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Why Labour are Scum

Ive no idea what her motivation is here. Her comments without context in that article show no nuance or greater motivation. Shes an MP in Leeds so should be very aware of the Polish man attacked by a gang of 20 recently - no doubt not an isolated incident. But maybe thats not her concern here. Is she trying to defuse xenophobic tension? Maybe she's just trying to win BNP votes. I see BNP came third and scored 18.5% in her seat. Leeds West (UK Parliament constituency) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who knows. What do you think is her motivation?

My motivation might be different to hers, but I think shes right. If the government/EU deal is one which maintains free movement i expect plenty more violence/deaths as the We Voted Leave and so now We'll Make You Leave brigade takes matters into their own hands in the face of a no change in EU movement of peoples deal. No reason why there couldn't be a repeat of the race riots of 1958. All the elements are there. Dont you think?
Ive no idea what her motivation is here. Her comments without context in that article show no nuance or greater motivation. Shes an MP in Leeds so should be very aware of the Polish man attacked by a gang of 20 recently - no doubt not an isolated incident. But maybe thats not her concern here. Is she trying to defuse xenophobic tension? Maybe she's just trying to win BNP votes. I see BNP came third and scored 18.5% in her seat. Leeds West (UK Parliament constituency) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who knows. What do you think is her motivation?

My motivation might be different to hers, but I think shes right. If the government/EU deal is one which maintains free movement i expect plenty more violence/deaths as the We Voted Leave and so now We'll Make You Leave brigade takes matters into their own hands in the face of a no change in EU movement of peoples deal. No reason why there couldn't be a repeat of the race riots of 1958. All the elements are there. Dont you think?
I don't think it's anything to do with the BNP. Her seat is one of the safest in the country...or was. Not sure what effect the boundary changes will have on the vote. Leeds West has been carved up in the proposals. Maybe with the deselection looming she's got that in her mind, I guess.

She's also extremely anti-Corbyn and he's come out today saying no limits to immigration from the EU so there might be a little in that. Not much, though, I reckon.

Who knows?

I don't think we're anywhere close to race riots, personally, despite the rise in racist attacks. I think they'll remain isolated and condemned by most people.
I don't think we're anywhere close to race riots, personally, despite the rise in racist attacks. I think they'll remain isolated and condemned by most people.
We're not there today, but in a year or twos time if the deal maintains Free Movement then i fear the worst. Shame as Id like to keep the EU free movement arrangement. I dont think we'll ever find out as it looks very unlikely to happen, based on the scattered comments coming out of the Tory cabinet. If i were betting on it id say almost certainly there will be new border control. Though even a fudged, 'soft brexit' version of it could be enough to get a reaction.
We're not there today, but in a year or twos time if the deal maintains Free Movement then i fear the worst. Shame as Id like to keep the EU free movement arrangement. I dont think we'll ever find out as it looks very unlikely to happen, based on the scattered comments coming out of the Tory cabinet. If i were betting on it id say almost certainly there will be new border control. Though even a fudged, 'soft brexit' version of it could be enough to get a reaction.
I don't believe Brexit will actually happen. No one in the Tories know what to do about it so they're just kicking it into the long grass. Labour have apparently just voted for a 2nd refendum at the conference and you've got Sarkozy now offering a new treaty if he wins in France.
“I would tell the British, you’ve gone out, but we have a new treaty on the table so you have an opportunity to vote again,” Mr Sarkozy said. “But this time not on the old Europe, on the new Europe. Do you want to stay? If yes, so much the better. Because I can’t accept to lose Europe’s second-largest economy while we are negotiating with Turkey over its EU membership. And if it’s no, then it’s a real no. You’re in or you’re out.”
You can't leave the EU. They won't let you.

In some senses she's 'right', but only in the same way Powell was 'right'. But as non-EU immigration figures demonstrate, free movement isn't something that's in the gift of politicians. Officially sanctioned or illicit, movement will happen, and politicians promising to do something about it by enforcing stricter borders are doomed to failure, and doomed to being blamed by a further enraged population.

If immigration is to be brought down, the only way to do it is to do something about the global conditions that make moving half way round the world to live somewhere that it rains all the time and everyone hates you the best option for a happy life - gross inequality, famine, war, climate change, etc etc. And as those are all long-term things that will take decades of international co-operation to sort out (so most likely never), in the mean time if they want to avoid race riots and further gains to the far right, some sort of domestic policy that manages the effects of the inevitable ongoing immigration we do have would be their only hope. I don't see anyone other than Corbyn making the case for that though, and he's doing it quite poorly.
I don't believe Brexit will actually happen. No one in the Tories know what to do about it so they're just kicking it into the long grass. Labour have apparently just voted for a 2nd refendum at the conference and you've got Sarkozy now offering a new treaty if he wins in France.

You can't leave the EU. They won't let you.


They weren't about leaving the EU tho. The idea that 'they' wont let us is nothing more than conspiralunacy. And neither Denmark nor Sweden use the Euro
Ive no idea what her motivation is here. Her comments without context in that article show no nuance or greater motivation. Shes an MP in Leeds so should be very aware of the Polish man attacked by a gang of 20 recently - no doubt not an isolated incident. But maybe thats not her concern here. Is she trying to defuse xenophobic tension? Maybe she's just trying to win BNP votes. I see BNP came third and scored 18.5% in her seat. Leeds West (UK Parliament constituency) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who knows. What do you think is her motivation?

My motivation might be different to hers, but I think shes right. If the government/EU deal is one which maintains free movement i expect plenty more violence/deaths as the We Voted Leave and so now We'll Make You Leave brigade takes matters into their own hands in the face of a no change in EU movement of peoples deal. No reason why there couldn't be a repeat of the race riots of 1958. All the elements are there. Dont you think?
Where did you get that bnp stuff from? They didn't stand last time, and have never got 18% there, even at the height of their popularity.
Ive no idea what her motivation is here. Her comments without context in that article show no nuance or greater motivation. Shes an MP in Leeds so should be very aware of the Polish man attacked by a gang of 20 recently - no doubt not an isolated incident. But maybe thats not her concern here. Is she trying to defuse xenophobic tension? Maybe she's just trying to win BNP votes. I see BNP came third and scored 18.5% in her seat. Leeds West (UK Parliament constituency) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who knows. What do you think is her motivation?

My motivation might be different to hers, but I think shes right. If the government/EU deal is one which maintains free movement i expect plenty more violence/deaths as the We Voted Leave and so now We'll Make You Leave brigade takes matters into their own hands in the face of a no change in EU movement of peoples deal. No reason why there couldn't be a repeat of the race riots of 1958. All the elements are there. Dont you think?

Frankly, I think that you're chatting shit with regard to a re-run of '58, which was frankly a handful of localised disturbances talked up by the media of the day, and by a few surplus cunts politicians, plus Mosley and his drones. It went nowhere.
The threat now is entirely different. What now constitutes "foreign"? A name, an accent, A mode of dress, or hue of skin colour? There are so many targets for bigots and xenophobes to focus on that any xenophobic and/or racist violence has the potential for doing so much more damage than was done in '58, and over a much longer term, because any neoliberally-inclined government will do little to suppress such sentiment until it suits them to - cowed people are more economically-manipulable.
Shadow cabinet seem split on the issue, Angela Rayner and some others, the shadow Environment secretary, Barry Gardiner, talking about some form of controls, selection.
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Appalling. It's shocking that any of the MP's can support a country in Saudi Arabia and its government who indiscriminately bomb and kill innocent civillians. Yes, the atrocities being committed by the Russians are also dreadful in Syria, but the western world seems to turn an almost total blind eye when it comes to its own allies Saudi Arabia. The hypocrisy shown is beyond belief.
Appalling. It's shocking that any of the MP's can support a country in Saudi Arabia and its government who indiscriminately bomb and kill innocent civillians. Yes, the atrocities being committed by the Russians are also dreadful in Syria, but the western world seems to turn an almost total blind eye when it comes to its own allies Saudi Arabia. The hypocrisy shown is beyond belief.

Is this the first time that you've encountered the British Labour Party? Prepare to be perpetually disappointed.
Is this the first time that you've encountered the British Labour Party? Prepare to be perpetually disappointed.
The source of that disappointment:-
  1. Adrian Bailey
  2. Andy Burnham
  3. Angela Eagle
  4. Angela Smith
  5. Ann Clwyd
  6. Ann Coffey
  7. Anna Turley
  8. Barry Sheerman
  9. Ben Bradshaw
  10. Bridgit Phillipson
  11. Caroline Flint
  12. Catherine McKinnell
  13. Chris Bryant
  14. Chris Elmore (Teller)
  15. Chris Evans
  16. Chris Leslie
  17. Clive Lewis (ill)
  18. Connor McGinn
  19. Dan Jarvis
  20. David Crausby
  21. David Lammy
  22. Diana Johnson
  23. Fiona MacTaggart
  24. Frank Field
  25. Gareth Thomas
  26. Gavin Shuker
  27. Geoffrey Robinson
  28. George Howarth
  29. Gerald Kaufman
  30. Gill Furniss
  31. Gisela Stuart
  32. Gloria De Piero
  33. Graeme Jones
  34. Graham Allen
  35. Graham Stringer
  36. Heidi Alexander
  37. Helen Jones
  38. Ian Austin
  39. Ian Murray
  40. Ivan Lewis
  41. Jamie Reed
  42. Jim Fitzpatrick
  43. Joan Ryan
  44. John Mann
  45. John Spellar
  46. John Woodcock
  47. Judith Cummins (Teller)
  48. Julie Elliott
  49. Kate Hoey
  50. Keith Vaz
  51. Kevan Jones
  52. Kevin Barron
  53. Liz Kendall
  54. Luciana Berger
  55. Lucy Powell
  56. Madeleine Moon
  57. Margaret Beckett
  58. Margaret Hodge
  59. Maria Eagle
  60. Mark Hendrick
  61. Mary Creagh
  62. Meg Hillier
  63. Melanie Onn
  64. Michael Dugher
  65. Mike Gapes
  66. Natascha Engel
  67. Neil Coyle
  68. Nia Griffith
  69. Pat McFadden
  70. Paul Flynn
  71. Peter Kyle
  72. Phil Wilson
  73. Rachel Reeves
  74. Rob Flello
  75. Rob Marris
  76. Roberta Blackman-Woods
  77. Rosena Allin-Khan
  78. Rosie Cooper
  79. Rushanara Ali
  80. Ruth Smeeth
  81. Shabana Mahmood
  82. Siobhain McDonagh
  83. Stephen Kinnock
  84. Susan Jones
  85. Toby Perkins
  86. Tom Blenkinsopp
  87. Tom Watson
  88. Tracy Brabin
  89. Tristram Hunt
  90. Vernon Coaker
  91. Wayne David
  92. Wes Streeting
  93. Yasmin Qureshi
  94. Yvonne Fovargue
The usual perps. Why are they in the fucking Labour Party? Come to think of it why is anyone a member of the fucking Labour Party?
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