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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Well no, it's not proof of any conspiracy, but it's enough for a raised eyebrow or 2. Personally, I think the fact he was accused in the first place is just a big smear. What's the best way to discredit someone when you can't attack the material he's presenting? You attack him, make him look like some kind of monster and then maybe people will stop watching wikileaks. It's not like it's out of the question for our criminal liars we have as goverments to be telling porkies about someone, is it? Lie to further their own agenda? A politician? NEVER! :D
If I remember, his primary purpose for staying in Sweden was the protection it gives to journos. It's more likely driven by a desire to get him into a country where they can arrest him on charges related to disclosure.
What's the best way to discredit someone when you can't attack the material he's presenting? You attack him, make him look like some kind of monster and then maybe people will stop watching wikileaks.

WikiLeaks is a lot bigger than just one man, although Assange doesn't do much to dispel the perception that it's a one-man show - I suspect that his ego has got more to do with his legal troubles in Sweden than any attempt to discredit him. The US government is already trying to portray the guy as some kind of quasi-terrorist who's doing his best to get American soldiers killed, I reckon that's the real smear campaign.
A quick hunt around the internetweb does show that Mr Assange has a remarkable Jazz-like tendency to...shall we say inflate things into things they might not be, and he seems to be pissing a lot of wikileaks colleagues off with it.
The "Enron-esque" Bank stuff is probably well known within the industry...but that's kinda the point, they want to show the general public how fucked up it is. Computer World wrote a story last year of how a senior ex Bank of America employee gave them a 5MB drive with a lot of 'interesting' email exchange and documents. I'm guessing it's going to be something similar around the BoA - Merill merger and general money wasting
WikiLeaks is a lot bigger than just one man, although Assange doesn't do much to dispel the perception that it's a one-man show - I suspect that his ego has got more to do with his legal troubles in Sweden than any attempt to discredit him. The US government is already trying to portray the guy as some kind of quasi-terrorist who's doing his best to get American soldiers killed, I reckon that's the real smear campaign.

Of course wilileaks is bigger than Julian alone. B ut I still think this is a blatent set up.

I'm not the only one.
Impossible. Any records for that will have been tightly controlled at the time and destroyed, most likely in the WTC7 (the reason it was blown up). They would never have been connected up to the internet or the rest of the military computers.

Oh do fuck off, paranoid fool, try using logic instead of your burning need to make it appear as though hundreds of people helped co-ordinate a plane hijack on their own soil. It didn't happen the way your deluded anti-semite mates wish it did.
No holograms. No "squibs". Get a new hobby.

As some people on this thread have questioned Julian Assange's reluctance to reveal his current whereabouts then this may help as an explanation why:

The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed.

Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination at the last election but is one of the favourites for 2012, joined a growing number of people demanding the severest punishment possible for those behind the leak, which has prompted a global diplomatic crisis.

His fellow potential Republican nominee Sarah Palin had already called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be "hunted down", and an adviser to the Canadian prime minister has echoed her comments.


It is not just the Americans who are demanding blood. Tom Flanagan, a senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, issued what has been described as a fatwa against Assange, on the Canadian TV station CBC.

"I think Assange should be assassinated, actually," he said. "I think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something." Flanagan chuckled as he made the comment but did not retract it when questioned, adding: "I wouldn't feel unhappy if Assange does disappear."
could you lay off the personal attacks please pk, they're part of the reason that last thread was closed.
could you lay off the personal attacks please pk, they're part of the reason that last thread was closed.

That thread was bollocks from the off, if you're going to allow anti-semitic loons to post here then expect them to be told.
I was watching the news about WikiLeaks on CNN the other day and at the end of every item about WikiLeaks the news reader made a comment to the effect:
CNN were offered to share in this information by WikiLeaks but they declined because of the confidentiality agreement WikiLeaks insisted they sign.

I find it slightly ironic that WikiLeaks the bastion of free speech and freedom of information would ask news organizations to sign such an agreement. It is the first I heard of such an agreement, anyone else hear about this.

I love to see this agreement, do you think WikiLeaks would post it?
I'm pretty sure they're doing the confidentiality thing to go as far as possible so any media orgs they're working with don't print names against the more sensitive stuff. But you're right about the transparency thing re: the NDAs
The timing of the news that there is such an agreement seems strange as well, hasn't this stuff been coming out for months and months already, its surprising the news about this agreement hasn't come up before

Can't find anything on Google before the 28th Nov 2010 when CNN started making the comment after each item, so maybe CNN have an agenda
Used to be that news orgs would never reveal their sources, no longer the case.

Ironic how the US is screaming foul, yet it wasn't long ago that the same people were happy to leak the ID of Valerie Plame Wilson - a serving CIA officer, so leaks are OK when it serves their cause.

Rove and Libby leaked dox to the press, resulting in Plame's safety being compromised, so any complaining from them now falls on deaf ears.
Used to be that news orgs would never reveal their sources, no longer the case.

Ironic how the US is screaming foul, yet it wasn't long ago that the same people were happy to leak the ID of Valerie Plame Wilson - a serving CIA officer, so leaks are OK when it serves their cause.

Rove and Libby leaked dox to the press, resulting in Plame's safety being compromised, so any complaining from them now falls on deaf ears.
That's the very point Daniel Ellsberg made on CNN

For information: Daniel Ellsberg (born April 7, 1931) is a former United States military analyst who, while employed by the RAND Corporation, precipitated a national political controversy in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Pentagon study of US government decision-making about the Vietnam War, to The New York Times and other newspapers.
Don't know why CNN are taking such a weird stance

At a wild guess, their lawyer said "Oh fuck, the legal martyrdom fund is cleaned out. I wouldn't touch this with yours. You can say... ummm... say... something..."
I'm pretty sure they're doing the confidentiality thing to go as far as possible so any media orgs they're working with don't print names against the more sensitive stuff. But you're right about the transparency thing re: the NDAs
Isn't the point of the confidentiality thing so they can block out certain names, places etc so as to defend themselves against the charge of putting US personnel and sources at risk?
Isn't the point of the confidentiality thing so they can block out certain names, places etc so as to defend themselves against the charge of putting US personnel and sources at risk?

Without seeing it, yeah, but perhaps there were some other clauses CNN didn't want to sign? Who knows. Not us, because Wikileaks aren't telling anyone.

Anyway, irony aside, there seems to be an awful lot of net chatter making the argument that this was a deliberate leak by the USG to make their position re: Iran look a lot better (insofar as just about everyone in the region has said 'We You should do something about Iran', and the Arabs look even more swivel eyed than the Israelis on the subject), and that it's some kind of elaborate double bluff to make the USG look less mental over issues like DPRK, Iran getting the bomb etc as a pretext for invading DPRK/Iran/stealing Pakistan's nukes
The Serious Organised Crime Squad in the UK is now looking for him. To be fair it doesn't say actively. Not quite sure why they are charged with the duty though.

However, it is highly unusual for a red notice warrant to be issued in relation to the allegations reported as having been made, since Swedish law does not require custodial orders in relation to the allegation – indeed to our knowledge this is a unique action by the Swedish prosecuting authorities in applying for a red notice on the basis of these allegations.
Assange's laywer.
Dunno if this has been posted yet - Interpol Red Notice for Assange for "sex crimes" ... presumed innocent but wanted by Interpol, believed to be in the UK.


The plot thickens. Not that the arrest of Assange will change a thing, he's a decoy now if anything... nothing can stop the leaks!

For sure it's been a very clever strategy to have only him in the spotlight, means the work can continue.
I haven't read every page of the thread.

I am pretty sure you have covered Sarah Palin...

You have haven't you :)
WikiLeaks website pulled by Amazon after US homeland security pressure

The United States struck its first blow against WikiLeaks today after Amazon.com pulled the plug on hosting the whistleblowing website in an apparent reaction to heavy political pressure.

The main website and a sub-site devoted to the diplomatic documents were unavailable from the US and Europe on Wednesday, as Amazon servers refused to acknowledge requests for data.

The plug was pulled as the influential senator and chairman of the homeland security committee Joe Lieberman called for a boycott of the site by US companies.

"(Amazon's) decision to cut off WikiLeaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies WikiLeaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material," he said in a statement. "I call on any other company or organization that is hosting WikiLeaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them."

WikiLeaks tweeted in response: "WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free--fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe."

Can't see that this will stop anything...but if the US wants to end up looking like China with regards to the net then it'll just backfire on them...
think the russians want to offer him a cup of tea so he's fucked:(
huckalbee is slightly more serious the raving lord sutch but only just.

what sort of military lets a private have access to this sort of stuff in the first place:facepalm:
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