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Why do the French protest/riot better than we do

We’ve been taught to look down on the french for like centuries. That narrative might be a contributing factor in why we don’t kick off. We ain’t like them frenchies, we are made of sterner stuff etc.
Remember Hazlitt had a bust of Napoleon and the little general was quite popular with radicals here, even after his monarchical turn I think. Loads about the panic about copycats after the French Revolution, Oliver the spy case and all that, if I remember my EP Thompson.
Remember Hazlitt had a bust of Napoleon and the little general was quite popular with radicals here, even after his monarchical turn I think. Loads about the panic about copycats after the French Revolution, Oliver the spy case and all that, if I remember my EP Thompson.
yes the anti-jacobin backlash
Twice as many police per population ...
Spain has more even than Russia !
Surprised the USA has so few ...

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Counting innit. Do you count your border agency as cops or not. Do you count all your Police Municipal people as police officers, even those that have less powers as GB PCSOs. Do you count things like waste inspectors and transport inspectors as cops?
Counting innit. Do you count your border agency as cops or not. Do you count all your Police Municipal people as police officers, even those that have less powers as GB PCSOs. Do you count things like waste inspectors and transport inspectors as cops?
And of course secret police. I wonder if Spain have more of those than autocratic Russia.
Let’s face it the sort of people who focus on identity politics per se wouldn’t have any impact on working class struggle even if they abandoned their politics .
It is problematic though I think. Taking Freedom Family as an example it uses identity almost as a defence of the system. If the security services didn’t dream that one up they missed a trick.
i really hate the complaint "its identity politics fault" ..blaming minorities defending their basic human rights for the wider failure of the left makes no sense to me. As if only people stopped doing that it would all be fine
The demographic that go on and on about the problem with identity politics - not that it doesn't have its issues - is quite telling.
Not really. One of the biggest critics doesn’t tick all of your boxes.

OK. I don't see him going on and on. But it reminded me - you missed out middle class.

Middle-class, middle-aged, majority white, cis het men seem to be generally the people who shout the loudest, repeatedly against the evils of identity politics.
I think for many, the issue is more than "class trumps all" - it's wanting to be relevant.
There are issues with identity politics, I don't deny that, but people who are affected by certain issues don't need to be reminded by someone who isn't, every single time.

I realise I'm not articulating this as well as someone else might, but it's a thing. And it's always been a thing.
OK. I don't see him going on and on. But it reminded me - you missed out middle class.

Middle-class, middle-aged, majority white, cis het men seem to be generally the people who shout the loudest, repeatedly against the evils of identity politics.
I think for many, the issue is more than "class trumps all" - it's wanting to be relevant.
There are issues with identity politics, I don't deny that, but people who are affected by certain issues don't need to be reminded by someone who isn't, every single time.

I realise I'm not articulating this as well as someone else might, but it's a thing. And it's always been a thing.
Fair point. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be fighting for their rights. They absolutely should. And as a cis het white male (no idea how you knew this, but you were correct) I don’t fully understand the issues the minorities face and shouldn’t be sticking my beak in on such matters.
But as a socialist I see that most problems stem from capitalism and the class system. And therefore the battle is for all of us. Identity politics can often simply place one identity in confrontation with another. Which is the antithesis of what is needed, which is class solidarity.
Fair point. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be fighting for their rights. They absolutely should. And as a cis het white male (no idea how you knew this, but you were correct) I don’t fully understand the issues the minorities face and shouldn’t be sticking my beak in on such matters.
But as a socialist I see that most problems stem from capitalism and the class system. And therefore the battle is for all of us. Identity politics can often simply place one identity in confrontation with another. Which is the antithesis of what is needed, which is class solidarity.
Right. Regarding the video, I agree with The39thStep.

Let’s face it the sort of people who focus on identity politics per se wouldn’t have any impact on working class struggle even if they abandoned their politics .

I think Martin is making too much of it tbh.
blacklisting trade unionists with the collusion of OB, infiltrating everything from the Socialist Baking Circle to the local road protest. Oh and lets not forget infiltrating the solidarity and justice campaigns for the victims of every police murder ever. Retroactively enacting laws to cover the shit that was done so you can do it again. No it isn't china, its Pitt's britain.
Yes, all this has a lot to do with it.
Maybe to an lesser extent, that people who are at the bottom of the pile risk losing their benefits for being seen on a protest. There are definitely people "on the sick" who wouldn't risk it.
It's lots of things.
I wonder if Thatcher would somehow have managed to exclude them from the group of people who might be though to be "swamping" others ...
Identity politics has been co-opted by the establishment as seen by who is now at the levers of power. Far easier to promote BAME into positions of power and then claim diversity over having a truly egalitarian society. Do those who get itchy over criticism of identity politics see this? It’s right in front of their faces.
Let’s face it the sort of people who focus on identity politics per se wouldn’t have any impact on working class struggle even if they abandoned their politics .
I think his criticisms are aimed at the various tiny left groupsicles of which he is a part of, so yeah probably zero impact but also why those groups fail so worth airing (from his pov at least).
Just had a massive strike wave in the UK...not sure how this managed to happen what with all those "identity politics people" ruining everything. the reason france has had such a great turn out the week must be because they don't have identity politics polluting their populace.

yes there are some issues to talk about how 'identity politics' is done in practice etc but the constant wheeling it out as The Big Barrier That Is Stopping Real Revolution is just an illusion. Most normal people don't come into contact with any of this
disclaimer - I really dont know the answer, but ive got some impressions which are just impressions, might be bullshit

but maybe its
-france has yet to experience the legal crushing of its trade unions a la thatcher, so trade unions more effective, and virtuous circle so have more support
-a stronger organised left. theres a communist party festival that attracts nearly a million people in france Fête de l'Humanité - Wikipedia
-a less subservient relationship to the state. vive la republique attitude must be some kind of factor, cementing the role of people power in peoples minds
-these things have momentum and france hasnt lost it.
I think your points 1, 2 and 4 have some validity, and are linked. But I don't think your point 3 works. I don't think most British people do have a subservient relationship to the state, even the monarchist types, compared to other countries. Meanwhile, the French are taught that the values of the Republic are sacrosanct, bit like Americans being taught to revere the constitution. I think you could just as easily make that case the other way round.

imo point 1 is the biggest factor. France hasn't had a Thatcher. That matters.
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