It all tasted good, the wine gums were tricky as you have to get them to a certain temperature and then let them cool to another one. The chips and red cabbage gazpacho were both quite easy really, just time consuming as you kept having to leave them for an hour or more until the next was it Quoggy?! Good? Tricky to do?
Tonight is leftover macaroni cheese with spinach and pancetta.
No chips?
I had chips yesterday.
Pancakes here too. Going to do some savoury with cheese and ham. Then some American style thick buggers with cinnamon, melted chocolate and some syrup. Mmmmmmm.
Are you in my house?
Actually I think I may have lost the will already, 2 pancakes in.
It really should be pancakes and was thinking savoury with mushrooms but it is national chip week conclusion I can't make up my tiny mind.