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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Okay, so one of the first public statements from Trump's brand new Communications Director is a call for the end of sanctions against Russia.

And he chooses the Russian state news agency, TASS, as the platform to use for this. :hmm:

Trump has big respect for Russian people and culture, says advisor
January 17, 4:30UTC+3

Scaramucci said he believes the US sanctions against Russia have had an opposite effect and have rather consolidated the Russians around Putin

Oh but of course some on these boards will welcome this, as they think anything Trump says or does to get closer to the Putin government is a good thing - even hand signals offering a blow job, so it seems. :rolleyes:
On CJR Study: Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda
This sidelining of Fox News in early 2016 coincided with sustained attacks against it by Breitbart. The top-20 stories in the right-wing media ecology during January included, for example, “Trump Campaign Manager Reveals Fox News Debate Chief Has Daughter Working for Rubio.” More generally, the five most-widely shared stories in which Breitbart refers to Fox are stories aimed to delegitimize Fox as the central arbiter of conservative news, tying it to immigration, terrorism and Muslims, and corruption:

  • The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group;
  • NY Times Bombshell Scoop: Fox News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens;
  • Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump, Hitler-Citing, Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate;
  • Fox, Google Pick 1994 Illegal Immigrant To Ask Question In Iowa GOP Debate;
  • Fox News At Facebook Meeting Is Misdirection: Murdoch and Zuckerberg Are Deeply Connected Over Immigration.
The repeated theme of conspiracy, corruption, and media betrayal is palpable in these highly shared Breitbart headlines linking Fox News, Rubio, and illegal immigration.

As the primaries ended, our maps show that attention to Fox revived and was more closely integrated with Breitbart and the remainder of the right-wing media sphere. The primary target of the right-wing media then became all other traditional media. While the prominence of different media sources in the right-wing sphere vary when viewed by shares on Facebook and Twitter, the content and core structure, with Breitbart at the center, is stable across platforms. Infowars, and similarly radical sites Truthfeed and Ending the Fed, gain in prominence in the Facebook map.
Note the use of Trump's key topic immigration as a wedge issue against conservative opponents. Study points to not fake news but a systematic disinformation campaign with Breitbart and other relatively new far-right propaganda vendors becoming big players.
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Okay, so one of the first public statements from Trump's brand new Communications Director is a call for the end of sanctions against Russia.

And he chooses the Russian state news agency, TASS, as the platform to use for this. :hmm:

Trump has big respect for Russian people and culture, says advisor
January 17, 4:30UTC+3

Scaramucci said he believes the US sanctions against Russia have had an opposite effect and have rather consolidated the Russians around Putin

Oh but of course some on these boards will welcome this, as they think anything Trump says or does to get closer to the Putin government is a good thing - even hand signals offering a blow job, so it seems. :rolleyes:
Scaramucci also specified the kind of message he was going to make on behalf of the incoming Administration at Davos.

"I think it’s a fairly consistent basic message, which is that more economic commerce we have as a globe, the better the societies will be," he said. "I think we’re very focused - at least on the Administration’s side - on how we’re going to get middle class wages and working class families’ wages up in the US, but I think one of the ways we can do this is through the symmetry of trade agreements."

"You know we are for free trade but we want trade to be fair, we don’t want it to be unbalanced against the US anymore," Scaramucci said. "We’re big-time believers that more growth, more opportunity comes from trade, from commerce and we have no objections to the American multinationals investing anywhere in the world."
Lots of free trade, so much free trade even Wall St are going to be tired of free trading.
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From The US DoD U.S. Doesn’t Have Luxury of Choosing Challenges, Dunford Tells Aspen Crowd
NBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell asked Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford if he still believed Russia was the biggest threat facing America -- a statement he made two years ago in his confirmation hearings.

“From a state actor perspective, it is Russia,” Dunford said. He said this was due to Russia’s military modernization program, its nuclear and cyber capabilities and its actions in Georgia, Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

“I would quickly add that we don’t have the luxury today of singling out one challenge,” the chairman said.

Dunford believes this is the most volatile time in world affairs since World War II, and Russian actions do not help. “I think from an aggregate capacity and capability perspective, Russia is the most capable state actor we face,” he said. “But we have other challenges -- North Korea, from a sense of urgency perspective, would be our number one challenge. We are certainly dealing with malign challenges from Iran on a daily basis.

“Clearly the fight against violent extremism is one that we are completely engaged with, and we have security challenges in the Pacific with a rising China as well,” the chairman continued.

The U.S. military must be able to deter nuclear attack from Russia and increase conventional capabilities so Russia is not tempted to challenge the United States and its allies. Dunford noted that maintaining the strength and effectiveness of the NATO alliance is also critically important in deterring Russia’s actions.

But Russia generally stops short of conflict. The chairman calls this strategy adversarial competition. “It has a military dimension, but it falls short of armed conflict,” he said. “That’s where Russia integrates cyber capabilities, information operations, unconventional operations to advance their interests on a routine basis and we have to compete in that environment as well.”
Trump's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff not quite having a Mooch style Russian Kumbaya moment.
This reads like a deleted scene from Starship Troopers. As if anybody's going to be scared of a ship named after Gerald Ford. The thing's probably going to fall down the stairs at some point.

On Jalopinik America's New $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier Is Still Far From Ready
Incorporating many significant changes over its predecessors, the Ford-class will have newly designed catapults and arresting gear, a redesigned and smaller island superstructure that is farther aft, a larger flight deck, new radar systems, quicker weapons elevators and 300 percent more electrical capacity from newly designed nuclear reactors.

The problem is that many of these systems are immature and have not been able to perform up to expected levels. The San Diego Union-Tribune described the construction of the Ford as “a monument to the Navy’s and defense industry’s ability to justify spending billions on unproven technologies that often deliver worse performance at a higher cost.” Despite the lip service presented by Navy and industry officials, the construction of the Ford has been something of a disaster.

To be fair, no modern warship is ready to sail off to war the day after being commissioned. Tests need to be completed and the ships need to be put through their paces to discover any abnormalities or deficiencies that may not have been discovered during builder trials, when the ship is put to sea under the watchful eye of the company that constructed the ship.

The Ford is a special case, however. So many systems are deficient and remain unresolved that the Navy does not expect the carrier to reach IOC, or initial operational capability, until 2020 at the earliest.
A Trumpian project started well before Trump.
...Senator John McCain called the carrier “one of the most spectacular acquisition debacles in recent memory,” and then-Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said “The Ford is a textbook example of how not to build a ship.”...
This reads like a deleted scene from Starship Troopers. As if anybody's going to be scared of a ship named after Gerald Ford. The thing's probably going to fall down the stairs at some point.

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Fucking love that movie. 'Would you like to know more?? Service guarantees citizenship!!'. And that line Michael Ironside's character delivers about force/violence being the supreme authority. Paul Verhoeven's an amazing director.
Okay, so one of the first public statements from Trump's brand new Communications Director is a call for the end of sanctions against Russia.

And he chooses the Russian state news agency, TASS, as the platform to use for this. :hmm:

Trump has big respect for Russian people and culture, says advisor
January 17, 4:30UTC+3

Scaramucci said he believes the US sanctions against Russia have had an opposite effect and have rather consolidated the Russians around Putin

Oh but of course some on these boards will welcome this, as they think anything Trump says or does to get closer to the Putin government is a good thing - even hand signals offering a blow job, so it seems. :rolleyes:
Or you could actually engage with the people on this thread who disagree with you, instead of ignoring them and making shit up about they think.
Okay, so one of the first public statements from Trump's brand new Communications Director is a call for the end of sanctions against Russia.

And he chooses the Russian state news agency, TASS, as the platform to use for this. :hmm:

Trump has big respect for Russian people and culture, says advisor
January 17, 4:30UTC+3

Scaramucci said he believes the US sanctions against Russia have had an opposite effect and have rather consolidated the Russians around Putin

Oh but of course some on these boards will welcome this, as they think anything Trump says or does to get closer to the Putin government is a good thing - even hand signals offering a blow job, so it seems. :rolleyes:

Tell us what the approach to Russia of the Obamas ,Clintons and McCains of this world achieved ?
What an arrogant sabre rattling clown.
So if this 12 year project crossing three presidents' terms would have turned into a peace ship carrying vaccines and medicines to the middle east if it had concluded under a democratic president? It's a giant fucking murdering death machine and you're worried about the wording?
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So if this 12 year project crossing three presidents' terms would have turned into a peace ship carrying vaccines and medicines to the middle east if it had concluded under a democratic president? It's a giant fucking murdering death machine and you're worried about the wording?
The wording matters.
On TAC Trump Lost His ‘Art of the Deal’ Mojo
In the Art of the Deal, Trump talks openly about how he learned to manipulate the media. “One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better.”

His example is land he bought in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in 1985, known as Television City. He boasted that he would build the world’s tallest building there. He never did, but the resulting media buzz increased the value of the land, so Trump claims. (In reality, Trump blew a chance to sell it for $550 million and was compelled to bow out of the project by his lenders.)

Trump has talked big about health care but he’s done little proactively. Yes, he’s made a point of holding rallies as president, but those appear to be more about chasing the adrenaline high and adulation of campaigning than building public support for the bill. Where were the town halls to win over a public skeptical on the health care bill? Why no prime time television address to tout it? The White House press office has followed suit, mainly playing defense on the bill. Trump says he refuses to ‘own’ Obamacare. But did he ever even own Trumpcare?

At some point, Trump concedes in The Art of the Deal, you have to “deliver the goods”: “You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.”

At one point, in the depth of his frustration last week, Trump flirted with policy—and likely also political—suicide: let Obamacare fail completely, he said, presumably so the resulting widespread misery will drive Democratic lawmakers to eventually come to him begging for compromise. He then turned around and lectured GOP lawmakers on the perils of ‘inaction.’ Trump is now pressing for a vote on the repeal-only bill before the August recess—and before the American people have more time to catch on.
Trump is genuinely reckoned to have some dealmaking skills in the NYC business community. Perhaps the magical abilities he's hyped over his long career in real estate but some basic application, savvy and charm. Currently these capabilities that voters put a lot of faith in look weaker than those of the former Chicago community organiser he replaced. And Obama was an inexperienced, unremarkable, stiff and rather donnish politician in this respect.

Trump in pushing this bill appeared to be what he is a feckless outsider. Throughout this process Trump was willing to make some charming/bullying phone calls and eat a lot of steak in a business like way. He and his staff managed to really piss off some lawmakers. He didn't seem to know what he wanted in terms of content let alone how to push it through. He flapped around and carped when he realised a bill he'd boosted which was basically a huge elite tax cut funded off denying people cover was extraordinarily unpopular. This piece points out in the end as Trumpcare collapsed Trump seemed to be spending a weekend mostly fixated on a stupid golf tournament. He's not even giving the appearance of trying.
Voting Laws Roundup

Especially for the folks at the back - legislation passed at state level has a wider impact nationally.

GOP are pretty relaxed about next year's midterms. They expect them to just be for show.
On Politico Trump’s approval: How low can he go?
That’s largely because of the acute polarization in the country – and polarization that’s focused on Trump specifically. Jones noted that, among those who disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, most cite his personality and character, and not his policies and positions on issues facing the country. That contrasts with his predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama: Majorities took issue with their policies and general job performance, but few Americans cited any character issues. That is why Trump remains well behind Obama among most demographic and attitudinal groups after six months in office. Trump’s ratings among liberals are lower than Obama’s among conservatives, and it’s the same for Trump among Democrats versus Obama among Republicans. Trump also badly lags Obama among independents, and Jones noted that that is the source of much of Trump’s decline since his inauguration.
It his looning about that pisses Americans off. So far he's not really done much policy wise. I read elsewhere he gets pretty favourable ratings on handling the economy and that is perceived to be doing well though little has change beyond the stock market hoping Trump will deliver various boondoggles. His Muslim ban is popular. Attacks on regulation and green issues please his base. An appetite for war fighting does not seem to hurt him significantly.

People may blame the healthcare thing on Congress rather than Trump. They're never popular and were at 20% approval earlier this month have been in single digits in the past. Says a lot about how much Americans hate the Federal government.

In these figures he's not got above 25% support amongst non-whites and is closer 20% now. Strongest support in the South but that's fallen off by about 7% to 43%. Note the lack of support amongst the poorest. Trump's pitch was always aimed at the lower middle classes.
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Madness. Most American politicians will never learn form prohibition and the disastrous war on drugs. Trump and the Repubs are rolling it back to a more extreme and oppressive place.
I genuinely think that IS the goal, not an incidental side effect. Whether or not Trump personally buys into it or not almost doesn't matter. Certainly enough in his administration and the GOP led congress want an end to the Republic as we've known it.
He talked a great deal about the scourge of drugs during the campaign, and there was an interesting study someone did showing the overlap between places that turned Trump for the election and places with high rates of (i think it was) opiate & meth abuse. But weed? That was not as far as I know an issue that people were primarily worried about.
He talked a great deal about the scourge of drugs during the campaign, and there was an interesting study someone did showing the overlap between places that turned Trump for the election and places with high rates of (i think it was) opiate & meth abuse. But weed? That was not as far as I know an issue that people were primarily worried about.
In my experience, the drug "abolitionists," who - surprise surprise - tend to be fundamentalist Christians, don't distinguish between different types of drugs. They're all bad, and would argue the "milder" drugs are a "gateway" to worse ones. Also, I think this is a poke to the more liberal leaning states and districts that have loosened their pot laws. Anything that involves slapping those to the left of them is fair game.
On Bloomberg Trump Barrels Down a Road of No Return
People in contact with the White House said one Mueller move that spooked them was hiring Andrew Weissmann, a tough financial-fraud expert who has prosecuted the mob and Enron. He and another expert on money laundering are looking into the Trump financial links with Russians and whether that gives Moscow any leverage over the president.

The breadth of Mueller's mandate is set by the president's Justice Department. So it's fraudulent to claim that the special counsel would be crossing a red line by investigating the family's business practices.

If a special prosecutor runs across a crime, he has a duty to act. During Watergate, President Richard Nixon unsuccessfully sought to limit the scope of the investigation. The initial inquiry was into a burglary at the office of the Democratic National Committee. From that, separate illegal acts were uncovered, such as a break-in of the office of a psychiatrist of Nixon adversary Daniel Ellsberg, and the abuse of power by government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service.

Of course, the special counsel will delve deeply into any financial links to Russia -- he has access to all Trump's tax returns and bank records -- as well as into the possibility of collusion during the campaign. It was only several weeks ago, remember, that some Washington insiders dismissed the notion of any such coordination with the Russians.
Quotes a WSJ opinion page recommending Trump go for full and frank disclosure. The smart thing to do but not the way Trump rolls.

He appears to be hiding something but it may be as trivial as his business not being as successful as he insist it is.
Jared Kushner's statement on Russia to congressional committees


I'm trying my best. Everyone's being mean to me. It's so unfair.


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Poll: Americans split 42%-42% on impeaching Trump

Every poll I look at seems to say that were in a knock down drag-out battle for the soul of the country.
This - and what's scary is even if the greedy, kleptocratic, autocratic, nepotistic, bigoted shitstains are pushed out (and hopefully held accountable), wtf happens with the that sizeable proportion of people who not only don't see them as doing anything wrong. but actually adore them? :(
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