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Why Labour are Scum

had fuck all to do with his age. Its about their politics

Karl Marx was 30 when he wrote the Communist Manifesto, so it must have been shit, what could he know by that age?
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I meant the most experience she could have is ten years and very little of how ordinary people live their lives, as i'm sure you know.
So what? What's a pathetic criticism of her. She should be slated cos she's a Labour scumbag not because she's "only" had X years of experience as a economist.
Already around the social media sites, people are 'warming' to Reeves and think her 'offer' is much better than the Tories and not as brutal:facepalm:
There is nothing new in this policy,35 hours at minimum wage but could get in trouble as they back the living wage
Blimey! Bryan Gould, Kinnock's wingman, comes out of hiding and attacks Labour (or rather Rachel Reeves's) idea of being tougher on benefit claimants than the Tories.
So, immigration, supposed benefit “scroungers”, trade unions bent on strike action, all attract headlines as part of a deliberate attempt to raise the salience of issues that suggest that our deep-seated problems are caused by failing to rein in the nefarious activities of ordinary people and are in no way the responsibility of the powerful people who run our economy and take most of its benefits.

It is an important part of this well-proven strategy that Labour should be lured into contesting such issues so that public attention is focused on them. I recall that, in the run-up to the 1992 general election, the Tory press provided the “oxygen of publicity” to fears that a new Labour government would raise income taxes.

The Labour response was to launch, at the beginning of the election campaign, a plan to raise National Insurance contributions. The idea was to use John Smith’s Scottish prudence to show that this was a sensible initiative that should not be regarded as an increase in taxes.

Not surprisingly, this proved difficult to sell to the electorate. Labour’s tax plans became the dominant and continuing theme of the election campaign, with the result that John Major’s government was re-elected.
Maybe he's mellowed with age? But then, by the same token, Kinnock was also a proto-Blairite. I will always blame Kinnock for foisting Blair on us.
Maybe he's mellowed with age? But then, by the same token, Kinnock was also a proto-Blairite. I will always blame Kinnock for foisting Blair on us.

Hi everyone, I don't know a great deal about politics parsay, I'll be the first to admit that what I do know is only what I read in the papers, tv and the web. what I do remember when younger is being proud of my dad who was a union man for first the Miner's and then for the Dairies, He used to have many a meeting with Dennis Healey. He, my mum and my six siblings and myself were brought up on a really nice council estate where everyone took pride in their homes even though we never had the luxuries of today, when dad was a faceworker at the Mines he was entitled to a lorry load of coal so many times a year and when the lorry tipped it on the road outside the house, dad would make sure that the nineteen out of the twenty houses in our cul=de-sac all brought a wheelbarrow to take a load of coal home before getting my brothers to load the remainder into our coalhouse. That to me was the Labour Party of years ago.working-class people sharing and helping each other. Never in a million years would anyone in our family vote Tory, And then came Tony Blair - the biggest shyster in history and here was the biggest fool who voted not once but twice for him. What did I receive in return from the party that was created to look after the wellbeing of working class people? a dictatorship !! all of a sudden, I was terrified of putting the wrong thing in my bin in case I got fined, there were the constant threats of camera's being put into the bins to monitor me, I couldn't have a cigarette at the bus-stop whilst I waited for the bus to take me to and from work, I couldn't open my mouth to say how worried I was about the open-door immigration policy without being labelled a Racist, the well-being of minority groups and immigrants took precedence over those of us whom had paid into the system for years. those like me and my families needs, wants, well-being were discarded all in the name of multiculturism and selling us out to Europe. After that treason by the party that betrayed every labour voter in this country, never again will I ever trust a Labour politician as long as I live, I will not vote Tory, I will vote for UKIP even though I know it is a wasted vote here in Shropshire as the Tories have it sewn up. May Labour rot in hell for the lies, the death's of our brave troops in a false war in Iraq and for changing the social fabric of this country which I love.
Hi everyone, I don't know a great deal about politics parsay, I'll be the first to admit that what I do know is only what I read in the papers, tv and the web. what I do remember when younger is being proud of my dad who was a union man for first the Miner's and then for the Dairies, He used to have many a meeting with Dennis Healey. He, my mum and my six siblings and myself were brought up on a really nice council estate where everyone took pride in their homes even though we never had the luxuries of today, when dad was a faceworker at the Mines he was entitled to a lorry load of coal so many times a year and when the lorry tipped it on the road outside the house, dad would make sure that the nineteen out of the twenty houses in our cul=de-sac all brought a wheelbarrow to take a load of coal home before getting my brothers to load the remainder into our coalhouse. That to me was the Labour Party of years ago.working-class people sharing and helping each other. Never in a million years would anyone in our family vote Tory, And then came Tony Blair - the biggest shyster in history and here was the biggest fool who voted not once but twice for him. What did I receive in return from the party that was created to look after the wellbeing of working class people? a dictatorship !! all of a sudden, I was terrified of putting the wrong thing in my bin in case I got fined, there were the constant threats of camera's being put into the bins to monitor me, I couldn't have a cigarette at the bus-stop whilst I waited for the bus to take me to and from work, I couldn't open my mouth to say how worried I was about the open-door immigration policy without being labelled a Racist, the well-being of minority groups and immigrants took precedence over those of us whom had paid into the system for years. those like me and my families needs, wants, well-being were discarded all in the name of multiculturism and selling us out to Europe. After that treason by the party that betrayed every labour voter in this country, never again will I ever trust a Labour politician as long as I live, I will not vote Tory, I will vote for UKIP even though I know it is a wasted vote here in Shropshire as the Tories have it sewn up. May Labour rot in hell for the lies, the death's of our brave troops in a false war in Iraq and for changing the social fabric of this country which I love.
It's political correctness gawn mad I tells ya!

On yer bike, sunshine.
Hi everyone, I don't know a great deal about politics parsay, I'll be the first to admit that what I do know is only what I read in the papers, tv and the web. what I do remember when younger is being proud of my dad who was a union man for first the Miner's and then for the Dairies, He used to have many a meeting with Dennis Healey. He, my mum and my six siblings and myself were brought up on a really nice council estate where everyone took pride in their homes even though we never had the luxuries of today, when dad was a faceworker at the Mines he was entitled to a lorry load of coal so many times a year and when the lorry tipped it on the road outside the house, dad would make sure that the nineteen out of the twenty houses in our cul=de-sac all brought a wheelbarrow to take a load of coal home before getting my brothers to load the remainder into our coalhouse. That to me was the Labour Party of years ago.working-class people sharing and helping each other. Never in a million years would anyone in our family vote Tory, And then came Tony Blair - the biggest shyster in history and here was the biggest fool who voted not once but twice for him. What did I receive in return from the party that was created to look after the wellbeing of working class people? a dictatorship !!

Did quite well until this point.

all of a sudden, I was terrified of putting the wrong thing in my bin in case I got fined, there were the constant threats of camera's being put into the bins to monitor me, I couldn't have a cigarette at the bus-stop whilst I waited for the bus to take me to and from work, I couldn't open my mouth to say how worried I was about the open-door immigration policy without being labelled a Racist, the well-being of minority groups and immigrants took precedence over those of us whom had paid into the system for years. those like me and my families needs, wants, well-being were discarded all in the name of multiculturism and selling us out to Europe. After that treason by the party that betrayed every labour voter in this country, never again will I ever trust a Labour politician as long as I live, I will not vote Tory, I will vote for UKIP even though I know it is a wasted vote here in Shropshire as the Tories have it sewn up. May Labour rot in hell for the lies, the death's of our brave troops in a false war in Iraq and for changing the social fabric of this country which I love.

And they say people get more right-wing as they get older? Nah!
I think the important issue here is the right of the working class to put their litter in whichever bin they want.
I think the important issue here is the right of the working class to put their litter in whichever bin they want.

Onket, I like to think I am like everyone else and do my bit for the environment by putting the correct items into the many bins/containers that I have, however, what I did object to was being threatened and bullied by a government over what would happen to me if I dared to make a mistake and put a piece of paper into the wrong bin or if I dared to put the bin out with the lid slightly ajar due to it being full because of the fortnightly collections and I was especially disgusted when we were informed that camera's were going to be installed in everyone's bin. What ! New Labour ended up running this country like a nazi state and I thanked god when that idiot Brown followed that traitor Blair out of the door. I personally have no truck with any political party, they are all lying, devious,up-my-own-backside shysters who care nothing for the people they are meant to represent, so if that makes me right-wing as I get older so be it.
Onket, I like to think I am like everyone else and do my bit for the environment by putting the correct items into the many bins/containers that I have, however, what I did object to was being threatened and bullied by a government over what would happen to me if I dared to make a mistake and put a piece of paper into the wrong bin or if I dared to put the bin out with the lid slightly ajar due to it being full because of the fortnightly collections and I was especially disgusted when we were informed that camera's were going to be installed in everyone's bin. What ! New Labour ended up running this country like a nazi state and I thanked god when that idiot Brown followed that traitor Blair out of the door. I personally have no truck with any political party, they are all lying, devious,up-my-own-backside shysters who care nothing for the people they are meant to represent, so if that makes me right-wing as I get older so be it.

What the fuck are you on about you loon?
Onket, I like to think I am like everyone else and do my bit for the environment by putting the correct items into the many bins/containers that I have, however, what I did object to was being threatened and bullied by a government over what would happen to me if I dared to make a mistake and put a piece of paper into the wrong bin or if I dared to put the bin out with the lid slightly ajar due to it being full because of the fortnightly collections and I was especially disgusted when we were informed that camera's were going to be installed in everyone's bin. What ! New Labour ended up running this country like a nazi state and I thanked god when that idiot Brown followed that traitor Blair out of the door. I personally have no truck with any political party, they are all lying, devious,up-my-own-backside shysters who care nothing for the people they are meant to represent, so if that makes me right-wing as I get older so be it.
i like to think i'm nothing like you
Onket, I like to think I am like everyone else and do my bit for the environment by putting the correct items into the many bins/containers that I have, however, what I did object to was being threatened and bullied by a government over what would happen to me if I dared to make a mistake and put a piece of paper into the wrong bin or if I dared to put the bin out with the lid slightly ajar due to it being full because of the fortnightly collections...

What, you mean the council sending you a letter asking you to take more care? How terribly oppressive!

...and I was especially disgusted when we were informed that camera's were going to be installed in everyone's bin.

You mean when you read in theMail or the Express that cameras were going to be installed.
Guess what? It was never going to happen, it was tabloid scare-story bollocks meant to sucker people.

What ! New Labour ended up running this country like a nazi state...

If they'd run the state like a Nazi state, people like me would be dead, and people like you would be keeping schtumm and kissing the arse of the local commissar, you poor, hard-done-by idiot!

...and I thanked god when that idiot Brown followed that traitor Blair out of the door. I personally have no truck with any political party, they are all lying, devious,up-my-own-backside shysters who care nothing for the people they are meant to represent, so if that makes me right-wing as I get older so be it.

And yet, even though you have no truck with any political party, you're announcing your intention to vote for UKIP.

You're an idiot, and worse, you're not even a consistent idiot, you're a self-contradicting idiot!
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