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What's for tea tonight? (pt5)

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Amazingly there is a bit of thai curry left, so I'll be having that, and the kids are having defrosted portions of veggie curry and chilli
Actually I think we have some mince in the fridge which needs using up.
This could mean chilli, bolognaise or possibly (if I can be arsed to walk to the shops at lunchtime) Enchiladas or Fajitas!

Out of interest, do people actually look at what other people are having for tea, or just add their own? :D
Out of interest, do people actually look at what other people are having for tea, or just add their own? :D

I do and sometimes comment if it sounds either lovely or minging. Sometimes I look in the morning if I want inspiration. :)
I do!
I read every single post from the last time I've read the thread...more fuel for my obsession with food I suppose! :oops: :cool:

Our bbq was very nice, but it was lunch rather than dinner, so we had a very odd combination of leftovers...last of the stir fry veg with noodles and chicken, sweetcorn and bacon findus crispy pancakes (cos the kids had a pizza last night instead of those in the end).
It was a pretty vile mixture tbh, but it filled a gap! :D
madge and i had fish fingers, beans and mash :D we'd been round her mates most of the day, i couldn't be bothered to cook much more :oops:
tonight's din-din is sponsored by the deli opposite Argos in Brixton :D wholemeal pitta filled with houmous, tuna, tomatoes, cucumber, rocket and lemon, oil and garlic dressing.
Lamb sausage, fusilli pasta with melted brie, lemon zest and parsley in a cream reduction, and a green salad.
'Y I Otter' :D

Welcome btw!

Well today...exactly two weeks to the day :rolleyes: we're going out for my birthday meal! :D

We were supposed to be going on the Sunday following my birthday, but none of us particularly fancied it enough to trek out in the 4" of snow (!!!) but today is definitely the day!

The boy has chosen to go to Gourmet Burger Kitchen, so it'll be uh...burgers, obviously...but I've no idea which one yet - there's too much choice! :mad:

It's looking like it'll be warm enough to eat outside too. :cool:
Ooo we saw GBK on saturday, looked lush!

tonight I don't know what I'm having, bees is working late so just me to fend for - bet it ends up being chinese :oops:

e2a: just remembered I have jacket spuds, and cheese and can acquire some beans :) food of the gods :D
I do!
I read every single post from the last time I've read the thread...more fuel for my obsession with food I suppose! :oops: :cool:

Me too :D

Well, the kids didn't eat what I took out for them last night, so they'll be having it tonight instead :mad: And I'll chuck some king prawns into the veg curry so I can eke out an extra portion for moi
Tonight is defrosted pork, bean and lentil casserole and rice.

More interestingly, I've thought up a new dish I might try out on my friends who are coming over next week. Veal escalopes flattered saltimbocca style, spread with chopped chicken liver, sage and thyme, topped with thinkly sliced proscuitto, then rolled up (and held together with a toothpick). Fried saltimbocca-style and deglaze the pan with some sherry or white wine with some cream for a sauce. What do you think?
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