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worked it out now!
LOL.......there is that...thanks for your help...
chip pancakes then, obvs!It really should be pancakes and was thinking savoury with mushrooms but it is national chip week conclusion I can't make up my tiny mind.
No time for pancakes, we'll get Chinese food delivered.
No time?!
Decorators in tomorrow to do main bedroom and hall - need to move furniture, dismantle bed etc after work, plus small children to cope with & I'm feeling the Tuesday serotonin dip after a debauched weekend - so I'm not cooking.
we'll get Chinese food delivered.
Chips yeah?
CHIP PANCAKES (just in case you missed my first post )Could be. Or pancakes.
I think my tin is mackerel too - snapI'm so exhausted it's not even funny...think the old standby of mackerel on toast might be in order.