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Why Labour are Scum

Labour council in Lewisham still pushing ahead with compulsory purchase of Millwall's ground and flogging it to their mates.
Millwall Football Club have admitted for the first time that they may be forced to leave their south London home and relocate to Kent should the seizure of their land go ahead. Lewisham council’s plan to compulsorily purchase areas around the Den and sell them on to a mysterious offshore developer with connections to the current Labour administration has already drawn both disbelief and mass protest.
that cunt was on the campaign trail with Philip Hollobone and that wellingborough cunt for the GrassRoots go! leave campaign. The second teir one where all the complete swivels were relegated to lest they taint the classy main leave campaign
Barney Rooney keeping a close eye on the shitty goings on of Lewisham.
The second of these is the most obviously confusing. The main questions here have always seemed to be essentially political. Is it right for Lewisham’s cabinet to award half a million pounds of public money to a charity of which its mayor is a director, and which exists as an arm of a private development?

Is it right for a local authority to enter into an agreement over the sale of public land with an opaque offshore developer?
The inquiry feels like a way of calling a ceasefire in a process that had become deeply troubling for Lewisham council

These are not issues of criminality or corruption. They are more a matter of what the public can expect rather than demand from its elected officials. Is it right that the last Labour mayor of Lewisham, a founding director of the developer Renewal, has already had the opportunity to make a profit out of this scheme by selling his own shares in Renewal once the New Bermondsey scheme had been given time to brew? Does this behaviour raise concerns among Labour voters and local people? Does it give the impression of public officials being seen to be held to the very highest standards?
This is Wrexham's Labour MP bleating that his principled hard remain stance might unfairly cost him his seat

BBC News - Opposing Brexit could cost me my seat - Labour MP Ian Lucas
Opposing Brexit could cost me my seat - Labour MP

And these are his results in every election since 2001 when he was parachuted in to a working class industrial seat that has been labour since 1935 (liberal before that, never tory).

Note that in 2001 he had a majority of 9,193, and that this majority has decreased in every election with the notable exception of the one post-referendum election in 2017 when for first time in 25 years both the numbers voting for labour increased and the majority increased (majority by one vote to be precise).

Imagine being that much of a blinkered prick you think the decline of labour tribalism in working class areas was solely down to a three year old referendum. In summary, absolutely fuck off. I'd sincerely hope this cunt lost his seat if it wasn't for the fact that it would leave wrexham with a fucking tory. In wrexham. Unheard of. Cunt.
There's no reason why he can't hold that seat if he gets behind the manifesto at the next election. A Brexit Party candidate spoiling should help him across the line.
He's got a poison combination of a) dreadful harman type politics b) a complete lack of any charisma and c) not being liked by locals though
He's got a poison combination of a) dreadful harman type politics b) a complete lack of any charisma and c) not being liked by locals though

Plus theres the effect of what Wrexham Council have been up to the past thirty-odd years - taking what was the nicest High Street going, with three flourishing, well-attended and beautiful markets and destroying almost all of it (to varying degrees) at a cost of several hundred million pounds. They've wrecked that town, and I really do not blame anyone who would vote against them as a result of it.
Plus theres the effect of what Wrexham Council have been up to the past thirty-odd years - taking what was the nicest High Street going, with three flourishing, well-attended and beautiful markets and destroying almost all of it (to varying degrees) at a cost of several hundred million pounds. They've wrecked that town, and I really do not blame anyone who would vote against them as a result of it.
God I've got all this to look forward to then when I move across the border :D:facepalm:
Plus theres the effect of what Wrexham Council have been up to the past thirty-odd years - taking what was the nicest High Street going, with three flourishing, well-attended and beautiful markets and destroying almost all of it (to varying degrees) at a cost of several hundred million pounds. They've wrecked that town, and I really do not blame anyone who would vote against them as a result of it.
Aye, well labour being unable to take control of council for years now in a town that historically has been as solidly labour as they come tells it's own story on that front. Most w/c orientated councillors in wrexham these days are plaid (harper, jones) or independent (bithell - johnstown) Absolute shower.

In light of the recent revelations from the report on antisemitism with in the Labour party, it has become evident that the rot is not confined to that but goes a great deal further, racism more general in nature has been uncovered and right of the party have been seen to actively sabotage any chance of winning the 2017 election. It may well be long past time for a credible alternative on the left to Labour particularly in light of the recent leadership elections and the following appointments. We have Starmer saying 'ministers to face tough questions but now is not the time'. If not now, when? Colour me underwhelmed, and then there's this:


The world has turned upside-down.
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