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Why Labour are Scum

Chukka the Tory?

On another thread...

He's a total careerist and not anywhere near as smart as he thinks. He only got into Parliament because he was running against the odious Steve Reed for the Labour candidacy in Streatham and Reed (who has a gift for pissing people off) pissed what's left of the local Labour Party off even more than before by acting as though it was a coronation. Chuka got lucky, or more likely he's just got a careerists nose for an opportunity. He's the grandson of a High Court Judge, went to private schools and has said he'd send his children to the same. His main asset is having a few drops of African blood so he can make all his upper-middle class chums feel excitingly non-racist.
Also very unimpressed, and unsurprised, by Oliver Coppard's no show at the anti-privatisation of the NHS march in Sheffield Hallam today. Great march with hundreds of positive but angry people, loads of support from passersby (including drivers who were held up by the march) but Oliver Coppard couldn't even be bothered to show up and instead came about 30 minutes afterwards to canvass stragglers walking back from it.
Seems mad to to make use of an opportunity like that, I mean anti-privitisation of the NHS is supported by voters of all parties.
I watched Ed this morning on the Andy Marr show saying he won't be doing any deals with the SNP. In about six weeks that's going to be a very repeatable clip.
I watched Ed this morning on the Andy Marr show saying he won't be doing any deals with the SNP. In about six weeks that's going to be a very repeatable clip.
Maybe, maybe not.

If he gets the chance to put a QS to parliament the ball will be in Sturgeon's court. It will be up to her whether or not go into the division with Lab.
Maybe, maybe not.

If he gets the chance to put a QS to parliament the ball will be in Sturgeon's court. It will be up to her whether or not go into the division with Lab.

I can see his line which is 'don't support me and you let Cameron in.' however she could simply say she'll support him on votes that only impact Scotland and completely screw him.

There is no way he won't make a deal.
I can see his line which is 'don't support me and you let Cameron in.' however she could simply say she'll support him on votes that only impact Scotland and completely screw him.

There is no way he won't make a deal.
She can say what she likes, but the QS is a VoC; that's a yes/no decision.
I can see his line which is 'don't support me and you let Cameron in.' however she could simply say she'll support him on votes that only impact Scotland and completely screw him.
As brogdale says that won't work. If neither the Tories or Labour can get a QS passed we'll have a new general election. I can't see the SNP, or any of the minor parties, wanting that. Assuming any QS by a pro-Tory block is voted down, the SNP have to vote for (or at least enable) a Lab QS or have a new election.

There is no way he won't make a deal.Well it depends what you mean by a deal.
There won't be a formal Lab-SNP coalition, neither party wants it (sensible decision from the view of both parties), I can also see a situation where there is no formal deal on supply-and-demand, but lots of politicking by a Labour minority gov. If fact that looks like what Labour are ultimately going for.[/QUOTE]
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As brogdale says that won't work. If neither the Tories or Labour can get a QS passed we'll have a new general election. I can't see the SNP, or any of the minor parties, wanting that. Assuming any QS by a pro-Tory block is voted down, the SNP have to vote for (or at least enable) a Lab QS or have a new election.

I've no doubt they'll pass his QS but that's not a promise of ongoing support.

Personally I'd like to see the SNP propping up a Labour government because it'll put how England is governed front and center. Whilst power has been devolved into Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland it's been centralised in England into Westminster. It would be nice to see local democracy start to return in England .... sadly I can't see that happening.

I still hold the opinion that Ed's promise of 'no deals' is a fib. He'll be wheeling and dealing with them and the SNP will be very vocal about it.
Labour to cap rents even more than planned, penalise rubbish landlords, if it happens, a big if, slowly there is something to vote for in their case.
But why would they need a promise of ongoing support, they can simply use the fact that SNP won't support a Tory gov as a way to manoeuvre.

The SNP will need to demonstrate that they leveraged their influence in Westminster the threat not to vote on English only measures making Labour's life very difficult is going to force a deal. The SNPs lkey message is vote for us and we'll influence the Labour Party
Bunch of worthless mob-handed wankers.
No change there, then!

'Uneducated' and 'probably dole dossers' according to some of the comments on that page.

I haven't the strength... :facepalm:

(The far right are on dodgy ground going on about paedophiles given the number in their ranks too)
'Uneducated' seems to be the epithet of choice for liberals when describing the EDl, etc, no self awareness that they have been lucky or affluent enough to get one.
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