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Why Labour are Scum

It would be hilarious if they did cut union ties, what would Owen Jones et al do then? They couldn't rattle off the old "Labour is tied to workers through the unions" line.
They'd argue that they have to democratically win votes in the unions and labour branches to re-instate the ties. That the hullabaloo over falkirk was actually an indication of the success of their plans and that the party tops are shitting it (Leaving aside their crass identification of union membership and funds being controlled by a handful of people as being inherently left-wing or a good). articul8 has already argued this on here in the last few days. In short, they would not do anything other than what they currently do.

Liam Byrne’s attack on the workless benefit cap this morning is interesting, because he’s trying to position himself as tougher than the Conservatives on out-of-work benefits. Labour’s shadow work and pensions secretary said:

‘The benefit cap is a good idea in principle but it’s already fallen apart in practice. Ministers have bodged the rules so the cap won’t affect Britain’s 4,000 largest families and it does nothing to stop people living a life on welfare. The government needs to go back to the drawing board, design a cap without holes and put a two-year limit on the time you can spend on the dole, like Labour’s compulsory jobs guarantee.’
on the x-factor thing, you are bang on the money.
i saw the living proof of it the other week at a nomination meeting, for the rossendale and darwen seat for 2015.
wee willy straw has put himself forward. never worked here, never lived here, no intention of living here, but they were falling over themselves to fawn over the feckless but well connected scion of jack. pathetic and depressing in equal measure.

Will Straw's selection, posted on CIF
"Left-wing" Labour students who fawn over senior Labour figures, and have socials where they re-watch the 1997 general election. The ex-SWP/ISN are good pals with them, too.
Ten Quid Draw has been selected for a seat?
Fuck me, back to the old days of families in parliament, and not the fucking Tories, either! :facepalm:

The selection meeting is next month, apparently. Can we expect more high-quality journalism as the contest enters its final stage?

ps: those who suffer from nausea, who have delicate stomachs or who are just about to have their tea should not click on that link
The selection meeting is next month, apparently. Can we expect more high-quality journalism as the contest enters its final stage?

ps: those who suffer from nausea, who have delicate stomachs or who are just about to have their tea should not click on that link

A fair few scions of the teaching professions, I see.
Wonder if Euan Blair is still noodling around the constituencies too?
As for Dromey Jr, does he have no shame? What sort of twat wants to work at the same place as both parents?
he has mellowed since his drum ’n’ bass promoter days but he is still at the heart of every party (outshone only by his dynamic Texan wife Claire).

How many events did he promote?

btw, what a shower, if this is the future of the LP...
And you know this how? You know what a socialist is? You know how the country thinks?
Last week my husband had a strange experience that both chuffed and heartened him. He was sitting on the bus chatting to some stranger when a "posh" type plonked himself down in their section (It's the season so we expect riffraff). Suddenly this newcomer started telling the bus how wonderful the Tories were, and my husband rose to the bait to answer him point for point. So far, so more or less ordinary.
But when my beloved rose to go, the other passengers burst into spontaneous applause...................now that was extraordinary! And I think the incident speaks of a substantial section of the population that have been made voiceless by both the media and the polity.
No, this is not a fictional anecdote of convenience, it really happened. And Cornwall is not a hotbed of radical socialism.

Interesting anecdote on Guardian CIF
Blair and labour bear ultimate responsibility because of the lies they told the rest of the country.

Labour were in another way worse than the tories - they are supposed to be the part of the workers and when they got in after 18 years they turned out just as bad. The tories are the party of the rich and greedy but labour betrayed the people they are supposed to represent.

Also: long after the Iraq War is forgotten, Blair will be remembered as the PM who got rid of habeas corpus after nearly 800 years.
So what if he does? The core is rotten and Milibland is a total waste of space.

Labour are finished. They won't in 2015. I doubt even Milibland wants to win. He has no fight, no spine, and no clue. He's just a product of the political class and happy to wallow in the mire it's become.

It will be another hung parliament in 2015 and the libdems will, inexplicably, garner enough votes to collude with another tory minority government because both of them know they are now inextricably connected.

Fuck the lot of them. Even John McDonnell isn't doing enough. He should quit and take Meacher with him.

There's fuck all hope in this country. We are descending into division because the only way people can vent their anger and frustration is by taking it out on those less fortunate than even themselves. The People's Assembly is a talking shop that has done absolutely fuck all. Their big meeting consisted of saying "let's all go away and have a think about what to do and then meet up next year to talk about that". The unions won't vote for a general strike; if they haven't already i can't see them ever doing it. They are as wedded to the political system as MerelyBland.

The only answer is mass civil disobedience, wildcat strikes, solidarity and revolution.

. I had my own run ins with Unite when I stood to become Labour MP in Rochdale

Their views are certainly grounded in the politics of envy,

The Chair of a residents association of a Council estate recently invited me to a meeting about housing in my area ( Brixton its a big issue there) held through Unite Community.

It was a good meeting. A cross section of local people involved in housing issues.From the homeless to Council tenants.

It was grass roots organising. Bringing people together who have common concerns about what is happening to affordable housing and the lack of it.

The kind of thing the Labour party should organise.

Blinded by dogma, there’s no reasoning with these people.
But Labour is under no illusion of the road that these dinosaurs would commit Britain to.

At the meeting the views that were expressed were based on knowledge of the social housing/ affordable sector.

I cannot see the picture that this MP paints as being at all accurate.
Labour MPs who didn't vote against the privatisation of the NHS in 2011.

Alexander, Heidi
Allen, Graham
Betts, Clive
Brown, Gordon
Danczuk, Simon
Davidson, Ian
Esterson, Bill
Farelly, Paul
Godsiff, Roger
Greatrex, Tom
Hamilton, Fabian
Hendrick, Mark
Heyes, David
Hood, Jim
Hoyle, Lindsay
Illsley, Eric
James, Sian
Jones, Susan
Keen, Alan
Love, Andy
Moon, Madeleine
Morden, Jessica
Munn, Meg
Primarolo, Dawn
Riordan, Linda
Robertson, John
Tami, Mark
So what if he does? The core is rotten and Milibland is a total waste of space.

Labour are finished. They won't in 2015. I doubt even Milibland wants to win. He has no fight, no spine, and no clue. He's just a product of the political class and happy to wallow in the mire it's become.

It will be another hung parliament in 2015 and the libdems will, inexplicably, garner enough votes to collude with another tory minority government because both of them know they are now inextricably connected.

Fuck the lot of them. Even John McDonnell isn't doing enough. He should quit and take Meacher with him.

Meacher - paternalist rentier. His heart may be in the right place at the moment, but he's part of the problem, not part of any solution.

As for McDonnell, he's got nowhere to go, outside of Labour, and he's totally sold on being a "voice in the wilderness" in among the other half dozen or so actual socialists in the Parliamentary Labour Party.

There's fuck all hope in this country. We are descending into division because the only way people can vent their anger and frustration is by taking it out on those less fortunate than even themselves. The People's Assembly is a talking shop that has done absolutely fuck all. Their big meeting consisted of saying "let's all go away and have a think about what to do and then meet up next year to talk about that". The unions won't vote for a general strike; if they haven't already i can't see them ever doing it. They are as wedded to the political system as MerelyBland.

The only answer is mass civil disobedience, wildcat strikes, solidarity and revolution.

The unions (or rather the "management" of the unions) not only won't vote for a general strike, but they'll suppress any elements inside their unions that agitate to extend action beyond the pitiful legally-sanctioned balloted one-day strikes, and know to expect a legal challenge from employers or govt even then. They're so locked into defending union assets and their own sinecures that they'll disown any trade union member that wildcats, and decry any non-unionised worker who does so.
Also: long after the Iraq War is forgotten, Blair will be remembered as the PM who got rid of habeas corpus after nearly 800 years.

He didn't get rid of it, he removed it for certain categories of detainee.
He is, however, the first PM to do so in peacetime, as other abrogations of habeas corpus have generally been in wartime, and to do with internees.
The Chair of a residents association of a Council estate recently invited me to a meeting about housing in my area ( Brixton its a big issue there) held through Unite Community.

It was a good meeting. A cross section of local people involved in housing issues.From the homeless to Council tenants.

It was grass roots organising. Bringing people together who have common concerns about what is happening to affordable housing and the lack of it.

The kind of thing the Labour party should organise.

At the meeting the views that were expressed were based on knowledge of the social housing/ affordable sector.

I cannot see the picture that this MP paints as being at all accurate.

It's Danczuk,. He's a Blairite, neolib who thinks "blue Labour" is dangerously leftwing. He's tribally Labour, but politically as right as they come. I wouldn't gob on him if he were burning, He's nothing to do with any politics I'd want to be part of, and his anti-union smear tactics are the rankest hypocrisy from someone who benefitted from so much support from the unions on his ascent up the greasy pole.
Meacher - paternalist rentier. His heart may be in the right place at the moment, but he's part of the problem, not part of any solution.

His heart's in his property portfolio.

As for McDonnell, he's got nowhere to go, outside of Labour, and he's totally sold on being a "voice in the wilderness" in among the other half dozen or so actual socialists in the Parliamentary Labour Party.

Maybe, but what about joining Left Unity?

The unions (or rather the "management" of the unions) not only won't vote for a general strike, but they'll suppress any elements inside their unions that agitate to extend action beyond the pitiful legally-sanctioned balloted one-day strikes, and know to expect a legal challenge from employers or govt even then. They're so locked into defending union assets and their own sinecures that they'll disown any trade union member that wildcats, and decry any non-unionised worker who does so.

When union leaders are happy to be knighted you know which side they are on.

When the PCS is led by a cunt that won't call on his members to stop sanctioning benefit claimants for things like turning up five minutes late.

You know which side their bread is buttered.
His heart's in his property portfolio.

Maybe, but what about joining Left Unity?

Why would he? He'd just be shifting his alliegance from one party mostly made up of the centre left, to another. Left Unity have said nothing that makes me assume they'll do anything more than New Labour did about neoliberalism and its effects.

When union leaders are happy to be knighted you know which side they are on.

When the PCS is led by a cunt that won't call on his members to stop sanctioning benefit claimants for things like turning up five minutes late.

Again, that's another example of guarding the union assets against sequestration. If a trade union sanctions large-scale unofficial action (beyond walk-out), it leaves itself open to legal chllenge, and the financial and legal weight of the state being thrown at it.

You know which side their bread is buttered.

As with any established organisation whose existence is (however grudgingly) accepted by The Establishment, they're on the side of "lets be civilised about this", not quite grasping that The establishment is manipulating them, and that being civilised doesn't put bread on the table, or coal on the fire.
Why indeed. Left Unity are irrelevant anyway, this close to the election. Despite the fact they won't win in FPTP and despite the fact that their councillors, in places like Brighton, are colluding with government austerity, I think the Greens are the most credible choice for change. Labour seem to be acting as if they believe they have it in the bag and that people will vote for them in 2015 regarldess. They won't reverse fuck all from this lost generation, least of all workfare and the welfare reforms.

I've been told that the reason the PCS won't come down on the side of claimants and stop this vile sanction and punishment regime is of course they will be replaced by even more hardline robots. But I don't see how things can really be any worse: if PCS staff are sanctioning people, for any reason really, nevermind trivial nonsense that breaks no rules, then that is the line in the sand surely. Unfortunately, for all his grandstanding, Serwotka does fuck all. Maybe he thinks that he can talk it up and others will back it up. But we're coming up to the third 'hot' autumn in a row that will fizzle out come next spring.

Something sooner or later has to give and I fear that people will take their frustrations out on the less well off (than even they) and those least able to defend themselves. This is already happening, with the rise in disability hate crime. Society is sick and getting sicker.
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