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Why Labour are Scum

Just in at the Labour shop


Good rant by Liza Mckenzie here:
“There are professional project bidders who know how to bid for money. They get the money and they don’t implement anything sustainable or long-lasting to create change. They put on a flower-arranging course, make sure everyone says nice things about them and then move on to the next estate.

“These so-called social enterprises are being run along capitalist lines and they are an absolute waste of time.

“This is what new Labour did,” she continues, “and it was absolutely Disney. They had all that money and they wasted it.

“Labour is Prozac for working-class people. People on council estates are already taking Prozac, and then the Labour Party is Prozac for politics. I don’t want my people taking Prozac in any form any more.”
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the more I read from her the more I like:

“I’m sure Polly Toynbee is a lovely person, but it’s time for Toynbee and co to move over,” she fires back. “I and other working-class people can do what they do, but with an authentic voice. I have no apologies about this, and if they don’t move over we’ll take it anyway. As a class, we need to say: ‘Stop writing about us, stop writing at us.

Put down the sharp elbows because we have got our own people.
Having been a permanent rebel during the New Labour years, McDonnell says that "the climate has changed dramatically within the party and within the PLP". "It’s so much more open and democratic, and, to be honest, friendlier, it’s just friendlier ... It’s a lot more comradely than anything I’ve experienced all through my time in parliament". The 63-year-old, who was elected as the MP for Hayes and Harlington in 1997, remarks with satisfaction that the left has "moved the party on to our agenda". "If you think, seven or eight years ago I was getting up in parliament moving alternative budgets to Gordon Brown and Tony Blair’s administration and I was moving things, for example, like building council houses again, investing in manufacturing, looking at the fair distribution of wealth, including taxation issues ... They’re now addressing that whole agenda."

John McDonnell on Labour and the future, he seems a lot happier with Ed and Co.

he must have missed Rachel Reeves latest comments

I point out, and she agrees, that working-class people are largely absent from activism on environmental damage — and that is striking, because climate change threatens people of all stripes. How does she explain it?

“It’s because they’re actively excluded from it, and here’s an example. Everywhere in Nottingham, residents got three bins, two of which are for recycling — apart from those living on St Ann’s estate, who have just one black bin for waste.

“They’ve got no recycling facilities because it’s believed they wouldn’t bother to do it anyway. Yet at school they teach climate change to the estate’s children through the idea of saving the penguin — saving (the film character) Happy Feet.

A woman there told me her child came home absolutely in tears because he didn’t have a green bin and therefore couldn’t save Happy Feet.

“Half of this book was written in the new Labour years,” she explains, “when the community centre at St Ann’s was buzzing all the time with various courses and classes. People said the money was working and I was always shouted down on this issue.

“Then 2010 came, the money disappeared, and nothing happened. No-one could use any of the skills they learnt or get a job.

She seems pretty sharp indeed, and humane..
Or kitchens

Sign of the times that the Leader of a Party claiming to representing ordinary working people lives in a £2 million house, has never had a job outside politics and is too embarrassed to be pictured in his kitchen just in case people work out he's actually rich and privileged.
Sign of the times that the Leader of a Party claiming to representing ordinary working people lives in a £2 million house, has never had a job outside politics and is too embarrassed to be pictured in his kitchen just in case people work out he's actually rich and privileged.

It's also a sign of the times that the nature of different party leaders' kitchens is thought worthy of discussion, a sign that there is very little in the way of significant difference when it comes to policies etc.

It's true that Miliband is rich and privileged, but it's always been the case that leaders of the Labour Party have been more rich and privileged than most of those whose votes they've tried to attract.
you don't have to live on an estate out of a terraced house etc to claim represent the interests of the working classes. You have to actually do so. Tony Benn wasn't short of a few bob, and yet he was still well regarded on the left for walking the walk. The main thrust against Milliband seems to be 'he's a jew geek with a big house'. Like andysays says (double says ftw) its telling, you can't attack a man on policies when they are just 'me too' to your own.
you don't have to live on an estate out of a terraced house etc to claim represent the interests of the working classes. You have to actually do so. Tony Benn wasn't short of a few bob, and yet he was still well regarded on the left for walking the walk. The main thrust against Milliband seems to be 'he's a jew geek with a big house'. Like andysays says (double says ftw) its telling, you can't attack a man on policies when they are just 'me too' to your own.

There's a danger in criticising Miliband for his house/kitchen/lifestyle that it focusses on the simple fact of it, rather than the exclusivity of it. After the revolution we will all live in nice houses and have kitchens like Miliband.
It's also a sign of the times that the nature of different party leaders' kitchens is thought worthy of discussion, a sign that there is very little in the way of significant difference when it comes to policies etc.

I don't really care what his kitchen looks like, just that he didn't think the electorate is smart enough to understand if you live in a £2 million house it's going a pretty nice gaffe. I agree with you that the only reason they think it's important is because the differences between the actual polices is so minor as to be meaningless.
you don't have to live on an estate out of a terraced house etc to claim represent the interests of the working classes. You have to actually do so. Tony Benn wasn't short of a few bob, and yet he was still well regarded on the left for walking the walk. The main thrust against Milliband seems to be 'he's a jew geek with a big house'. Like andysays says (double says ftw) its telling, you can't attack a man on policies when they are just 'me too' to your own.
The left ain't the class though.
After the revolution we will all live in nice houses and have kitchens like Miliband.
What about the Rolls Royce? Surely we'll all have our own Rolls, a private helicopter, a horse or two in the paddock and holidays in the Caribbean two or three times a year. And genuine Burberry, no fakes! You set your sights too low comrade.
As much as I giggle at the LibDems I'm not sure what is bad about making it more difficult for police to use DNA, harder to monitor citizens and ending prison sentences for drug possession?
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