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who is responsible for the London attacks?

And what is this obsession with multiple CCTV images from every stage of the bombers journey? They police don't release these things to please conspiracy loons, they do so to appeal for witnesses.
bigfish said:
You're right there Doc. But let's not forget that the object of the exercise was a big success, at least initially, i.e., the Jones account(s) managed to propagate the "rucksack bomb" meme in record time. After the Jones account came the CCTV image of the 4 Muslim guys carrying rucksacks into Luton station (anyone seen CCTV images yet of any of the 4 men at Xcross or on any of the 3 targeted trains? No, me neither.) Then the French threw a fucking great spanner in the works by placing in the public domain infromation that the explosive used was a military type, probably sourced from "Eastern Europe or the Balkans" and indicating that "the explosives were placed on the ground, perhaps under the seats". Around the same time, an eyewitness account given by Mr Lait telling of what he saw before and after the Aldgate bombing was published in the regional press and began circulating the blogosphere.

Obviously, the old rucksack bomb and the fit up yarn was beginning to unravel. So what to do? It seems to me that a really good way of bolstering the crumbling story, would be to unleash yet another wave of attacks using, wait for it... that's right, rucksack bombs! Only this time round the events were turned into a rip roaring live on the telly manhunt for the fugitive "rucksack bombers" at large in the city. That way, the rucksack bomb yarn could be multiply reinforced and public attention discouraged and deflected from further scrutiny of the 7/7 attacks.
What a crock of shit. I mean it's fantasy from start to finish with zero supporting facts. But the plot is weaker than "Navy seals 4" and less realistic than "the hollow chocolate bunnies of the appocalypse"
bigfish said:
You're right there Doc. But let's not forget that the object of the exercise was a big success, at least initially, i.e., the Jones account(s) managed to propagate the "rucksack bomb" meme in record time. After the Jones account came the CCTV image of the 4 Muslim guys carrying rucksacks into Luton station (anyone seen CCTV images yet of any of the 4 men at Xcross or on any of the 3 targeted trains? .
More of the usual fact-free, selectively quoted conspiraloon drivel.

Can't you start your own website for this shit, or do you keep posting here because you know that only about three people would ever look at your own space?
Much has been made of these French 'anti-terrorist experts' quoted in the press shortly after the explosions with regard to the military origins of the explosives used, but if you actually look at what Christophe Chaboud said, he seems to be just speculating:


The key phrase is 'appear to be military' indicating that he was merely making an educated guess. There was no forensic evidence cited to support these claims and as far as I understand it, definitive conclusions as to the type of explosive used have yet to be made. In short, the fact that these comments were later 'dropped' by the media is not, ipso facto, proof of a cover up/conspiracy. Indeed it proves bugger all apart from the fact that the press clearly wanted 'experts' to say something about what had transpired, even if these speculations subsequently proved to be unfounded.
editor said:
[D]o you keep posting here because you know that only about three people would ever look at your own space?

No, I post here because I happen to live in the Brixton area, where Urban is promoted as a community forum.

Let me know if I've got that wrong, wont you?
bigfish said:
No, I post here because I happen to live in the Brixton area, where Urban is promoted as a community forum.

Let me know if I've got that wrong, wont you?
Err, what's your proximity to Brixton got to do with your barking yarns?
Jo/Joe said:
And what is this obsession with multiple CCTV images from every stage of the bombers journey? They police don't release these things to please conspiracy loons, they do so to appeal for witnesses.

Unlike you Jo, I'm not prepared simply to take the word of the authorities that the "suspects" were on the 3 trains or the bus that July morning. Mr Lait, who was sitting close to where the Aldgate blast happened, says he has no recollection of seeing anyone standing where the blast occurred or any rucksack - in a carriage occupied by only "20-25" people (so plenty of visibility then).

We have already seen one CCTV image of the "suspects" arriving at Luton station carrying rucksacks, so why haven't we seen pictures of them arriving at Xcross carrying rucksacks or getting on to any of the targeted trains carrying rucksacks?

My guess is, there aren't any and so in place of evidence we are being force fed a false and misleading narrative.
bigfish said:
Unlike you Jo, I'm not prepared simply to take the word of the authorities that the "suspects" were on the 3 trains or the bus that July morning. Mr Lait, who was sitting close to where the Aldgate blast happened, says he has no recollection of seeing anyone standing where the blast occurred or any rucksack - in a carriage occupied by only "20-25" people (so plenty of visibility then).

We have already seen one CCTV image of the "suspects" arriving at Luton station carrying rucksacks, so why haven't we seen pictures of them arriving at Xcross carrying rucksacks or getting on to any of the targeted trains carrying rucksacks?

My guess is, there aren't any and so in place of evidence we are being force fed a false and misleading narrative.

I've seen video footage of some off the bombers in london. and no , I can't be arsed to find a link. I guess all the media are involed in this conspiracy? u people talk rubbish.
You haven't seen video footage of the 7/7 bombers JW; you may have seen one CCTV still from Luton in which only one face is at all recognisable. This is in contrast to the wealth of images available for the 21/7 attacks.
DrJazzz said:
You haven't seen video footage of the 7/7 bombers JW; you may have seen one CCTV still from Luton in which only one face is at all recognisable. This is in contrast to the wealth of images available for the 21/7 attacks.
Right. So that's more enough to reason to assume that everyone's in on a massive conspiracy, eh?

I don't think he's lying bigfish, just mistaken. This is what happens when we are given a partial story, our minds fill in the blanks and assume we have seen what we should have seen.
DrJazzz said:
This is what happens when we are given a partial story, our minds fill in the blanks and assume we have seen what we should have seen.
Indeed. Such minds imagine that they can see invisible missiles firing from invisible pods into towers invisibly wired with invisible explosives by invisible operatives.
Again, why do you expect the police to release so many pictures? Very grown up of you bigfish to be sceptical of the official line, but isn't scepticism really is? It's a constant refusal to believe anything from the authorities. But do you ever supply any evidence to support a contrary theory? No. Is there a more plausible theory? No.

It isn't enough for you that highly agitated young muslims got roped into something by other parties whose ideology is at least loosely close to Bin Laden's. You just have to have the state lurking in the background somehow.
DrJazzz said:
I don't think he's lying bigfish, just mistaken. This is what happens when we are given a partial story, our minds fill in the blanks and assume we have seen what we should have seen.

But he seemed so certain.

Perhaps you're right though Doc. Maybe JW 'really' has managed to convince himself that he's "seen video footage of some off the bombers in london". In which case, it shows once again the pernicious utility of mainstream propaganda in hypnotizing the more gullible and naive in society.
bigfish said:
In which case, it shows once again the pernicious utility of mainstream propaganda in hypnotizing the more gullible and naive in society.
You mean like how a load of bonkers fruitloop websites managed to hypnotise the more gullible and naive in society into thinking that there was a missile launching pod on the plane that hit the WTC?
Jo/Joe said:
And what is this obsession with multiple CCTV images from every stage of the bombers journey? They police don't release these things to please conspiracy loons, they do so to appeal for witnesses.

Correct. Stuff will not be released unless there is a reason to do so until after any prosecutions (of associates perhaps), inquests, etc. are concluded.
It is not released merely to satisfy the need for the media to sell papers / get viewers. In this case it may well be that stuff will be released relatively quickly because the principle 7 July suspects would appear to be dead.

If you wanna hear all the evidence bigfish then make sure you are on the voter's register. Maybe you'll win the lottery and end up on one of the juries ...

Meantime, a quote from DAC Peter Clark:
"The disclosure that the bombs were the work of domestic rather than foreign extremists came from Peter Clarke, the Metropolitan Police deputy assistant commissioner.

He said: "We have identified CCTV footage showing the four men at King's Cross shortly before 8.30am."
hmmm. But why then the pic from Luton in which you can only see one bomber's face? wouldn't the King's Cross one have been better?

And there is no mention made of what should be a wealth of images of the bombers once split up, including inside the carriages.

What if there is no court case, and no further images are forthcoming? You see if you disregard the Richard Jones account which is chock-full of contradictions, we have not a single eyewitness report of the bombers on their journey. Which is very strange.
DrJazzz said:
hmmm. But why then the pic from Luton in which you can only see one bomber's face? wouldn't the King's Cross one have been better?

And there is no mention made of what should be a wealth of images of the bombers once split up, including inside the carriages.

What if there is no court case, and no further images are forthcoming? You see if you disregard the Richard Jones account which is chock-full of contradictions, we have not a single eyewitness report of the bombers on their journey. Which is very strange.
Depends why they were releasing it - if I recall it was when they were still trying to find witnesses to the Luton end of things (where there may be leads to trace back to others) whereas once they were on the tube they sort of knew what happened next. Each time a picture is released the senior investigating officer will have made a decision about why and that will be recorded in the decision logs which will form part of the case file.

In due course some more pictures may be released but probably not many as they are not just released to satisfy public curiosity. If there were a significant public expression of concern that whatever proceedings were being undertaken were wrong / false then that may be a reason. Otherwise it will have to be either a Freedom of Information Act request (once all proceedings / potential proceedings, direct or indirect have finished) and you may not get the actual images then, just a list of how many, where, etc. The Data Protection Act (which everyone believes the police ignore but which they have to compl with) has restrictions on the reasons for the release of "personal data", which includes images (even of dead suspects) and it would trump the Freedom of Information Act which deals more with statistical / policy / depersonalised stuff.

As for the wealth of image in the trains, I don't think most tubes actually have CCTV fitted within them though I may be wrong. Most stations do tough, on exits and entrances and passageways and platforms so I suspect there will be reams and reams of stuff in the system.
detective-boy said:
Otherwise it will have to be either a Freedom of Information Act request (once all proceedings / potential proceedings, direct or indirect have finished) and you may not get the actual images then, just a list of how many, where, etc. The Data Protection Act (which everyone believes the police ignore but which they have to compl with) has restrictions on the reasons for the release of "personal data", which includes images (even of dead suspects) and it would trump the Freedom of Information Act which deals more with statistical / policy / depersonalised stuff.

But I think you have to be the person concerned to make a DPA request. Arguing FoI grounds for release of images as a third party would, I think, be interesting.

And in the case of the 7/7 events: there's been mention of a possible fifth person in pictures at King's Cross. So the police would really want not to release any such picture, for fear of buggering up any trial if the person is found and the case depends at all on on visual identification.

detective-boy said:
As for the wealth of image in the trains, I don't think most tubes actually have CCTV fitted within them though I may be wrong. Most stations do tough, on exits and entrances and passageways and platforms so I suspect there will be reams and reams of stuff in the system.

The Picdally and Metropolitan lines have cameras (or at least camera mountings). I don't remember which others do...
laptop said:
And in the case of the 7/7 events: there's been mention of a possible fifth person in pictures at King's Cross. So the police would really want not to release any such picture, for fear of buggering up any trial if the person is found and the case depends at all on on visual identification.
eh? Isn't wanting to find someone a good reason for releasing a picture, like the all the 21/7 images? :confused:
DrJazzz said:
eh? Isn't wanting to find someone a good reason for releasing a picture, like the all the 21/7 images?
I'm sure the Met will be in touch if they need any advice from you on how to conduct their case.

After all, you put in such an impressive and incisive perfromance with the Soham case, didn't you?
I doubt that will be the last time threads from years ago are brought up. :rolleyes:

Has it ever occurred to you to address the post rather than the poster, editor?
DrJazzz said:
Has it ever occurred to you to address the post rather than the poster, editor?

But that wouldn't be politics then drj! And we must have our politics or else no room for abuse of power. Permission would not be granted.
DrJazzz said:
Has it ever occurred to you to address the post rather than the poster, editor?
Has it ever occured to you to research your bonkers "found on the internet" claims before posting up bullshit?

I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to correct your knee-jerk unresearched conspiraloon fantasies.
Bombers may have been know to MI5


Further suspicion that MI5 knew at least some of the four suspects was provided by a strange controversy involving Britain’s Home Secretary Charles Clarke and the French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. At a July 13 press conference, Sarkozy said he had been told at the European Union terrorism meeting convened at Britain’s request following the July 7 bombings that some of the London bomb suspects were arrested last year and then released in order to break a wider network. The BBC web site quotes Sarkozy as saying “It seems that part of this team had been subject to partial arrest.”

Clarke immediately denied that any such conversation had taken place, either in private or in the full meeting.

“Mr. Sarkozy was inaccurate, shall I put it gently, in suggesting that there had been a discussion of this kind because there was not,” Reuters quotes Clarke.

“There is absolutely no foundation in them,” Clarke continued. “I’m sorry to be so blunt, but that is the state of affairs.”

The French minister stuck by his remarks for the entire day, before a French government spokesman finally issued a different story. He said that Sarkozy had not been quoting Clarke and that he had not been referring to any of the four suspected bombers, but to other members of a network to which they belonged.

Reports from the Independent and other news sources give weight to Sarkozy’s version of events. Even if he had not been told of the arrests and releases by Clarke, his remarks still give cause for concern. If the four were part of a network that was under surveillance, how could they themselves have been unknown, as has so far been claimed?
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