have you seen this man?


Sarah Palin (et al) wants to know !! :)
Are you suggesting he should be personally responsible for verifying every leak on his site?

Most of the leaks seem good, that's fine for me, I have critical faculties.
Ok, fair enough, I guess I'm just naturally cautious, and intrigued by his motivation
I found todays Italy Russia stuff to be quite interesting, at least when reading the full cables there were plenty of details of stuff I knew little about, and some interesting use of language by the Americans. Likewise the story about the UK complaining to USA over sensitive uses of UK military bases was pretty good for revealing little details about the nature of our relationship. The stuff about the new UN Chief and his support for the US was, if not surprising, then at least interestingly worded.
The US cluster bombs being kept here was unsurprising but still damning.

Fuck our "special relationship", those things are still killing Vietnamese children to this day.
I found todays Italy Russia stuff to be quite interesting, at least when reading the full cables there were plenty of details of stuff I knew little about, and some interesting use of language by the Americans.

Don Berlusconi and Don Putin have lots in common.
Get this.

Anger among America's allies when they discovered that the US military was charging a 15% handling fee on hundreds of millions of dollars being raised internationally to build up the Afghan army.

The cunts are charging countries for contributing to the oh-so-important Afghan army. A 15% handling charge.
Wiki Taken Down.

Read the article. Amazon's comments are interesting in so far as they have just lost a good customer. Maybe a Facebook boycott would help.

Wiki Taken Down - Guardian

I've already told my children not to buy me the Kindle they were going to get me for Xmas, and also that the music/books on my wishlist must be bought from other co's.
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