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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Propaganda. Illusion rather than delusion.
Thing is, Trump’s base are now so far down the conspiranoid far right rabbit hole that even right wing liberals appear to them as ‘cOmMuNists’. Yes the oligarchs and varied spooks, grifters and operators running the shitshow know that it’s all bollocks - but it opens doors to their preferred outcomes - ‘cash from chaos’ to quote a grifter of a different time.
At a rally on Saturday Trump potentially slipped up again when he claimed he "didn't even know E Jean Carol".
It didn't sound like a biggie to me (compared to other Trump full on "I didn't do it"'s) but there are now hints from Carol's legal team that he might get sued for a third time.
If the Democrats do get elected again despite Trump's ridiculous, long-running claims that they're radical leftists hell-bent on turning the US into a Marxist state, maybe they should try to live up to his expectations
Even FDR-style policies would be heralded as the prophesied coming of MECHA STALIN and FULL-ON-COMMUNISM!!1!111! by most of the dingbats and economic illiterates who follow the Great Orange One.
But surely Trump will have a licencing deal in place with Louboutin before he announced these plimsoles sneakers for sale.

He's a businessman after all...

and ...

"I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now. Because they see what’s happening to me happens to them."

From that…

In exit surveys conducted by NBC, 62 percent of GOP primary voters in South Carolina told pollsters—incorrectly—that they don’t think Joe Biden legitimately won the presidential election in 2020. “Haley managed to win 81 percent of voters who believe President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election,” according to NBC, “but they only made up a third of the electorate.”

Fucking state of people.
From that…

In exit surveys conducted by NBC, 62 percent of GOP primary voters in South Carolina told pollsters—incorrectly—that they don’t think Joe Biden legitimately won the presidential election in 2020. “Haley managed to win 81 percent of voters who believe President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election,” according to NBC, “but they only made up a third of the electorate.”

Fucking state of people.

Fucking state of American people.
The trump has filed his appeal against the $460m fine (inc. interest), but failed to post a bond, so the appeal so far is a worthless piece of paper. He has 30 days from 22nd February to stump up the cash before they come after his assets.

How much is a gold toilet these days?
Oh dear how sad

Donald Trump’s donor numbers fall by 200,000 compared with 2019​

That's almost a third...

ETA: I don't think it's paywalled atm but here's the archived version jic

The trouble with this is that it probably doesn't make that much of a difference as far as the election is concerned. He can get free media coverage simply by being outrageous. He hasn't been president in 3 years, but he still rules the news cycle. Even on Urban he gets much more coverage than anyone else. It may make a difference in paying his bills, but he doesn't pay those anyway, just ask Rudy.

The New York judge who oversaw E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump rejected the former president’s request to delay paying Carroll more than $80 million in damages, according to a Sunday court filing.
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