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who is making british policy on ukraine?

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
or maybe more simply, who is making british policy? because it doesn't seem to be the people who you'd expect, in this case the foreign secretary, liz truss, or the defence secretary, ben wallace. the health secretary, sajid javid, said today that one russian toecap on nato soil would be an act of war. is this muddling of responsibilities - as we saw throughout the pandemic when different ministers with no obvious connection to health pronounced on health policy - a deliberate scheme or it is simply more government by fuckwittery?
or maybe more simply, who is making british policy? because it doesn't seem to be the people who you'd expect, in this case the foreign secretary, liz truss, or the defence secretary, ben wallace. the health secretary, sajid javid, said today that one russian toecap on nato soil would be an act of war. is this muddling of responsibilities - as we saw throughout the pandemic when different ministers with no obvious connection to health pronounced on health policy - a deliberate scheme or it is simply more government by fuckwittery?
I haven't heard/read specifically what Javid said, but it sounds like he's announcing or re-stating long standing British and NATO policy in the event of a Russian invasion of a NATO state rather than making it up on the hoof.

Maybe the "one toe cap" bit was his own embellishment, but the general position should be pretty clear.
I think the problem (one of the problems) with courtier style politics which Dom created around 'Big Dog' is that all of the second raters who have cabinet positions are spending even more time jockeying with each other than in a 'normal' government... Still it's not like there are any difficult issues at the moment...
Javid just happened to be the one on the media round to his morning, I wouldn't draw any inference from the words falling out of his mouth rather that Wallace's, or Truss, or Johnson's.
or maybe more simply, who is making british policy? because it doesn't seem to be the people who you'd expect, in this case the foreign secretary, liz truss, or the defence secretary, ben wallace. the health secretary, sajid javid, said today that one russian toecap on nato soil would be an act of war. is this muddling of responsibilities - as we saw throughout the pandemic when different ministers with no obvious connection to health pronounced on health policy - a deliberate scheme or it is simply more government by fuckwittery?
The question is not only is he speaking for the govt, but is he speaking for Nato? Who cleared him to do so?
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