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Why Labour are Scum

Couldn't care less what you are feeling, just give me back the country where sanity once reigned.
if you mean the uk then surely it's the country when insanity once reigned

typical left-wing reply. Very apt.

More idiocy. There is no "typical left wing reply", just like there's no "typical right-wing reply". There are just replies, and idiots who label things "left" or "right" so that they can dismiss them.

Do you have to practice hard to achieve your degree of witlessness, or does it come naturally?
More idiocy. There is no "typical left wing reply", just like there's no "typical right-wing reply". There are just replies, and idiots who label things "left" or "right" so that they can dismiss them.

Do you have to practice hard to achieve your degree of witlessness, or does it come naturally?
Careful, you may get accused of having a 'left-wing agenda'. :D
Couldn't care less what you are feeling, just give me back the country where sanity once reigned.

Yes, let's go back to the good old days where poofs were given a kicking in the cells before being sent to a loony bin to be "rehabilitated". Let's go back to the days when the nignogs and the Pakis knew their place, and it was okay to give the reds a slap, because the Old Bill wouldn't pay any attention. lets go back to Pounds, Shillings and Pence, and imperial measurements.
And to really put the cherry on the cake, lets go back to people dying from diptheria, smallpox and polio too, eh?

if you mean the uk then surely it's the country when insanity once reigned


Surely it's only "insanity" when it's the lower orders that are afflicted, and when it's a nob that's afflicted, it's eccentricity or, if really bad, syphilis (always to be referred to, btw, as "the French Disease")?
What, you mean the council sending you a letter asking you to take more care? How terribly oppressive!

You mean when you read in theMail or the Express that cameras were going to be installed.
Guess what? It was never going to happen, it was tabloid scare-story bollocks meant to sucker people.

If they'd run the state like a Nazi state, people like me would be dead, and people like you would be keeping schtumm and kissing the arse of the local commissar, you poor, hard-done-by idiot!

And yet, even though you have no truck with any political party, you're announcing your intention to vote for UKIP.

You're an idiot, and worse, you're not even a consistent idiot, you're a self-contradicting idiot!

Feel better? get it off your chest there's a good boy.
What, you mean the council sending you a letter asking you to take more care? How terribly oppressive!

You mean when you read in theMail or the Express that cameras were going to be installed.
Guess what? It was never going to happen, it was tabloid scare-story bollocks meant to sucker people.

If they'd run the state like a Nazi state, people like me would be dead, and people like you would be keeping schtumm and kissing the arse of the local commissar, you poor, hard-done-by idiot!

New Labour - Crap
Conservatives - Crap
Libs - What a joke
Greens - Put a grenade under them
UKIP - I'm voting for them.
You - sorry, if you can't comment without the usual leftie insults you dont warrant a reply at all

And yet, even though you have no truck with any political party, you're announcing your intention to vote for UKIP.

You're an idiot, and worse, you're not even a consistent idiot, you're a self-contradicting idiot!
[quote="ViolentPanda, post: 12634823, member: ]Ah, I see, you're one of those people who spew a load of shit, but can't deal with criticism, and try and get around it by being patronising.
In other words, you're a wanker.[/quote]

Whereas you resort to name calling. Come on, you're better than that.
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