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Why Labour are Scum

The broad reality remains:

There is no threat of surcharge and no threat of imprisonment Labour councillors have only themselves and their own party to blame for enacting cuts.

Every year that goes by every year the scale of reversal becomes harder for a supposed 2020 government, every year the weak are consistently put to the wall and Labour councillors and leadership are congratulated for "anti-austerity".
The broad reality remains:

There is no threat of surcharge and no threat of imprisonment Labour councillors have only themselves and their own party to blame for enacting cuts.

Every year that goes by every year the scale of reversal becomes harder for a supposed 2020 government, every year the weak are consistently put to the wall and Labour councillors and leadership are congratulated for "anti-austerity".
No labour group martyr either.
On a vaguely related note one of my local councillors seems to be making waves in Labour left circles for his innovative local finance policies. As far as I can tell they add up to 'encourage local businesses to buy locally', and I've not seen how it's had an effect beyond the rhetoric, but you might find his ideas interesting two sheds.

Great title to this article too. Renewal | Matthew Brown, Martin O’Neill | The Road to Socialism is the A59: The Preston Model

Great article, thanks, good luck to them :).

And there must be more councils can do - turn over scrap land to car parking to get an income so the private companies don't funnel it all off. That can't have to wait until after an election.

Sorry about the curtish reply to you earlier, most of that was in response to Butchers' sarcastic posts.

"Everyone was terrified of Doug. I've seen grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Doug. Even Dinsdale was frightened of Doug.
Interviewer What did he do?
Vercotti He used sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and satire
Not sure if this should be filed under 'why Labour are scum' or 'how exactly some of their supporters are scum'..

A senior guy at my work's a big Fabian/liberal Labour type. The kind that wringes his hands about the plight of the poor while sending his kids to a public school. I've never really come across this type before, if I had heard they existed.

His big thing is bemoaning the utter stupidity of working class people who voted for Brexit, we should rerun the referendum and all that. If only these stupid people were as smart as him, why are they even allowed to vote etc etc.

He's just been telling me he's going to India for a wedding and is planning on spending a few weeks looking round a bit. But he's going to have to fly first or business class there and on internal flights because he 'can't stand being anywhere near smelly or dirty people'.

He made a point of saying this wasn't just an india thing, he feels like that in general. These fucking people.

(Sorry, probably completely the wrong thread for it but...these fucking people.)
Not sure if this should be filed under 'why Labour are scum' or 'how exactly some of their supporters are scum'..

A senior guy at my work's a big Fabian/liberal Labour type. The kind that wringes his hands about the plight of the poor while sending his kids to a public school. I've never really come across this type before, if I had heard they existed.

His big thing is bemoaning the utter stupidity of working class people who voted for Brexit, we should rerun the referendum and all that. If only these stupid people were as smart as him, why are they even allowed to vote etc etc.

He's just been telling me he's going to India for a wedding and is planning on spending a few weeks looking round a bit. But he's going to have to fly first or business class there and on internal flights because he 'can't stand being anywhere near smelly or dirty people'.

He made a point of saying this wasn't just an india thing, he feels like that in general. These fucking people.

(Sorry, probably completely the wrong thread for it but...these fucking people.)

Deserves a kick in the bollocks tbh. Failing that, get Pickman's model to bring his mobile gallows to your place of work.
Not sure if this should be filed under 'why Labour are scum' or 'how exactly some of their supporters are scum'..

A senior guy at my work's a big Fabian/liberal Labour type. The kind that wringes his hands about the plight of the poor while sending his kids to a public school. I've never really come across this type before, if I had heard they existed.

His big thing is bemoaning the utter stupidity of working class people who voted for Brexit, we should rerun the referendum and all that. If only these stupid people were as smart as him, why are they even allowed to vote etc etc.

He's just been telling me he's going to India for a wedding and is planning on spending a few weeks looking round a bit. But he's going to have to fly first or business class there and on internal flights because he 'can't stand being anywhere near smelly or dirty people'.

He made a point of saying this wasn't just an india thing, he feels like that in general. These fucking people.

(Sorry, probably completely the wrong thread for it but...these fucking people.)

IME in terms of bigotry these people are worse than Tories by some margin.
Deserves a kick in the bollocks tbh. Failing that, get Pickman's model to bring his mobile gallows to your place of work.
Kick in the bollocks is way too good for him. Hopefully Pickman's model will oblige.

Just find it utterly bizarre that he didn't seem to think he was saying anything even vaguely dodgy/prejudiced at all and was quite happy to come out with all this shit at work. Guess the caveat about it not being a *race* thing made it all completely acceptable.

Someone mentioned a north-south issue earlier.

Labour London councils enforce benefit cuts, effectively increase tax on the poor: massive increase in bailiff dispossession.
And who were the harsherst local governments in the persual of non poll-tax payers. I always pull that one out the hat whem tribal Labour voters go 'What about the Tory Poll tax?' What with Labour's virtual non-opposition to the tax, its refusal to support non-payment and rutheless local labour council persual of non-payers (wasn't Cherie Blair made wealthy on the prosecution of non-payers?) Once again In more recent times Labour finds itself on the wrong side in the class war. Wonder how Corbyn would have responded what with having 'greater responsibility' as leader.
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And tho its not directly Corbyn's fault what about the great wheeze of P.F.I. ? Here you go invest a bunch of money in pulic services and if you don't make a profit, don't worry the public will pay it to you. A win-win sitiation for capital.
Another reason Labour are scum.
Not sure if this should be filed under 'why Labour are scum' or 'how exactly some of their supporters are scum'..

A senior guy at my work's a big Fabian/liberal Labour type. The kind that wringes his hands about the plight of the poor while sending his kids to a public school. I've never really come across this type before, if I had heard they existed.

His big thing is bemoaning the utter stupidity of working class people who voted for Brexit, we should rerun the referendum and all that. If only these stupid people were as smart as him, why are they even allowed to vote etc etc.

He's just been telling me he's going to India for a wedding and is planning on spending a few weeks looking round a bit. But he's going to have to fly first or business class there and on internal flights because he 'can't stand being anywhere near smelly or dirty people'.

He made a point of saying this wasn't just an india thing, he feels like that in general. These fucking people.

(Sorry, probably completely the wrong thread for it but...these fucking people.)

I recall an acquaintance, now a doctor, who I was informed recoiled when someone brushed her arm down the market with "OMG, one of them touched me" I really wouldn't believe it but my source was a close friend of her's.

another was a fellow student(and Steiner school alumni), who said she was "meeting her dad to go down the market to laugh at the freaks"

I think this is much more prevalent than one would imagine, Brexit has exposed it all though.
Ta for the reference, will check it.

But some of the measures for increased funding could be brought in now, surely, not having to wait for a corbyn government. St Ives has won a referendum deciding that new build properties be reserved for local people for example. They don't have to wait to alter the whole structure of funding - you're just dismissing them out of hand.

There aren't enough spaces in legislation such as the Localism Act (which is what allowed St. Ives to do what they did) to generate significant funding for local authorities. You need to bear in mind that for the last 37 years solid, local authorities have had their ability to generate revenue cut away - so much so that they'd need to generate enough revenue to multiply their current budgets threefold merely to get back on the same footing they had after their power to charge rates were removed in the late 1980s.

You also have the challenge of convincing local authorities to act against central govt interests. It's something that happens very rarely nowadays.
To add to my last comment, i also think this may explain some of the saddening and worrying lack of support for social security issues, benefits, etc, (only 67 people attending DPAC's week of action on FB.)
I recall an acquaintance, now a doctor, who I was informed recoiled when someone brushed her arm down the market with "OMG, one of them touched me" I really wouldn't believe it but my source was a close friend of her's.

another was a fellow student(and Steiner school alumni), who said she was "meeting her dad to go down the market to laugh at the freaks"

I think this is much more prevalent than one would imagine, Brexit has exposed it all though.

It's been around as long as I can remember, and before me.

I remember being noted for my clean appearance and smart clothes unlike the dirty raggers that come here mostly, by the manager of a mental health occupational/therapy charity thingy I joined when recovering from my breakdown requiring hospitalisation (when I was young and handsome). I was quite taken aback, given the vulnerability of many people with serious mental health/illness problems to a life in poverty re those without informal support networks or steady employment.

A few years ago some academic in Sheffield starting speaking to me r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y after discovering I hadn't been to university. I wished there had been a machine gun handy. Our betters seem to have trouble understanding working class people, or recognising their prejudices.
IME in terms of bigotry these people are worse than Tories by some margin.
Yes, Fabian paternalism always worse than Tory paternalism. Can't find it, but I vaguely remember a quote from GB Shaw where he was asked if he called himself a socialist because he loved the working class. 'No it's because I hate them'.
Wasnt there some argie bargie between the working class SWP membership & the leadership in the late 70s over something called 'squadism' I believe ;)
In late June early July there was the case of the tweet from a law firm Baker Small publicly celebrating denying assistance to parents of special needs kids and in particular those ones where parents thought their children would get the assistance.

Council continues to use ‘despicable’ law firm in SEN cases

Loads of councils said they wouldn't work with Baker Small any longer, but Croydon Labour after publicly promising not to, began doing so in under a fortnight. The labour council set the benchmark and now the others Labour + Tory alike will be following suit.
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