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wht were the nazi's right wing? and not left wing?

GarfieldLeChat said:
they miss the national bit which reffers to nationalism the superioirty or ideal of a nation being better than anythign else. a concept which of course is right wing.


A concept the left calls right wing.

Except when stalin and the north vietnamies do it of course.

Then they ignore it.
The North Vietnamese didn't think the Vietnamese nation was better than anything else in the world, they just thought it was good enough to kick G.I Joe's arse.
likesfish said:
on a spam sight some idiots going out about how the Nazi's were really socialist and not really right wing at all :rolleyes:
I guess its bollocks but can anyone explain in short sentences that even a yank could understand why he's talking shit please cheers

We previosuse argued that point for hundreds of pages probably right here.

Maybee some here are intilectualy honest enough to remmber it.

But i doubt it.

Yossarian said:
The North Vietnamese didn't think the Vietnamese nation was better than anything else in the world, they just thought it was good enough to kick G.I Joe's arse.

pbman said:
The left says its a right wing thing.

And their word is final.
not but social conditioning words pretty much is... go ask 100 people nazi's were they left wing or right wing, guarenttee the out come there pbeeb's...

you bloody mental...
kropotkin said:

Not always.

Depends on the situation really, the Irish National Liberation Army for example are a bunch of Marxists who want a United Ireland (Nationalist part), then introduce Marxism when they achieve that (Socialist part).
Yossarian said:
The North Vietnamese didn't think the Vietnamese nation was better than anything else in the world, they just thought it was good enough to kick G.I Joe's arse.

and the French.

Is there a difference between nationalism of colonial powers and nationalism of the colonised?
Drain Bamage said:
In my opinion Hitler used the mass of the working classes to gain power over the aristocracy and then used it to pursue his own personal idealogy.

They had a choice of either the Nazis or communism at the time and Hitler was the safest bet.

Wrong. There was no aristocracy and the w/c weren't behind the nazis.
What does left wing mean is the key point surely. Nation building has been a central part of socialist states and the struggle for them since WW2. Is that left wing?
GarfieldLeChat said:
not but social conditioning words pretty much is... go ask 100 people nazi's were they left wing or right wing, guarenttee the out come there pbeeb's...

you bloody mental...

Your right it not hard to find 100 missinformed people, expicialy after your schools have been missinforming people for 60 years.......

Of those hundred people how many do you think took the time to reasearch it and think about it?


The fact remains that they were far far more left wing than right wing.
pbman said:
The fact remains that they were far far more left wing than right wing.

What aspects of the NSDAP's policy on big business do you think was left-wing?

Just to take one example IBM made a fortune (and arguably cemented their world dominance) from Hitlers economic policy.

...and didn't Mussolini say that capitalism and fascism went together like hand and glove (or something similar)?
pbman said:
Your right it not hard to find 100 missinformed people, expicialy after your schools have been missinforming people for 60 years.......

You studied in the UK?

pbman said:
The fact remains that they were far far more left wing than right wing.

It is not a fact. You're making it up. Trying to get a rise out of people.

Merry Xmas. I wish it was good that you're back.
yield said:
You studied in the UK?
No, that doesn't stop him making sweeping pronouncements based on fuck-all evidence, though.
It is not a fact. You're making it up. Trying to get a rise out of people.
Yep, just like he did with the anti-Semitic filth he spouted a couple of years back, then ran away when he couldn't prove any of it, as he doesn't appear to realise that saying cretinous things and claiming they are fact isn't actually "proof".
Merry Xmas. I wish it was good that you're back.
I can't even bring myself to be that charitable, I'd prefer that he crawled back up the arsehole he fell out of.
ViolentPanda said:
<snip> he doesn't appear to realise that saying cretinous things and claiming they are fact isn't actually "proof".<snip>
Him and his Great Leader
Bush's statements, in chronological order, were:

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."

United Nations address, September 12, 2002

"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons."

"We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have."

Radio address, October 5, 2002

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons."

"We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."

"We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States."

"The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his "nuclear mujahideen" -- his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons."

Cincinnati, Ohio speech, October 7, 2002

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."

State of the Union Address, January 28, 2003

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

Address to the nation, March 17, 2003
yield said:
You studied in the UK?


Of course not, or i would belive as your do............

I was tought the truth, that they were socalists. And compared to the US of the time they were extreamly socalist, when socalist europe, looks at them, it just doesn't stand out the same, so that fact gets ignored. But look at the times, The UK in the 30's and 40's was far far more right wing than they were.

It is not a fact. You're making it up. Trying to get a rise out of people.

Its real simple just look at their name. Nazi is a abriviation for national socalist., And i've argued every possible aspect of it for hundreds of pages here, in multiple threads.
pbman said:
Of course not, or i would belive as your do............

I was tought the truth, that they were socalists. And compared to the US of the time they were extreamly socalist, when socalist europe, looks at them, it just doesn't stand out the same, so that fact gets ignored. But look at the times, The UK in the 30's and 40's was far far more right wing than they were.

Idris2002 on page one said:
Yes, but Germany had a long tradition of right-wing led state welfare policies that went right back to Bismarck.

pbman - Are you seriously suggesting that Otto von Bismarck was left-wing?

He introduced Old Age Pensions, and Health, Accident and Disability Insurance in late Nineteenth Century Prussia. All in an effort to undermine the popularity of the Social Democrats.

pbman said:
Its real simple just look at their name. Nazi is a abriviation for national socalist., And i've argued every possible aspect of it for hundreds of pages here, in multiple threads.

I think you're being disingenuous. Are you genuinely here to debate?

sleaterkinney said:
Does that mean that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic?

When is Kim jong-il holding elections? :D :D

Exactly! It is almost as if pbman has never heard of advertising, public relations, hearts and minds or divide and conquer.
'We come to Iraq to make it safe for freedom and democracy'

He and his rapidly dwindling band of fellow delusional far-right fanatics live to propagate stupid lies. For a couple of years there, probably due to hysterical 911 bedwetting, they actually seemed to be in control of events. But just look at the fucking awful mess they made of things.

Delusional gun-fondling retards who want to hurt people for Jeebus are bad news I think.
pbman said:
Nazi is a abriviation for national socalist., And i've argued every possible aspect of it for hundreds of pages here, in multiple threads.

Jeez, you're a fuckwit. :D
october_lost said:
They nationalised big buisness?
They supported strikes?

the nationalising is in their programme i think ( need to check ) whether they did not sure

but yes strikes .. e.g. in berlin in 1932 the transport workers strike ( which caused major confusions in the left if i remember rightly .. KPD i think co-operated on occasion with them??? ) this was third period years


note "UNited Front fron Below"


so yes in fact

"Within a month, the German Stalinists had organised a united front with the Nazis in the Berlin transport workers' strike! The tram workers took unofficial action over a proposed wage cut. To everyone's surprise, the Nazi Party supported the strike. They joined forces with the Communist Party attacking trams and ripping up tram lines. Street collections were organised for strike funds, and in Berlin appeared the alarming and confusing sight of a Communist and a Nazi standing together and shouting in unison, while they rattled their collecting tins: 'For the strike fund of the RGO' - 'for the strike fund of the NSBO'. The RGO was the Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition (communist), and the NSBO the (fascist) National Socialist Factory Cell Organisation."
I think your taking a cue from their propaganda, rather than being realistic about what they were hoping to achieve. Their strike activity when wasnt aimed at jewish businesses was a front to win over militants who were supporters of the SPD/KPD, it wasnt explicitly something they maintained after they got power.

And the nationalism thing isnt real either, many private compnies made a fortune in Nazi Germany, how could that have happened under nationalisation.
october_lost said:
I think your taking a cue from their propaganda, rather than being realistic about what they were hoping to achieve. Their strike activity when wasnt aimed at jewish businesses was a front to win over militants who were supporters of the SPD/KPD, it wasnt explicitly something they maintained after they got power.

And the nationalism thing isnt real either, many private compnies made a fortune in Nazi Germany, how could that have happened under nationalisation.

well of course! you think i am suggestting they were as a party genuinely pro w/c??????????????? :D

i am commenting though that with nazism fascism there are real w/c currents .. who want to dispose the bourgoise ( not just jews) .. that they are also racist and nationalist is a fact but seperate .. the night of the long knives brings out the reality ( and defeat ) of this current in germany.

p.s. 250,000 is a fair sized union! not just a few militants
yield said:
I think you're being disingenuous. Are you genuinely here to debate?

Like i said, i already debated it, and am not going to bother repeating it for you............


It was no accident that the Nazi flag was a red banner; it was taken from the flag of socialism. As Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn showed in his book, "Leftism" (1974 and 1990), Hitler and all his top lieutenants were hard-core socialists who hated everything about the old Europe, including small states, the monarchs, the Church, the landed aristocracy, peace, and the free economy of the 19th century. They imagined themselves running a centralized, protectionist, and statist Germany under the executive-branch "leadership principle." They talked constantly of a proletarian revolution that would destroy the bourgeois class.

Furthermore, as Robert Proctor showed in "Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis" (1988), the Nazis were health fanatics who banned cigarette smoking, promoted vegetarianism and organic gardening, engaged in abortion and euthanasia, frowned on all capitalist excess, and even promoted animal rights. They were environmentalists who locked up land from development to promote paganism.

The Nazi government introduced socialized medicine and government-mandated vacations at government spas, imposed handgun control, and expanded unemployment "insurance" and Social Security. The Nazis opposed the traditional calendar and wanted to replace it with one centered on race and nation rather than faith and family.

A new study of Nazi make-work programs of the 1930s by Dan P. Silverman ("Hitler's Economy," 1998) shows that Hitler's government pursued a program of "public investment" even more far reaching than the U.S. New Deal. This government imagined itself as the employer of every citizen, the planner of every production decision, and the redistributor of every accumulated pocket of wealth in society. From the Nazi point of view, full glory came during the war when they took over the economy completely, Soviet-style.

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