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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

On Bloomberg Trump Barrels Down a Road of No Return
Quotes a WSJ opinion page recommending Trump go for full and frank disclosure. The smart thing to do but not the way Trump rolls.

He appears to be hiding something but it may be as trivial as his business not being as successful as he insist it is.

Why does it have to be Russian money that does for him? Casinos and construction - if he doesn't have mob ties I'd be surprized
This - and what's scary is even if the greedy, kleptocratic, autocratic, nepotistic, bigoted shitstains are pushed out (and hopefully held accountable), wtf happens with the that sizeable proportion of people who not only don't see them as doing anything wrong. but actually adore them? :(

Whats even more 'scary' is that the campaign to remove Trump from office is being led by democrats (both big and small d) who want Trump impeached, without any agreement on what precisely the grounds are for said impeachment. What a lesson for the watching world. What a fucking shower. The likes of Koch brothers who have spent vast fortunes in trying to role back democratic accountability must be wondering if the scale of the investment was necessary after all when the self-styled progressive left might have been happy to do it for nothing all along.
Watergate has emerged as the preferred historical scandal for understanding the Trump administration in its first sixth months. There are plenty of good reasons for this, but they come with an unfortunate side effect: The Watergate fixation feeds the fantasies of liberals and the left.

The Watergate parallel can serve as a salve, holding out the promise that Trump’s administration — with all its vulgarity, disrespect for the rule of law, and questionable foreign entanglements —will be truncated in the same way Nixon’s was. As a check against the idea that all of the scandals must result in President Trump’s downfall, Trump’s opponents should start paying attention to another case of presidential malfeasance with a far more ambiguous resolution: Iran-Contra.

Even the appointment of Robert Mueller to investigate the Trump campaign and administration should arouse only limited optimism. A talented independent counsel, Lawrence Walsh, began immediately digging into Iran-Contra. He worked for six years to piece together the extensive web of deceit and wrongdoing that undergirded the scandal, only to have his work wiped away by Bush’s pardons. Should Mueller last in his position as special counsel — an unsafe assumption — he too could find his efforts similarly thwarted.

A few years after the Bush pardons, Walsh wrote a book about his investigations called Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-Up. In it he argued, “What set Iran-Contra apart from previous political scandals was the fact that a cover-up engineered in the White House of one president and completed by his successor prevented the rule of law from being applied to the perpetrators of criminal activity of constitutional dimension.” Those words are a description but also a warning: The executive can run roughshod over Congress, prosecutors, and even the rule of law itself, and escape without consequences. Those hoping to see justice meted out again a corrupt Trump administration should take note.

Democrats with dreams of impeachment should consider how Iran-Contra turned out
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I haven't been following the Jared Kushner/Russians thing at all (lol) but does it boil down to;

Ruskies: We have damaging intel on Hilary. Meeting?
Jared: Sure thing.
At meeting:
Ruskies: Blah blah here is our intel.
Jared: This is shit. Sad. Tremendously useless, not intel at all. Spasibo for wasting my time lads, really.

~~time passes and media: <searches frantically for proof Jared met the Russians for intel on Hilary~~

Jared: I met the Russians for intel on Hilary.
Jared: But it doesn't count because I didn't get anything good.
I haven't been following the Jared Kushner/Russians thing at all (lol) but does it boil down to;

Ruskies: We have damaging intel on Hilary. Meeting?
Jared: Sure thing.
At meeting:
Ruskies: Blah blah here is our intel.
Jared: This is shit. Sad. Tremendously useless, not intel at all. Spasibo for wasting my time lads, really.

~~time passes and media: <searches frantically for proof Jared met the Russians for intel on Hilary~~

Jared: I met the Russians for intel on Hilary.
Jared: But it doesn't count because I didn't get anything good.
This is brilliant! Do you summarise any other news events?
I haven't been following the Jared Kushner/Russians thing at all (lol) but does it boil down to;
2.Ruskies: We have damaging intel on Hilary. Meeting?
3.Jared: Sure thing.
4. At meeting:
Ruskies: Blah blah here is our intel.
Jared: This is shit. Sad. Tremendously useless, not intel at all. Spasibo for wasting my time lads, really.

~~time passes and media: <searches frantically for proof Jared met the Russians for intel on Hilary~~
6. Jared: I met the Russians for intel on Hilary.
Jared: But it doesn't count because I didn't get anything good.

Only bits missing are:

1. Ruskies, hmmm... for lolz, why don't we sucker some of these clowns into meeting us while the election is going on


5. Jared and other assorted Trumpish clowns realise they were suckered into compromising meetings with the Ruskies in the middle of a Presidential Election and finally twig.... 'oh fuck, people are going to find out! It's almost as if the Ruskies planned this!'
I haven't been following the Jared Kushner/Russians thing at all (lol) but does it boil down to;

Ruskies: We have damaging intel on Hilary. Meeting?
Jared: Sure thing.
At meeting:
Ruskies: Blah blah here is our intel.
Jared: This is shit. Sad. Tremendously useless, not intel at all. Spasibo for wasting my time lads, really.

~~time passes and media: <searches frantically for proof Jared met the Russians for intel on Hilary~~

Jared: I met the Russians for intel on Hilary.
Jared: But it doesn't count because I didn't get anything good.

The Kay Burley of Urban75 :D:thumbs:
Yes,” Reed replies. “I think — I think he’s crazy,” apparently referring to the president. “I mean, I don’t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.”

“I’m worried,” Collins replies.

“Oof,” Reed continues. “You know, this thing — if we don’t get a budget deal, we’re going to be paralyzed.”

“I know,” Collins replies.

“[Department of Defense] is going to be paralyzed, everybody is going to be paralyzed,” Reed says.

“I don’t think he knows there is a [Budget Control Act] or anything,” Collins says, referring to a 2011 law that defines the budget process.

Senators on hot mic: Trump is ‘crazy,’ ‘I’m worried’

Yes, its the Washington Post, but they do have the audio.
I read the transcript from Trump's speech to the Boy Scout Jamboree thing, fucking hell. WTAF :facepalm: Utterly bizarre, delusional, paranoid, obsessive and crap

Read a Transcript of Trump's Boy Scout Jamboree Speech
Christ that was hard to read, let alone listen to.

Why they didn't say, "We know you're really busy Mr President. Why don't you tape a speech we can play to the Scouts," then edit the fuck out of anything dodgy, citing time constraints or something.

Surely the organisers knew giving him a microphone and free range on the stage before a group of youngsters was more than a tad risky. Either they were profoundly stupid, or perhaps what happened was exactly what they wanted.

They issued the most mealy mouthed statement about the speech, not even a nonapology, but just a "we're not political" and "he's our leader so we had to let him speak," steaming pile.

They'll lose tens of thousands of members and millions in donations. But, I suspect there are some in the leadership who will think it's worth it, because it's a good way of weeding out the liberal-leaning families that they still haven't forgiven for pressing for LGBT inclusion, and accountability in child sexual abuse cases. Far easier then to train up boys to be the kind of "leaders" they need to Make America Great Again.

Never was in Scouting - didn't like the uniform and mini military trappings, but I knew some kids who found it a good experience. I was in 4H, which was and still is a far, far better youth programme. It's too bad they don't have it here. Hope BSA go bankrupt for letting this shit happen.
I did 4H too. I learned a lot of skills that I still use.
Oh cool! :) I learned more useful stuff from being in 4H than I did in school and yes, everything from filling out job applications to business planning came from filling out 4H records! Had amazing experiences, travelling, leadership, great fun. Thinking back, the pledge was pretty progressive: I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.

Being partly state funded, there was no religious garbage involved, and surprisingly little jingoism.

I was in the Boy Scouts: I can still tie a sheepshank. :)

Can't do that, but I could probably still show a sheep in the ring! :)
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