I know this sounds corny but every meal i make from scratch, i do it with the hope that the folks eating it 'is the best meal they have ever had'. Sometimes, it wont be possible to get last minute garnishes but during the week, i had chorizo, onions, kale, garlic, sour cream, mixed herbs, and blue cheese. Everything had to be used that day. I made this really great sauce with those ingredients, drizzling lots of olive oil and a few chilli flakes over pasta at the end before serving.
Ic you can be dirt poor and make amazing food, it is true.
if you have no money at all, you can exist on bean stew (cans cost 39 cents in Lidl). a little bit of stock, onions, garlic and time....one of my favourite meals.
Two eggs and even a potato on its own, roasted with love, could be the best meal you've had in a long time (especially if i cook it )