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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

The orange arrogant clown laughed at even by Time Warner/CNN (the "liberal media"). :D This evil idiot makes W look like a wise genius.
I did LOL at his LOL to be fair.

Wasn't the event in Ohio supposed to be to honour one of the veterans of the Pearl Harbour attack living in the Buckeye State? But as per usual, it was all about him.

No matter how absurd the utterance from between Trump's jaws, there will be people prepared to clap and hoot. :(

Are they just so terrified of losing out somehow to Black and brown people, Muslims, gay people, women who have sex, etc. that they're willingly embracing authoritarianism for the "security" it brings?

Not even sure where to put this - Kid Rock is looking at running for senate - and leading the (admittedly shit and local ) poll apparently

Kid Rock ahead in hypothetical matchup with Debbie Stabenow, Large number of voters are undecided

Goodnight America
Should have been locked up for what he did to Werewolves of London, the bastard, let alone anything else. :mad:

* "Little old lady got mutilated late last night . . . " is the best sounding line in any song ever.* :)
Odd choice for most Presidential. Most of the states that voted Trump left the Union and fought a war rather than call Lincoln President.

but there's a film about him so Donald might have watched that.
I did LOL at his LOL to be fair.

Wasn't the event in Ohio supposed to be to honour one of the veterans of the Pearl Harbour attack living in the Buckeye State? But as per usual, it was all about him.

No matter how absurd the utterance from between Trump's jaws, there will be people prepared to clap and hoot. :(

Are they just so terrified of losing out somehow to Black and brown people, Muslims, gay people, women who have sex, etc. that they're willingly embracing authoritarianism for the "security" it brings?

I'm guessing he said that when he'd stopped being a slave owner?
Eager to punish Russia for meddling in the 2016 election, the House on Tuesday overwhelmingly backed a new package of sanctions against Moscow that prohibits President Donald Trump from waiving the penalties without first getting permission from Congress.

Lawmakers passed the legislation, 419-3, clearing the far-reaching measure for action by the Senate.

House decisively passes sanctions bill curbing Trump's power
Kristin Beck, a former Navy SEAL Team 6 member who publicly came out as transgender in 2013, had some tough criticism for President Trump’s plan to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military.

“Let’s meet face to face and you tell me I’m not worthy,” Kristin Beck, a 20-year Navy veteran and the first openly transgender former SEAL, told Business Insider on Wednesday. “Transgender doesn’t matter. Do your service.”

Kristin Beck, transgender former SEAL Team 6 member: ‘Tell me I’m not worthy’ to my face

Just coming here to post that! Fucking hell.

View attachment 112122

Vile, but not surprising from Trump. Will be welcomed by his core supporters who see trans folk as an abomination, and probably the military establishment who resisted having openly gay and Lesbians in the service, or Blacks and women in combat roles. Don't be surprised if he comes for them as well later down the line, or perhaps Muslim Americans in the military, citing "security risk," or some garbage.

Some are saying it's a diversion from the Trump-Russia investigations, and maybe it partly is, but it doesn't mean the move isn't significant in itself. It's all about building that homogeneous, Christian, white supremacist, patriarchal, autocratic, kleptocratic dream of the future! :(
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Vile, but not surprising from Trump. Will be welcomed by his core supporters who see trans folk as an abomination, and probably the military establishment who resisted having openly gay and Lesbians in the service, or Blacks and women in combat roles. Don't be surprised if he comes for them as well later down the line, or perhaps Muslim Americans in the military, citing "security risk," or some garbage.

Some are saying it's a diversion from the Trump-Russia investigations, and maybe it partly is, but it doesn't mean the move isn't significant in itself. It's all about building that homogeneous, Christian, white supremacist, patriarchal, autocratic, kleptocratic dream of the future! :(

Another step.

The Justice Department Just Argued Against Gay Rights In A Major Federal Case

Lawyers under Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in federal court that 1964 civil rights law does not protect a gay employee from discrimination.
I'll just drop this here and back away slowly:

ep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) took to the airwaves last week to call out three female senators for opposing the GOP healthcare bill, stating that if they were men, he might have asked them to “step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”

In other words, if Sens. Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski were dudes, Farenthold would be down to shoot them, which is confusing, because Texas is very good at capital punishment for murder.

But Farenthold won’t, because they’re ladies, and gentlemen from Texas always respect ladies. They hold the door open there and say “ma’am,” as in “I guess I won’t kill you for disagreeing with me today, ma’am.”

Who said chivalry is dead?

Now if I were Capito, I would have a very hard time not tweeting at Farenthold, “Boy, I wish you would.” Capito runs four miles most days. She could have a quick draw. Farenthold also runs well, notably away from a sexual harassment lawsuit settled out of court in 2015.

But the three senators have not stooped to Farenhold’s level (at least publicly), possibly because they are busy governing the country. Their focus and relative probity stands in sharp contrast to President Trump, who never misses the chance to take the time out of his day to trash his critics via Twitter. It also illuminates the swamp in a brand-new way: Washington’s biggest problem isn’t pork or partisanship. It’s men.

Men wrote the Senate healthcare bill that has foundered and may finally die this week. It foundered in part because Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the decision to exclude women from the 13-person drafting group. Ostensibly, McConnell excluded women because he correctly assumed they would have would have balked at many of the bill’s provisions, such as defunding Planned Parenthood or slashing Medicaid spending, which women depend on the most.

Had he included them, the Republicans might have negotiated a bill that could have passed already, rather than go through several more iterations of rocky debate.

13% of Americans supported, contributing to the (true) perception that the majority of Congress does not give a damn about what ordinary citizens think.

Women were the ones who stopped Congress this time, with Capito saying she “did not come to Washington to hurt people.” Later, Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and Mike Lee(R-Utah) also got on board, seemingly dooming the bill — at least until Trump started strong-arming Senate Republicans to give the legislation another chance.

Too many men also conflate violence with power. Rep. Farenthold may have thought he was flexing when he quipped about settling matters out back. In reality, fighting serves only those too weak to persuade.

True power is standing up for your beliefs, even in the face of massive dissent. That is what Capito, Collins and Murkowski did last week, and what Collins and Murkowski did again Tuesday when they voted against the motion to bring the bill up for debate.

It’s hardly their first rodeo in political courage. In 2013, it was Collins who convened a small bipartisan group of senators made up eight men and six women (including Murkowski) to figure out how to keep the government from shutting down. “Leadership, I must fully admit, was provided primarily from women in the Senate,” Sen. John McCainsaid after the deal was announced.

Their efforts were in line with the trend: According to researchers at the National Bureau for Economic Research, Republican women in particular excel at bipartisanship, possibly because they tend to be left of their party’s center, and therefore more likely to find common ground with Democrats.

Another reason many female legislators may compromise well is because they may be less egotistical. According to a 2001 survey that asked American members of Congress why they ran, men responded that they had “always wanted to.” The No. 1 reason for women? The ability to effect change in society.

Washington's biggest problem isn't gridlock or wasted dollars — it's men

I won't say that's its men, but rather a small group of them who thought it was a good idea to exclude nearly everyone but themselves from the discussion on healthcare. Or, even worse, drafted the bill and then arrogantly expected everyone else to fall in line.
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He's been elected for ages now and they're still throwing a fit . The last time the Democrats were this angry was when the Republicans took their slaves off them .

Mind you Bill and Hillary still kept a few . It was " tradition " after all.
Yesterday's rousing speech about Faith and The Family as the defining values of 'our society'.:rolleyes:
Stuff like this confuses me because I'd like to find it funny or absurd but can't help feeling frightened when i look at it.
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oh look:

Hillary Clinton to 'let her guard down' in candid 2016 election memoir

and also bills done a book with hack james patterson:

Clinton is not the only member of her family with a book due to hit the shelves: her husband, Bill, is currently working on a thriller with the bestselling novelist James Patterson. The President Is Missing is out next summer and will, said publisher Penguin Random House, “offer readers a unique amalgam of intrigue, suspense and behind-the-scenes global drama from the highest corridors of power
bet you there isn't a lengthly blowjob in the oval office scene
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