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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

My properly refrigerated and well within its use by date bacon smelled rank :( so creamy chicken and mushroom pasta it is.

This just serves as a good reminder that freezing cured meat is an option too, the next pack I buy is going to get portioned up and frozen without even hitting the fridge.

Edit: actually ended up being chicken and mushrooms with brandy, wine, cream, garlic, tarragon and parsley on a bed of basmati. For a meal where I wasn't quite sure where it was heading and kind of lost enthusiasm for at the point of starting to cook it, it turned out really well - om nom nom. Happy :)
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Roasted some yellow courgette and tomatoes earlier and I'll chuck those in with some spinach foglie d'ulivo pasta, more runner beans and lemon basil pesto.
This was so fucking good, courgettes are about finished now but must remember it for next year.

Roast duck tonight. Bastard was full of pin feathers and I ripped a lot of skin plucking, so he's covered in bacon elastoplast :oops: Might do tatties and runner beans, might just sit in front of a big fire drinking beer and eating a whole roast duck and pretending I'm a viking :thumbs: Don't usually drink alcohol but it's been A Day
This was so fucking good, courgettes are about finished now but must remember it for next year.

Roast duck tonight. Bastard was full of pin feathers and I ripped a lot of skin plucking, so he's covered in bacon elastoplast :oops: Might do tatties and runner beans, might just sit in front of a big fire drinking beer and eating a whole roast duck and pretending I'm a viking :thumbs: Don't usually drink alcohol but it's been A Day
That’s a lot of effort.
Chippie van tomorrow :thumbs:
This was so fucking good, courgettes are about finished now but must remember it for next year.

Roast duck tonight. Bastard was full of pin feathers and I ripped a lot of skin plucking, so he's covered in bacon elastoplast :oops: Might do tatties and runner beans, might just sit in front of a big fire drinking beer and eating a whole roast duck and pretending I'm a viking :thumbs: Don't usually drink alcohol but it's been A Day

I think if you've got a whole duck and you're roasting it, it would be almost criminal to not do it above roast tatties with the fat dripping down onto them.
I think if you've got a whole duck and you're roasting it, it would be almost criminal to not do it above roast tatties with the fat dripping down onto them.
I've got a whole field full of the cunts! Will do tatties next time, just wanted to get this one in the oven and out the way. I'm going to do a big batch of part-roasted ones in duck fat for the freezer, to use up all the spuds that won't keep because they've been half eaten by fucking ducks...

That’s a lot of effort.
Chippie van tomorrow :thumbs:
Might end up being duck and chips at this rate...
Whereas I now fancy garlic chicken with mash and veggies :D

I love this thread.

Haven't decided yet, but I have some chicken breasts that either need to be used or frozen (well some of them will be frozen regardless), and a load of mushrooms - so probably the chicken and mushrooms in black bean sauce with rice that I fancied but completely failed to cook last night.

Although it might now be garlic chicken and mushrooms with new potatoes :D
Those well-intentioned past selves are the worst Saffy

I'm having a totally random meal of the last bit of cold roast duck breast; duck hearts and livers fried with blewits, shallot, a handful of leaf beet and a bit of cream; runner bean, sweetcorn and tomato curry; and cheese scones if I get round to making them.
Supermarket pizza, jazzed up with whatever's in the fridge.

An excellent Friday night tea IMO!

That's reminded me that I saw a poster in the window of Iceland on the way past, 7 items for £10 and some of the items were Goodfellas pizzas, I should really make some room in the freezer and stock up because that's a decent price and with some extra toppings they're a quick and easy tea.
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