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Why Labour are Scum

Don't expect an answer. He's flounced off in a huff because we had the audacity to ask him to back up his bizarre claims.
I'm genuinely curious. I'd love to know about this country/era.

I'm stumped tbh. I was going to guess Vuanatu in the last century maybe - but even that I suspect is largely mythology. Costa Rica seems a possible by some metrics, but I don't know enough about it really.
New Labour - Crap
Conservatives - Crap
Libs - What a joke
Greens - Put a grenade under them
UKIP - I'm voting for them.
You - sorry, if you can't comment without the usual leftie insults you dont warrant a reply at all

Not a leftie, so your retort about "usual leftie insults" is pretty stupid.
Just like someone who assumes that anyone arguing against them is a "leftie", looks pretty stupid.

I'm not even sure why I bothered posting that tbh. I think starting off from a position that Gordon Brown puts cameras in wheelie bins to stop you putting darkies in them should have let me know something.

Something besides that they're a fruitcake who believes every "euro-scare" story that the right-wing red-tops publish?
He got 3 polite replies before I called him a wanker - 3 opportunities to back up his claims. I reckon I was pretty forbearing.

Well violent panda, first may I please correct your assumption that I am a he and therefore a Wanker! I am a 65 year old mum to six sons and foster mum to two. No doubt we will have the female version of wanker and the ageism insults to come but I have broad shoulders. When I said sanity to be returned to this country not once did I mention Race, Gender, Old illnesses or any other nastiness from the past, what I want is for politicians of ALL parties, all councillors and all other jobsworths to remember that it is the electorate who put them into office to do good for the people. We, and I especially mean me, plead guilty to being gullible enough to have been fooled in the past by the many promises made by lying, cheating, fraudulant careerists who lie through their teeth in order to be elected, only once they are in, to not give a toss any more to what they promised during electioneering. If that justifies the insults for trying to get this across I despair for this country even more.

Oh by the way, to the poster who implied I was telling lies about my late dad asking all 19 houses in the cul-de-sac to fill their wheelbarrow with delivered coal. I didn't say they all took the offer up only that he offered it.They actually did share things back then so please don't be so quick to judge.
... We, and I especially mean me, plead guilty to being gullible enough to have been fooled in the past by the many promises made by lying, cheating, fraudulant careerists who lie through their teeth in order to be elected, only once they are in, to not give a toss any more to what they promised during electioneering. If that justifies the insults for trying to get this across I despair for this country even more.....
I reckon if UKIP ever get near a sniff of power you'll find they disappoint you same as the rest. Quite apart from the leadership coming from the same political class, the way institutions and so on reproduce themselves in the UK means they'll compromise or not ever get the chance.
whats this mythical time when those that exercised the franchise were listened to? possibly when it was only extended to white male property owners aged over 25 and of a certain income?
Well violent panda, first may I please correct your assumption that I am a he and therefore a Wanker!

Women wank too, you know.

I am a 65 year old mum to six sons and foster mum to two. No doubt we will have the female version of wanker and the ageism insults to come but I have broad shoulders.

That's nice. Means you wouldn't have needed to wear shoulder pads in the '80s.

When I said sanity to be returned to this country not once did I mention Race, Gender, Old illnesses or any other nastiness from the past, what I want is for politicians of ALL parties, all councillors and all other jobsworths to remember that it is the electorate who put them into office to do good for the people.

But we didn't elect them to office to "do good for the people". The reality is that we elect them because that's the choice we're offered. There's nothing in UK law that compels local authority councillors, MPs or even Parish councillors to represent their consituents or "do good for the people", which is one of the reasons why they can get away with the crap they get away with.
Change the system (i.e. agitate for CONSTITUTIONAL change), and we might actually have a properly representative democracy to live in, but without that, just voting for one set of arseholes over another gets nobody anything, except another bunch of arseholes in power.

We, and I especially mean me, plead guilty to being gullible enough to have been fooled in the past by the many promises made by lying, cheating, fraudulant careerists who lie through their teeth in order to be elected, only once they are in, to not give a toss any more to what they promised during electioneering. If that justifies the insults for trying to get this across I despair for this country even more.

The majority of politicians (local, regional or national) for the last 100 years, and arguably before that too, have been "lying, cheating, fraudulent careerists", they just used to cover up their sins a bit better, and/or not be so greedy. It's not really about being gullible, it's about expecting honourable behaviour, and then finding out that what most of them prefer is dishonourable behaviour. Expecting someone like Farage to behave any differently, when he's cut from exactly the same public school cloth as the majority of our politicians, well that is being gullible!
whats this mythical time when those that exercised the franchise were listened to? possibly when it was only extended to white male property owners aged over 25 and of a certain income?

Not even to all of them, just to the ones who had the "right" connections.
whats this mythical time when those that exercised the franchise were listened to? possibly when it was only extended to white male property owners aged over 25 and of a certain income?
whats this mythical time when those that exercised the franchise were listened to? possibly when it was only extended to white male property owners aged over 25 and of a certain income?

Your probably right, but what is the alternative? This Labour Party is not the Party that was first formed to look after the working people,unless of course you are working in the public sector and belong to a Union. They couldn't care less about the rest of us. I honestly cannot tell the difference between them and the Tories, where are the politicians who have actually worked in the real world and really understand the hardship ordinary people are going through? I cannot even contemplate voting for Clegg and his pie-in-the-sky ideas, the Green Party? they won't be happy until we are all back wearing animal fur and riding around by donkey and cart, so what does that leave? UKIP. I have to admit Nigel Farrage is something of a joke but rather than waste my vote they at least do have some policies I agree with, such as getting us out of Europe and closing our borders to any more mass immigration until we manage to get our economy and our services, which are straining at the seams, back in order. I don't for a moment imagine they will get into office so my vote, even though likely to be a wasted vote, will be going for them. Stupid? probably, but this biddy has seen too many politicians crap on us and UKIP is at present the best of a bad bunch.
unless of course you are working in the public sector and belong to a Union

this simply isn't true. Assaults on pub/sec wages and conditions continued unabated during the 15 years of nulab rule- even now they attack the unions and refuse to back any strike whatsoever. This idea that labour loves unions is simply not true. They might like the funding but thats it. Throughout its history the labour party has actively hampered its union funding base.
Well violent panda, first may I please correct your assumption that I am a he and therefore a Wanker! I am a 65 year old mum to six sons and foster mum to two. No doubt we will have the female version of wanker and the ageism insults to come but I have broad shoulders. When I said sanity to be returned to this country not once did I mention Race, Gender, Old illnesses or any other nastiness from the past, what I want is for politicians of ALL parties, all councillors and all other jobsworths to remember that it is the electorate who put them into office to do good for the people. We, and I especially mean me, plead guilty to being gullible enough to have been fooled in the past by the many promises made by lying, cheating, fraudulant careerists who lie through their teeth in order to be elected, only once they are in, to not give a toss any more to what they promised during electioneering. If that justifies the insults for trying to get this across I despair for this country even more.

Oh by the way, to the poster who implied I was telling lies about my late dad asking all 19 houses in the cul-de-sac to fill their wheelbarrow with delivered coal. I didn't say they all took the offer up only that he offered it.They actually did share things back then so please don't be so quick to judge.

Didn't imply nowt, just queried your maths, I used to hoy coal in for two bob a load as a young'n and was often asked to take a couple of buckets to auld so and so,s hoose as they were a bit short, so I am more than familiar with WC community spirit.
Note buckets, we were too poor to afford wheelbarrows:)
Didn't imply nowt, just queried your maths, I used to hoy coal in for two bob a load as a young'n and was often asked to take a couple of buckets to auld so and so,s hoose as they were a bit short, so I am more than familiar with WC community spirit.
Note buckets, we were too poor to afford wheelbarrows:)

I thought it was because you only got the wheel that far northward about 30 years ago? :p
There is a 'consensus' between Labour and the Condems on Universal Credit, according to the media, just debate over its implementation, so that's all right then..
Wasn't Gould a proto-blairite, has he changed?

You may be thinking of Philip Gould, a market research bod who introduced Nulabor to the delights of focus groups.

Bryan Gould was always a straight-down-the-line soft left man - but not a Nulaborist, as a look at his blog would show.
Just curious, we used to get the free coal from the old NCB, now 8 cwt divided between 19 houses wouldn't leave your generous Da much to put in his coal hoose? Would it?
I was a miner for 15 years. Coming home from a shift to find a ton of coal piled in the front yard was a joy. 10 times a year. We weren't supposed to sell it on, give it away or share it out. We could sell it back to the NCB, a figure of £4.86 a ton sticks in my mind. Having a fire with back boiler burning 24/7 even in summer provided more than enough heat and water and made hardly a dent on the allowance. I broke three of the kids buggies wheeling it round to friends and neighbours.
I'm sick of this use of the word responsibility in respect of the social security system. What good does it do to be lectured by tax dodging expenses abusing toffs when you have nothing noone and nowhere to go? These people seem to think life is some grand public school experience and that benefit claimants are billy bunter helping himself to an unmerited amount of sweets from the tuck shop.

Describing the WCA as 'tough but fair' is equally bizarre. It isn't tough, it's useless and it's administered by people who could have absolutely no understanding of your problems. There is no need for ATOS to assign your case to a specialist as would happen in proper health care. We all know they work to targets as well, provising the grounds for the DWP decision maker to say you can work. That's just as unhelpful as the government minister in the example above.
We all know they work to targets even though they lied about them working to targets. All this government does is lie and steal, they are sociopaths.
And yet Labour just sit there, behind Miliband's consumptive joyless rictus, and compete for the same votes over the same policies. Reeves might well repeal the BT (or so she claims), but the's also promised to be tougher on welfare than the tories. If that's even possible! I don't get why people lik John McDonell and Jeremy Corbyn even bother.
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