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who is responsible for the London attacks?

DrJazzz said:
eh? Isn't wanting to find someone a good reason for releasing a picture, like the all the 21/7 images? :confused:

Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Depends on the circumstances, especially what else is known / not known.
Pickman's model said:
if you are going to discuss this, please could you post up things original instead of stuff the entire world knows.

Ooh, look, a demand for "originality" form the Pedant King... how novel is that!? :rolleyes:
From the link above.
The Muslim men are claimed to have ridden from Luton to King's Cross where they split up to take separate trains. t takes about 25 minutes to ride from Luton station to where the bombs were detonated.

Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous video of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of each (supposed) "Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack on each of the 3 separate Underground cars, riding from King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs exploded SIMULTANEOUSLY!

If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars, did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING.

The families of the 4 men, along with their legal advisers, community leaders and MP's, should all be demanding to urgently view this supposed CCTV footage or, better still, demanding its release into the public domain. That way the families and the rest of us might be reassured that the investigation is proceeding with all due diligence, in a proper and judicious manner, free from any political meddling and interference.
The Muslim men are claimed to have ridden from Luton to King's Cross where they split up to take separate trains. t takes about 25 minutes to ride from Luton station to where the bombs were detonated.

Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous video of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of each (supposed) "Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack on each of the 3 separate Underground cars, riding from King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs exploded SIMULTANEOUSLY!

If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars, did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING.
from Big Fish

On the past thing, i thought i saw a still of at least one off the blokes in king cross.

You're doing bloody well to get from luton station ,once you're on the train, in 25 mins, You've got to get your tickets, can take a while at luton, get throu the stupid machines, your also assuming they got an intercity or at least one of the trains that does very few stops. The luton trains dont have video camaras on them, or there be a lot of people busted at night for all sorts of naughty behavour .when have the tubes had cctv on them? in fact what r u talking about? Have the CIA been putting LSD in your tea?
james walsh, you didn't see a still (or video, as you earlier claimed) of any of the suspected 7/7 bombers within London. Your quibble over the time it takes to get from Luton to King's Cross is of no consequence that I can determine. And if you had been paying any attention you would know of CCTV on tubes, thanks to the images released of the 21/07 suspects. Please go away until you have something useful to contribute.
The alleged person that DrJazz quotes:

  • In 2001 publicised his address as 2622 E. 6th St./Tucson, Arizona 85716;
  • Clearly has no concept of the difference between a London Underground train, a Thameslink commuter train, and a Midland Mainline train, respectively;
  • is simply wrong about video in Underground trains, based on an exhaustive survey conducted by someone I trust totally;
  • Is utterly fucking barking:
    Dick Fojut said:

    I was astounded to hear respected scientists with NASA seriously believe they can "nudge" earth into a different orbit around the Sun! These experts can plot a trajectory for rockets to move through the solar system, yet they seem TOTALLY IGNORANT about WHY and HOW planets orbit at different distances around the Sun! These NASA experts, and unnamed "astronomers," apparently believe earth's orbit and distance from the Sun came about from some random accidental arrangement.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to "nudge" the earth into a different orbit and distance from the Sun...

    WHY? Because, dependant on the planet's MAGNETIC CAPACITY (the volume of magnetic forces stored in its crust), the Sun's centrifugal and magnetic forces hold each satellite in a precise NEUTRAL zone orbit around the Sun.

    Much more bollocks, arguing against an assertion which is itself a delusion, snipped...

DrJazz, you're an embarassment to conspiranoids yet.
james_walsh said:
On the past thing, i thought i saw a still of at least one off the blokes in king cross.

Were there any lizards in the picture?

You're doing bloody well to get from luton station ,once you're on the train, in 25 mins, You've got to get your tickets, can take a while at luton, get throu the stupid machines, your also assuming they got an intercity or at least one of the trains that does very few stops.

I'm not assuming anything. Have you ever heard of a... railway timetable?

Four Asian men carrying rucksacks pictured entering Luton station at 7:21:50 am

AM weekday rail service Luton to London Kings cross:

Depart Luton 7:24 arrive Xcross 7:59 = 35 minutes
Depart Luton 7:30 arrive Xcross 8:03 = 33 minutes
Depart Luton 7:40 arrive Xcross 8:15 = 35 minutes
Depart Luton 7:48 arrive Xcross 8:19 = 31 minutes
Depart Luton 7:56 arrive Xcross 8:31 = 35 minutes

Police claim they have CCTV footage of the men arriving at Kings Cross at "about 0830 BST". This arrival time tends to suggest they caught the 7:56 Thameslink - arriving Xcross 8:31. It also suggests they waited or were delayed for about 34 minutes before finally boarding a Xcross bound train - so there should be plenty of eyewitnesses who saw them together at Luton station.

The Luton trains dont have video camaras on them...

Some Thameslink trains do have CCTV fitted in saloon carriages. But even if the train they caught didn't have cameras installed, the station platforms at both Luton and Xcross are well covered. So there should be footage of the men getting on the train at Luton and getting of at Xcross.

When have the tubes had cctv on them?

Why don't you try doing some research and find out?

Central Line gets new CCTV from Metronet Rail

So, once again, there should at least be CCTV images of 3 of the men boarding the targeted underground trains, even if CCTV wasn't fitted in the carriages themselves.

Have the CIA been putting LSD in your tea?

You're the one who's hallucinating pal, not me.
laptop said:
DrJazz, you're an embarassment to conspiranoids yet.

Coming from this tedious, self-agrandizing fart, I'd take what he says as a compliment, if I were you Doc.

I mean this is the joker who brought us the famous 'Mr Blobby Goes to Dulles To Hijack An Airplane' video, as "proof" that "al Qaeda's" hijacked flight 77, even though one of the guys said to be shown in the video and therefore dead, just happens to be still alive and living in Saudi Arabia giving interviews to the press! Isn't that incredible!? How did such an enormous howler manage to weave its way through such a formidable array of highly tuned filters, I wonder?

Really he's just a pathetic little drip who seems to have nothing better to do than join in the conspiraloon insult fest every chance he gets and crawl around these forums bigging himself up as the father of the mother of all 'experts'.
Christ, still on the same broken record of "where's the CCTV?!" You have no evidence of anything approaching a conspiracy. You've got nothing and are using bullshit to try and blag your way past that irritating point.

1) CCTV may exist, but there is no need for us to see it, we're not investigating.
2) Only Conspiracy nuts seem to be objecting to the lack of CCTV, and these people will never be happy so why bother releasing it at all?

I move that bigfish be labeled an idiot and have duct tape placed over his mouth for a period of no less than two hours. Then remove the duct tape.
For fuck's sake, without a water tight case these men are not going to be taken to court.

This thread is ridiculous. Why can only bigfish and DrJ see 'the truth'? Why is everyone else a gullible moron for being taken in by the state's version of events? In an injust world, are these bonkers theories really the best way forward? There is nothing 'marxist' about them bigfish, and you just make left wing politics look absurd.
DrJazzz said:
Well I've been posting this point around a few places now, and others are starting to pick up on it.

No Video of the 3 Bombers Inside the London Subway Cars before they blew up?

Also of note is that our underground CCTV is monitored by an Israeli security company, Verint (source)

More bullshit, thinly veiled anti-Semitic attacks and general lies from yourself, and still referencing your "facts" from Jeff Rense, I see?
He'll soon be rotting like Joe Vialls with any luck.

You'll never learn and you'll never be taken seriously, you know that don't you?
bigfish said:
I'm a man with a rucksack behaving in a suspicious manner,
And the load that I carry around is a lethal concoction,
I'm a man with a mission, marching to a "just" war banner,
It's a hard-edged decision, to wipe out this evil, but just trust me.
No dodgy cut and paste lyrics/'poetry' in the politics forum, please.

And who the fuck is James Chater. Didn't he used to play drums in Gene Loves Jezebel?
Interesting article form Matthew Parris in the Times about the 'Al Qaeda threat' worth a read.

AT TIMES of national emergency, the habit of the news media to drop a story or a lead in mid-air when it seems to be going nowhere unsettles the public. The media betray a sort of sheepish wish to “move on” from an erroneous report, hoping that their audience will not notice. Rather than acknowledge this, they publish a new report, leaving us to compare it with what had previously been said — and draw our own conclusions. Or they start barking up a different tree, the inference being that the last tree may have been the wrong tree.
The habit is more disliked by listeners and readers than I think editors appreciate. Perhaps the first item on each day’s news agenda should be “matters arising from yesterday’s news”. News editors would then do us the courtesy of explaining where some of those stories went.

I haven't found actual photos from King's Cross yet...

However they are mentioned here:
Investigators achieved an important breakthrough within days, by piecing together apparently unconnected pieces of the complicated jigsaw. One crucial discovery came as police officers studied CCTV footage from King's Cross at a video suite in central London. An officer trained in picking out suspicious characters in a crowd suddenly leapt from his seat. "Stop there," he told his colleague. "Rewind a bit … stop!"

On the screen hundreds of people milling around King's Cross station came to a halt, walked backwards a few paces and froze. There were smartly dressed commuters, travellers struggling with heavy suitcases, tourists in shorts, girls in mini-skirts. And, just off centre, four young Asian-looking men in casual clothes and with rucksacks on their backs. "Those four there," said the officer. "Zoom in."

One anti-terrorist investigator said the four men "looked like they were going on holiday". But the sharp-eyed officer had spotted something in their movements, their gestures, their demeanour. After trawling through hours of film he had found the first pictures of the bombers. The images were recorded just before 8.30am, 20 minutes before the Tube attacks.
Maybe that CCTV exists, I haven't said it doesn't. However we should not only have that, we should have clear CCTV of each bomber individually on their fateful journey. So far we have 1) a CCTV shot at Luton in which one alleged bomber's face is visible and 2) a story about a CCTV shot at King's Cross in which a 'sharp-eyed' policeman manages to detect something 'in the movements' of ..... four asian guys with heavy luggage who would otherwise have been totally inconspicuous in the hunt for, errr, four asian guys with luggage...
bigfish said:
<Anyone wishing to read the WHOLE poem can pm me for a copy.>
Cut and paste shitty poetry and lyrics are not permittable in this forum as well you know.

Keep posting up examples and you'll be banned.

"Artistic butchery", my fucking arse.

I bet your in-box must be heaving with requests now. Not.
DrJazzz said:
Maybe that CCTV exists, I haven't said it doesn't. However we should not only have that, we should have clear CCTV of each bomber individually on their fateful journey. So far we have 1) a CCTV shot at Luton in which one alleged bomber's face is visible and 2) a story about a CCTV shot at King's Cross in which a 'sharp-eyed' policeman manages to detect something 'in the movements' of ..... four asian guys with heavy luggage who would otherwise have been totally inconspicuous in the hunt for, errr, four asian guys with luggage...

Why should we have a clear CCTV of each bomber ? Why should you assume that a policement knew he was looking for West Asians ?

Matthew Parris said:
When all the pressures are to talk up a lethal characterisation of the forces at work, we need to be supercool in the way we look at these reports.
invisibleplanet said:
Why should we have a clear CCTV of each bomber ? Why should you assume that a policement knew he was looking for West Asians ?

As I've posted before, we are so littered with CCTV that the average citizen is caught 300 times a day on it. 300!

So it's quite something that all we have to go on is one still in which you can't even make out the faces of three of the bombers.

Indeed, you have to be supercool when reading these media reports. This one seems to be creating the illusion of a good read at King's Cross when it could just be a load of bunk. To answer your point though, don't you think the police might have been suspicious of Asian types with luggage when Tony Blair was willing to blame Al-Qaeda straight away? Trying to suggest that a policeman had noticed something suspicious 'in the movements' appears to be a ridiculous spin - which should make one even warier of the whole thing.
editor said:
Cut and paste shitty poetry and lyrics are not permittable in this forum as well you know.

I'm aware that meaningless song lyrics are banned in this forum, due largely to the relentless effort of Cannuck and pbman, but the poem I posted was about the recent London bombings (the first ones, not the second tabloid circus), which is what we are discussing here, and who "The Man With The Rucksack" really was - namely "our" very own war mongering Primeliar, Tony Blair. The poem, therefore, contained, originally, something of a profound truth, just as all great, good and meaningful art must, which I thought those contributing to the discussion might find illuminating, given the context.

I have now reposted the poem to the writing forum here where it can be read and appreciated in full:
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