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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

For seven years, the Trump National Golf Club Westchester just north of New York City battled with the local government to lower its property tax bill—while simultaneously inflating its value elsewhere by millions. Then in August, emboldened by another golf club’s victory in court, the Trump club pressured locals to strike a deal and cut its assessed value by a third.

That means the Trump club can claim it overpaid taxes, so local governments are forking over cash. But of all the local entities stuck paying fat refund checks worth about $850,000, the worst hit was the tiny suburban Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District. The public education system—which consists of a single elementary, middle, and high school—has picked up the biggest tab, worth $588,155.12.
They can only go by the information provided by their client... Either something has come to light that has thrown the previous tax returns into doubt... Or, they're as bent as he is and they're dropping him in the shit in order to protect themselves from also being the subject of a major fraud investigation....
They can only go by the information provided by their client... Either something has come to light that has thrown the previous tax returns into doubt... Or, they're as bent as he is and they're dropping him in the shit in order to protect themselves from also being the subject of a major fraud investigation....
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This is not a good sign for those hoping that Trump is charged for his crimes:

The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald J. Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, according to people with knowledge of the matter, throwing the future of the high-stakes inquiry into serious doubt.

The prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, submitted their resignations after the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against Mr. Trump, the people said.

Mr. Pomerantz confirmed in a brief interview that he had resigned, but declined to elaborate. Mr. Dunne declined to comment.

Without Mr. Bragg’s commitment to move forward, the prosecutors late last month postponed a plan to question at least one witness before the grand jury, one of the people said. They have not questioned any witnesses in front of the grand jury for more than a month, essentially pausing their investigation into whether Mr. Trump inflated the value of his assets to obtain favorable loan terms from banks.

The precise reasons for Mr. Bragg’s pullback are unknown, and he has made few public statements about the status of the inquiry since taking office. In a statement responding to the resignations of the prosecutors, a spokeswoman for Mr. Bragg said that he was “grateful for their service” and that the investigation was ongoing.

They only have until April to finish presenting evidence to the Grand Jury. The investigation by the NY Attorney General is still ongoing, but this looks a lot like Trump's Teflon is still working. It almost looks like it was killed by someone over their head. I hope I'm wrong.
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His new social media platform went live the other day. Any GBN-style fuck-ups yet?
It seems a shit show already. Because of the high likelihood that users would be technically illiterate rubes there is a proliferation of fake/scam versions of the app Thousands of Trump fans duped by fake versions of his social media site Truth Social There’s a long wait list ( sorry daily mail link https://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10544305/Truth-Social-500-000-wait-list-users-booted-mocking-Nunes-rules-stop-harassing-Trump.html ) people had trouble registering on launch day. The logo looks like it’s ripped off from another company which is now looking at taking legal action Truth Social's logo is strikingly similar to that of a British trucking company. The company says it's considering legal action.
They apparently used open source code too so there are doubts about the advisability of entering personal data.
I'm really not sure that proprietary code has that many advantages over open source when it comes to data security. Remember, for example, that GNU Privacy Guard, the public key encryption software, is open source.

And one of the big advantages of O/S is code inspection - the fact that it is possible for many, many third parties to examine code and look for vulnerabilities which can then be repaired; proprietary code requires a willingness on the part of the owner to be candid and proactive, and there are plenty of examples where that doesn't happen.

Doesn't mean it's not still a crock of shit, though. Just not necessarily because it's open source.
I'm assuming he is joking

In a bizarre speech, former president Donald Trump suggested a novel solution to the crisis in Ukraine: putting Chinese flags on US fighter jets and sending them to “bomb the s*** out of Russia.”

The former president proposed the literal false-flag attack during a Republican fundraiser in New Orleans on Saturday, where he spoke for 84 minutes.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Mr Trump told a crowd of giggling GOP donors, according to The Washington Post.

He's not joking, he just knows his audience, ie dickheads who'll lap up this sort of bollocks if it comes from him. I don't think even they need to believe it's something that would ever happen though, they just need enough to allow them to tell themselves he has a clever plan of some sort.
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