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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Picked up as reduced Lemon Tart from Sainsbury's for dessert. Not very diet friendly but I am having a day off today as I have done well recently and will be back on it next week :cool:
Lazy and unhealthy dinner this afternoon.
1 cooked chicken from the rotisserie in Asda
Home made chips (double)cooked in LARD
Bread n butter
Lazy and unhealthy dinner this afternoon.
1 cooked chicken from the rotisserie in Asda
Home made chips (double)cooked in LARD
Bread n butter

That sounds comforting and rather tasty!

Roast chicken smells are currently coming from the kitchen. Should be ready about 6.30pm :cool:
duck, with new spuds and veg (both with butter) and salad :cool: followed by strawberries and raspberries with cream

I'm so full I feel wrong :oops:
Left over guinea fowl au vin (which was super tasty!) and the carcass has gone to make stock then guinea fowl and vegetable soup, some of which will be tomorrows lunch and the rest will go in the freezer for another day :)

My other half doesn't like meat with bones in, he doesn't know what he's missing!
my roast beef went down well, but i was dissatisfied. i'm not used to cooking beef and i realised too late that there was a bit of fillet i should have cut off the rib and used for another time or cooked for less time cos it was inedible. the rest of it was delicious though.
also, the yorkshire pudding was a massive fail. i didn't even serve it. i blame my shit oven though. it never seems to be hot enough. it looked like a wodge of rubber.
i prefer cooking one pot dishes i think. there's too many things to do at once if you're trying to co-ordinate everything to be ready at the same time. i managed to get the leeks, cabbage, carrots and potatoes ready in time but it was a massive faff and a bit stressful. couldn't really talk to my guest in the last half hour of cooking.
i have lots of leftovers though. what shall i do with old cabbage, roast spuds, gravy and a beef bone?
Bubble and squeak, OU! And then make some stock with the bone/gravy (if you don't have the gravy with the bubble).

I ended up changing last nights dinner and made a fish soup/stew/bouillabase thing which was fucking DELICIOUS! :cool: John Dory, squid and prawns and onions/garlic/thyme/saffron, the prawn heads/shells and shit loads of tomatoes cooked in a crab stock I had left from the other day, all reduced, reduced, reduced into a lovely rich saucy soup base. Feel like making it again today :D but will do the caponata instead, with squid and some razor clams.

I also made a spicy cauli and broc soup, so that's lunch sorted for the next few days, too.
It should be Parsi Eggs with mushroom bhaji and chapattis. However as I am not feeling good it may be down to Mr. QofG's to cook....so I may just defrost some chicken curry!
Fancied a roast after all the discussions here, but didn't get one. Came out of the Horniman Museum quite late in the afternoon and the only place serving food was the Harvester so we bit the bullet and took the kids in there. They must feed a thousand people on a Sunday, absolute madness in there.

Did the usual bowl of dodgy looking salad / bread roll while waiting, then had breaded mushroom, the bland but edible veggie jambalya stack and shared a pudding washed down with a couple of pints of Speckled Hen. The eldest loved it, going into sugar overdrive, and the 1 year old joined the other babies in a shouting/throwing food competition. Rolled out feeling like we'd just Xmas dinner, a whole day's calories in one meal.
hopefully ikea meatballs and chips :) either eaten in ikea ( my prefered option) or cooked at home when i get back, and before attempting to assemble flat pack furniture :)
last night, for the first time, I made yotam ottolenghi's black pepper tofu. oh my, it was devine! served with steamed garlic brocolli and steamed rice. yummmmmmmy

tonight, no idea as off to a friend's for film night.
I've just had a lovely bit of nosh, various sorts of nice salady veggies, with a lovely garlicky oily dressing and two big fat slabs of pate and toast with jam. I had thought it was a jar of Cumberland sauce and only when I opened it did I realise it was some of my Dad's home made damson jam.
Top tip - home made damson jam goes really well with pate. :D
I ended up making a chicken, chorizo, courgette, mushroom and basil tortilla with chips and salad. A prune activia yogurt for pud :cool:
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