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who is responsible for the London attacks?

I've only got so much time, and I've still got the true history of slavery in the US to learn about, not to mention the time eaten up by online poker...
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I've only got so much time, and I've still got the true history of slavery in the US to learn about, not to mention the time eaten up by online poker...

Did you read oi2002's link to the article about Yemen? It reads like a bitr of a puff piece but it certainly illustrates the value of different approaches to the problem.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
...I wonder if this fatwa stands in light of the recent pronouncement that you've advised us about re: the invalidity of a declaration of apostasy?
Not being an Iman that I don't know for sure but I suspect it would still stand as the guy who issued it is probably a qualified Islamic scholar.

You know there is another point here. It's not about 9-11, Madrid or London. What we may be seeing is reaction to the level of atrocity that Jihadis are employing against innocent Iraqis just trying to put their country back together. It would be ironic if the bloody mess of Iraq leads to the Umma turning against the Jihadis. Binladinism is a product of those corrupted by 'Dar-el-harb' (the land of war) that the faithful might see this and spurn these disgraceful men as the Prophet would gives me some hope.
A big problem these guys now have is that they blew up a bunch of British muslims. Condemnation has been universal, even the crazies of the Muslim Association of Britain, who have all kinds of dodgy ties to militants in the middle east have issued a really strong condemnation, they called the bombings "heinous and repulsive" and urged Muslims to help the emergency services and police.

Right now, that is an opportunity. We obviously have an active service unit on the loose and if they didn't flee the country after this initial operation, they'll keep doing this kind of stuff until stopped.

As a Brit who spends a lot of his working life on public transport, and was very happy to give up wondering if I was going to die every time I stepped on it after the IRA went out of business, I want to see these guys looking up the gun-barrels of the SAS as soon as possible. We need British muslims 100% onside, so the perpetrators have no safe zone to hide in and so far the signs are very positive that this will happen.

Every idiot who firebombs a mosque, makes the termination of this active service unit less likely. I am extremely ashamed to say one of the four petrol bombings of British mosques I know of was in my home town of Birkenhead.

Every neo-nazi or shamelessly incompetent and discredited politician trying to shift blame who plays the race card right now makes the termination of this active service unit less likely. This is precisely why I've been so aggressive about these attempts to promote thought-stopping cliches about islam and arabs. They may serve our failed politicians in the short term but they are very damaging in the long term and we just cannot afford the luxury of indulging the sick fantasies of right wing lunatics when lives are at stake.
Bernie Gunther said:
I'm not talking about nino. I'm talking about mears and his nasty racist jibes.

Blah, blah, blah. You engage in personal attacks beacuse you can't argue the facts. Same with Saveete (is that how you spell his name?)
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I stand corrected.

This is from your article:

MADRID, Spain — Muslim clerics in Spain issued what they called the world's first fatwa (search), or Islamic edict, against Usama bin Laden on Thursday, the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings, calling him an apostate and urging others of their faith to denounce the Al Qaeda (search) leader.

I wonder if this fatwa stands in light of the recent pronouncement that you've advised us about re: the invalidity of a declaration of apostasy?

It seems like "some" Muslim clerics and the looney left have much in common. They can't face up to the threat of militant Islam. They also have to blame all the world problems on the west and of course that bastard economic system, capitalism.

Its usually the Jews and Yanks who are the culprits, but sometimes they stretch out their net to include all of the west.

They are so predictable is laughable.

eyes wide shut.
Mears, you can huff and puff all you want but you're not getting another war out of this. It's not going to happen. You are as evil as they are.
maomao said:
Mears, you can huff and puff all you want but you're not getting another war out of this. It's not going to happen. You are as evil as they are.

No friend. I don't want another war. I want Muslims and Arabs to come together and fix their problems.
mears said:
It seems like "some" Muslim clerics and the looney left have much in common. They can't face up to the threat of militant Islam. They also have to blame all the world problems on tyouhe west and of course that bastard economic system, capitalism...
Not entirely false but have a cold one and relax; it's only a bulletin board.

I think the Zakaria article above suggests that the Muslim clergy are growing tired of the Jihadis; that you should be glad of.
Bernie Gunther said:
... We obviously have an active service unit on the loose and if they didn't flee the country after this initial operation, they'll keep doing this kind of stuff until stopped.

Should we take it then that you've already categorically ruled out the possibility of the attacks being anything other than the work of an Islamic fundamentalist active service terror unit?

It seems to me that the Project for a New British Petro-Imperialism has much more to gain from a campaign of terror waged against the civilian population here, than any raggy arsed bunch of so called Islamic diehards.

From the point of view of the strategical advancement of whatever the presumed diehards cause might be, it makes zero sense tactically to wage terror against a civilian population that is opposed to the Imperialist project in their millions.

Why would they do that? Why would they attack a force that works against their real enemy? Why would these "Muslims" also run the risk of killing fellow Muslims in areas with high Muslim concentrations, when so many Muslims have payed with their lives already? Why not choose area's with low Muslim concentrations? Better still, why not choose Scotland where the Great Satan himself and his poodle had gathered to "save" Africa and have their photo taken with Chairman Bob and Bonio Bible Boy?

Finally, what type of appeal does this kind of senseless attack send out to the groups supposed support base among the Muslim populations? 'Look at us - the Mighty Misanthropes of Mecca - we are such a pathetic and cowardly bunch that we avoided the opportunity while in Britain of striking at the wolfs in Scotland and went and blew up a bus and some trains in London instead (sorry if any of your relatives were among the victims, by the way) - come, join us, see the world and learn how to slaughter innocent civilians yourselves' - signed, the Misanthropes of Mecca.

I bet disenchanted youth the Muslim world over are clambering over themselves to sign up at al-Qaeda recruiting stations, don't you?
Bernie Gunther said:
we just cannot afford the luxury of indulging the sick fantasies of right wing lunatics when lives are at stake.

Please can you stop going around talking of "right wing lunatics"

It's just as counter productive as "muslim lunatics" or "left wing lunatics" - it will create bad blood and the right wingers on this board, will ignore any good points you have to make and start pulling your hair.

You're third the third person I've asked within the space of a week to stop doing it.

Hating people because they are who they are, is a problem that can afflict ANYONE no matter where their general political asperiations lie.

Yea!.... What He said,.......... about the right wing thing.....

Uh I didnt know we needed so much protection from the left wing idiots.
all the sound and fury signifying nothing.

You can got out there and clamp your eyes shut and Wish as hard as you can
Nothing will change the fact that the muslim extreamist dont give a rats Ass.
the liberals are on the wrong side in this conflict, They know it, Logically their position is obviously wrong.
They know this too.
So many millions of people want to stop haveing to be bothered

Sorry, they came to you England
Should we take it then that you've already categorically ruled out the possibility of the attacks being anything other than the work of an Islamic fundamentalist active service terror unit?

It seems to me that the Project for a New British Petro-Imperialism has much more to gain from a campaign of terror waged against the civilian population here, than any raggy arsed bunch of so called Islamic diehards.

Didn't take long for the 'MI5 Dunnit' posts to start...
mears said:
eyes wide shut.

And you have your hands clamped over your ears in an attempt to block out anything that might prick your little bubble of patriotic arrogance.

You never did reply to the post I addressed to you about ten pages back. How terribly predictable.
Roadkill said:
You never did reply to the post I addressed to you about ten pages back. How terribly predictable.

He doesn't reply to posts, he just whines.

Apparently the American press are denouncing our porous borders and liberal society as a 'breeding ground' for extremist terrorists. Fuck.
maomao said:
He doesn't reply to posts, he just whines.

Apparently the American press are denouncingf our porous borders and liberal society as a 'breeding ground' for extremist terrorists. Fuck.

Let them denounce it as much as they like - MI5/6 have long had an institutional approach to terror groups that works on the basis of 'keep your friends close and enemies closer' because observation is far cheaper than obstruction.

Pre-9/11 the US was probably one of the most porous nations on the planet, esp once you'd passed passport control. 9/11 shocked the US into an over-reaction on the security front; IMV it's unlikely that a similar level of security will be introduced in the UK because of this.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I'm suggesting that you read the article.

I did, I was asking for your opinion. Believe it or not, I have quite a lot of respect for your opinion. Before 911, we agreed on alot.
bigfish said:
It seems to me that the Project for a New British Petro-Imperialism has much more to gain from a campaign of terror waged against the civilian population here, than any raggy arsed bunch of so called Islamic diehards.

Roadkill said:
Oh yes. Londonistan is the new Jihadi hub of the universe, apparently. :rolleyes:
The Yanks are very slow on the uptake here. The French have been complaining about this for two decades.

L'Albion Perfide has a long tradition of harboring people other nations would like to take a rubber truncheon too, Karl Marx for example. It's probably as much founded in London's routine ruthless disregard for the interests of other states as any liberal ideal.
I'm so glad to see that the Islamophobes are being such predictable and good little slaves for al-Qaeda.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
You hate him because he's against terrorism, and dislikes those who hide behind religion in order to do evil?

No, he's a right wing, militaristic, extremely nationalistic, one-dimensional, thug-turned-musician. He's a jingoistic, flag-waving, arse-licking Dixie Boy...the sort that got us into this mess in the first place.
It seems to me that the purpose of the "Londonistan" meme that the US right-wing echo-chamber is now pushing for all they're worth is distraction. Distraction from their policy failures in Iraq and now on the streets of London.

Story after story is appearing over the Atlantic saying in effect "this is all the fault of the pansy-ass liberal Brits for being so multi-cultural and tolerant"

Here is a typical example Tough French, Weak Brits
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