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Why do the French protest/riot better than we do

Arguably they've got one right now, hence
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disclaimer - I really dont know the answer, but ive got some impressions which are just impressions, might be bullshit

but maybe its
-france has yet to experience the legal crushing of its trade unions a la thatcher, so trade unions more effective, and virtuous circle so have more support
-a stronger organised left. theres a communist party festival that attracts nearly a million people in france Fête de l'Humanité - Wikipedia
-a less subservient relationship to the state. vive la republique attitude must be some kind of factor, cementing the role of people power in peoples minds
-these things have momentum and france hasnt lost it.
Let's not forget that union membership in France is v low. Like about 8% compared to about 23% in the UK. IME, it's more about people being prepared to walk out despite not being in a union rather than because they're in a union.

Yes, but the point about Thatcher is that she instigated a class war and then won it. Sarkozy in a feeble way tried it then backed down sharpish. We'll see what happens this time. Macron hasn't won yet.
Wasn't it marx who said the history of all hitherto societies is the history of class struggle? Thatcher didn't start the class war and she didn't win it. It is after all a rather larger and longer lasting feature of societies, from the dim and distant past to today
We are not like China when it comes to population control - our governments might collect disturbing amounts of data but they don't use it to crack down on dissent.
Erm, Spycops, spying on lots of different flavours of activists - animal rights, eco-activists, etc.

Erm, more spycops, spying on the family of murdered Stephen Lawrence, y'know, rather than bringing his killers to justice, they spied on his family.

Erm, trade union blacklisting.
Erm, Spycops, spying on lots of different flavours of activists - animal rights, eco-activists, etc.

Erm, more spycops, spying on the family of murdered Stephen Lawrence, y'know, rather than bringing his killers to justice, they spied on his family.

Erm, trade union blacklisting.

Yeah, I phrased that very poorly, should have been more along the lines of "the UK collects data but it doesn't use it to ruthlessly crush all dissent like China does."
It probably explains why I can't appreciate French food and coffee...
Even when they aren't burning stuff, they're sucking on disgusting cigarettes ..
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