I hummus, therefore I am ...
Actually, that's a lot better, thanks Dotty. I might just be placeboing my tits off but I don't need a sharp intake of breath after each sip now.
DotCom: purveyor of fine antique hip-hop threads and bizarre alcohol advice.
Absinthe is a drink that can be enjoyed in a surprising number of ways. Most absintheurs drink absinthe the traditional way: louched with water poured over a cube of white sugar. Some drink absinthe that was poured over sugar that is subsequently set alight (though absinthe purists decry this practice), and a few even like drinking absinthe neat (brave souls!)
That's classy as far as I'm concerned.
I'm thirsty for the green stuff that leaves large embarrassing gaps in ones memory now.
I tend to go for Herb and Heather "Night Time" - but I'm always too tired to make it. (helps me sleep through)