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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Here's is their latest dump. The CIA files.


wikileaks said:
This CIA "Red Cell" report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; 'Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin. This dynamic belies the American belief that our free, open and integrated multicultural society lessens the allure of radicalism and terrorism for US citizens.' The report looks at a number cases of US exported terrorism, including attacks by US based or financed Jewish, Muslim and Irish-nationalism terrorists. It concludes that foreign perceptions of the US as an "Exporter of Terrorism" together with US double standards in international law, may lead to noncooperation in renditions (including the arrest of CIA officers) and the decision to not share terrorism related intelligence with the United States.
What twitter message are you referring to exactly xes, I dont see anything about opening the archives, have I got the wrong end of the stick, have you, or have they deleted a tweet?

The CIA Red Cell report cant really be described as an archive and I think its far to small to have anything to do with the encrypted file thats out there.
Sorry, the CIA bit and the "archives" bit are seperate. I didn't want to start a new thread for the leak, thought I could just use one thread for all future leaks. (might ask a mod to change the title) As for the tweet, it's about a week old. You'd have to go back to the 19th to see what they said. :)
frankly, after learning how they destabilised socialist movements in post war europe and run heroin nothing suprises me about the CIA. Theres tons of other shit as well that is already known- MK ULTRA comes to mind. There was a supposed cleaning of house in the 80's- oversight comitees set up etc. As. Fucking. If.
The Afghanistan war logs were just the beginning. Coming as early as next week, WikiLeaks plans to disclose a new trove of military documents, this time covering some of the toughest years of the Iraq war. Up to 400,000 reports from 2004 to 2009 could be revealed this time — five times the size of the Afghan document dump.
wired. October 15, 2010
The twitter feed also suggests that stories about a giant Iraq leak release this week are untrue, and not to trust wired.
The twitter feed also suggests that stories about a giant Iraq leak release this week are untrue, and not to trust wired.

Searching for accountability.
As Wikileaks prepares to release more documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, will greater accountability follow?
aljazeera.net 10 Oct 2010
Indeed, not only are additional documents related to Afghanistan due to be released by Wikileaks, but another leak on Iraq is currently being redacted in London and scheduled to be publicly revealed on October 18.
Yeah. It was called 'The Cold War'.
please do enlighten us all how destabilising democratic socialist movements in Western Europe can possibly - ever - be justified as a Cold War necessity. I'd call iot 'arrogant imperialistic meddling in other sovereign nations' affairs' myself.
please do enlighten us all how destabilising democratic socialist movements in Western Europe can possibly - ever - be justified as a Cold War necessity. I'd call iot 'arrogant imperialistic meddling in other sovereign nations' affairs' myself.

While the US was doing this meddling: do you think the Soviet Union might have been doing some things of its own?
While the US was doing this meddling: do you think the Soviet Union might have been doing some things of its own?
and both were equally wrong. I thought you guys claimed some sort of moral high ground? some sort of belief in liberty, democracy, ethics, respecting the rights of other 'free' nations', no? or was that just cynical, hypocritical bullshit?
While the US was doing this meddling: do you think the Soviet Union might have been doing some things of its own?

Yes, it was ordering the CPs in Western Europe not to take independent revolutionary action, not to rock the boat, and not to try to grab power by fair means or foul. (Really)
Yes, it was ordering the CPs in Western Europe not to take independent revolutionary action, not to rock the boat, and not to try to grab power by fair means or foul. (Really)


Recent scholarship
based on Soviet archives demonstrates Stalin’s fears about internal dissent, his poor management style, and his own paranoia about the West and its intentions. Stalin had some reason to be concerned, as he was very sensitive to the allies’ debate during the war on just how to contend with or influence Moscow. From late 1945 on, the events of the failed foreign ministers conferences, political takeovers in central Europe, the Berlin blockade, and the Greek civil war made it clear to the West that any hope for reasoning with Moscow was largely an illusion. A more focused, forthright, and proactive set of policy responses was required. In short, the US had to develop a strategy for the conduct of what had come to be known as the “Cold War.” This difficult task was a novel undertaking for the US, whose newfound global leadership role remained controversial.

Arguably, after more overt manipulation by the Soviet Union ended in failure in Greece and the blockade of Berlin, the Soviets looked elsewhere to press their influence, outside of Western Europe.
Iraq war logs: secret files show how US ignored torture

The new logs detail how:

• US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers whose conduct appears to be systematic and normally unpunished.

• A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.

• More than 15,000 civilians died in previously unknown incidents. US and UK officials have insisted that no official record of civilian casualties exists but the logs record 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities.
hmmm site down at the mo????

We are sorry,

WikiLeaks is currently underoing scheduled maintenance. We will be back online as soon as possible.
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Dispatches are running a programme about this on Monday. And worth a listen is this morning's Today 07:30 - 08:00 and 08:30. The interview with the man from the Bureau Of Investigative Journalists was quite chilling.

Hilary Clinton has already condemned the leaks. I imagine the usual suspects will fall in line and churn out the propaganda.

She's an evil bitch isn't she? I mean, don't feel the need to condemn the torture that has been exposed. No! Just condemn the people who exposed it.

It's fucking disgusting if you ask me. :mad:
This has gone far enough, now. What the buggery do Britain and America have secret services for, if not for dealing with people like Assange? It's time to have the Wikileaks servers melted down and the founder renditioned somewhere quite extraordinary indeed. And yes, something of the same nature might well spring up, but it woud take time to build the same reach and reputation. Also, the disappearance of Assange might give others pause.
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