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Who's going to what?


not the only raver in the village
I didn't get any tickets in the first ballot last year. I don't know anyone who did

But I have some for the first event. Off today to see women's football GB v NZ in Cardiff.

It's not my first choice of event but I wanted to take the children to something.

So what's anyone else going to ?
I applied for all sorts of shit. Got nada.

My boss has correctly suggested i go to the paralympics instead - which im gonna do.

I think the road race (with cavendish and wiggins) is this weekend) tho, which is free.
Football tomorrow

Athletics (non-medal session, but some fun heats and Decathlon bits)

Womens Hockey semi

Womens Basketball semi

That tower thingy
Women's football at Wembley next week, GB vs Brazil. I can't wait, I was disappointed not to get tickets for the Olympic stadium but it'll be my first visit to the new Wembley and my mum went to the Olympics there in 1948! Going with my daughter and her friend who both play club football.
My parents got tickets, but I didn't bother. They're taking us to South Korea vs. Gabon in the football. I'm supporting Gabon.
How did you manage to get so many? :hmm:
Athletics was the only one we got in the original lottery. Football was easy to get hold of. The hockey (which is on the same day as our athletics) was still available on the first day of the free for all sale (still pretty crap seats, for fifty bleeding quid each) and the basketball I got a few days later, once I'd worked out how to do it! (There aren't any seats together, so whenever anyone searches for more than one seat, they're told they are unavailable. So no one booked them. Then I rang up and they explained it all to me - we are sat one of us behind the other). The basketball is still available.
Rowing - on Monday. Just down the round at Dorney. Would like to go on Orbit but you have to have tickets to the Olympic Park...and I don't :(
Cycling on Saturday & Sunday goes past the end of my road. Will take a wander down there and see what I can see.
Finally got some tickets - for the paralympics - at Excel, a tenner! day passes - I'll be able to see table tennis,volleyball, and weight lifting I think - there are tickets available for the paralympics 1st week of September - but I'll be on holiday then.
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