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Why Labour are Scum

Former Home Secretary David Blunkett has called for internet providers to block pornography, warning against a descent into "Sodom and Gomorrah".


"In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Berlin came as near as dammit to Sodom and Gomorrah. There was a disintegration of what you might call any kind of social order.

"People fed on that - they fed people's fears of it. They encouraged their paranoia. They developed hate about people who had differences, who were minorities.

Pixelated boobs -> Genocide. :D
I remember when Blunkett complained about the dance company DV8 - :rolleyes:

This early performance work really found its power and place in Charnock's now-legendary partnership with Lloyd Newson, with whom he co-founded DV8 Physical Theatre. Their duet My Sex, Our Dance was the first of a number of seminal works with the company, which also included Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men and Strange Fish. Both these later works were made into acclaimed television films, with the premiere of Dead Dreams... on The South Bank Show making the front page of the Sunday Mirror, with the headline "GAY SEX ORGY ON TV". David Blunkett denounced it as "vulgar and tasteless for Sunday night viewing".
So the big headline policy is freezing energy prices for two years (15-17 im guessing) http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/24/ed-miliband-labour-freeze-prices-2017
pissing in the wind
ive only just paid off last years gas bill, and prices are set to rise 10% in the next month. what fucking difference does a prize freeze in 2016 make?

Very little, given that people can't afford current prices.

gutless and pathetic. Nationalise them, force them to cut prices, tax the living shit out of them, do something meaningful, not some half arsed price freeze once the bills are already sky high. if they are trying to appeal to voters who are hurting from utility bills this is meaningless

Gas prices in the UK look set to remain very unstable too, given that Centrica just withdrew from 2 storage projects (which would have increased our gas-holding ability from 2 weeks-worth to around 6 weeks-worth) because the government have been shilly-shallying about their contribution.

i wonder if ed will ever reuse the S word after the other day

What do you think? :D
i wonder if ed will ever reuse the S word after the other day

And i wonder if ed will ever use the "Re-nationalisation" word in regard to things like gas and leccy co's and the railways ????
The only viable way to meet the energy needs of the nation is for the nation to take ownership, running and maintaining the energy supplies.
For too long money raised by the sale of energy has drifted away often overseas to profit demanding investors. Where what should occur is the re investment of profits to maintain the system.
Only through state ownership can the funds be made available for the re building of the failing utilities, they realised that in the 1940s, but only did half a job.
Plus the country needs educating that the fabric and welfare of a nation and it's citizens come before private profit.
Whilst ever the puddings in this land keep reading and accepting the garbage spewed by the papers the population will follow the capitalists ploy.
We could do with a long blackout to wake the fuckers up, three day week? doddle!
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Great, having a bloke who can't see pornography lecturing people on the evils of it! :facepalm:
What we see in that article is Blunkett's ravings about what he imagines pornography is, so obviously the cunt has a pretty sick mind. No wonder all his guide dogs die young! :eek:

That is harsh man!
Just spotted this fresh insanity:


Labour is tabling amendments to the Defence Reform Bill in a bid to increase the punishments given to anyone who commits a crime against service personnel.

It would put members of the Armed Forces in the same bracket as disabled, gay, transgender and ethnic minority crime victims.

And this bit is just completely beyond satire:

A poll of troops last year found that nearly one in 20 members of the Armed Forces said they had experienced violence or threats of violence.

We can't have soldiers being exposed to violence. This is right up there with, 'you can't fight in here, this is the war room!' :facepalm:
christ these people live in such an echo chamber. They deliberately stir up and foster soldier-worship and Our Boys stuff in collusion with the press and the MoD (help for heroes saves them on PTSD treatment costs after all) then when the echo bounces off the wall and back at them they think its the voice of the common man and they should pander to him in a meaningless yet zietgiesty way. Total delusions.
Daily Mail reckons Labour 'will plunge Britain into darkness' for trying to cap energy bills for a bit. Reckons 'Red Ed' is a bonkers lefty for that and wanting to boost min. wage. Same paper is always moaning about energy bills though.:confused:
christ these people live in such an echo chamber. They deliberately stir up and foster soldier-worship and Our Boys stuff in collusion with the press and the MoD (help for heroes saves them on PTSD treatment costs after all) then when the echo bounces off the wall and back at them they think its the voice of the common man and they should pander to him in a meaningless yet zietgiesty way. Total delusions.

Looks a bit like a late attempt to gain some mileage from Lee Rigby's death to me. This puts Miliband in the same classiness bracket as the EDL.
Looks a bit like a late attempt to gain some mileage from Lee Rigby's death to me. This puts Miliband in the same classiness bracket as the EDL.

the same thought occurred, but its the edge on a big wedge of this jingoistic crap.

thing is the Labour Party is so bereft of policies that distinguish them from their bedfellows they actually have to resort to warrior worship bullshit and vague noises about making energy companies behave. It's almost as picayune and stupid as Clegg and his plastic fucking bag tax
A poll of troops last year found that nearly one in 20 members of the Armed Forces said they had experienced violence or threats of violence.
We can't have soldiers being exposed to violence. This is right up there with, 'you can't fight in here, this is the war room!' :facepalm:

The politicians have clearly taken a walk through Colchester on a Saturday night. Innocent squadies minding their own business, with meanie students and scary goths starting fights on them for no good reason. #ProtectOurTroops
Labour are part of the establishment and want to remain so. But they would be a better alternative at least than any other realistic alternative. If they are the only available means to destroy the Tories then I will likely support them. Two years to go and hopefully the Tories can be obliterated. The Tories... who actually fucking likes them or votes for them?

Hopefully the next government isn't so militaristic and so ready to throw their weight around at every opportunity to start bombing places.
Labour are part of the establishment and want to remain so. But they would be a better alternative at least than any other realistic alternative. If they are the only available means to destroy the Tories then I will likely support them. Two years to go and hopefully the Tories can be obliterated. The Tories... who actually fucking likes them or votes for them?

Hopefully the next government isn't so militaristic and so ready to throw their weight around at every opportunity to start bombing places.

Vain hope, in my opinion. Military intervention has been and is part of the foreign policy armoury for several centuries, and the "humanitarian military intervention" narrative has a lot of mileage left in it for our neoliberal neo-imperialists.
Labour are part of the establishment and want to remain so. But they would be a better alternative at least than any other realistic alternative. If they are the only available means to destroy the Tories then I will likely support them. Two years to go and hopefully the Tories can be obliterated. The Tories... who actually fucking likes them or votes for them?

Hopefully the next government isn't so militaristic and so ready to throw their weight around at every opportunity to start bombing places.

How will the Tories be obliterated? They'll lose one election, most likely, and will have a decent chance at the next one, once Labour fail to address any of the major issues facing the country in any meaningful way. Think of all the shit the Tories have done, all the lives they've ruined, and they're still one of the 2 dominant forces in British politics. Who votes for them/likes them? History says a huge chunk of the electorate, which tells us there's one hell of a lot of vapid, greedy, self-serving, ignorant and all-round horrible cunts out there.
sometimes i feel a tiny bit guilty
in 1913 a lady apparently killed herself with the aid of a horse
in protest of women not being allowed to vote

and i have never registered or voted
i have yet to find a political movement that i consider to be trust worthy
maybe they were trust worthy in 1913, or maybe she died for nothing
it all seems such a sorry business
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