Weak indeed. But I don't think there are many political parties out there looking at this as an opportunity to kill a political opponent, but rather as part of the stage-setting for the referendum. And the Greens are likely to be a bland force in that debate. They are about as exciting as the EuroNews channel in terms of message delivery style, even at times where policy documents contain radical ideas, so I'm not anticipating the Greens energising many beyond their base to vote yes to the EU. Perhaps I'll be wrong on that, but another possibility is media ridicule if its too obvious that the green stance is 'stay in the EU but have it magically reform itself in an incredible and unlikely manner'. If that happens like it did when some journalists actually read some of the green manifesto and started calling them out of radical detail, we are in for another spectacle of radical ideas being watered down to politically non-toxic levels before our very eyes.