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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Refusing to reject Qanaon

US election: Trump declines to disavow QAnon conspiracy theory

"I know nothing about QAnon."

"I know nothing about it, I do know they are very much against paedophilia, they fight it very hard."
Mr Trump instead targeted antifa, a loose-knit movement of mainly far-left activists blamed by the US Department of Justice for civil disorder in US cities during racial justice protests over the last few months.
"I tell you what I do know about," said Mr Trump, "I know about antifa and the radical left and I know how violent they are and how vicious they are and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

Deflection, deflection, deflection.
He got taken in by a story from the Babylon Bee, which is an unfunny conservative Christian version of the Onion.


The question "If Twitter has shut down its entire network, how am I tweeting?" apparently never crossed his mind.
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He got taken in by a story from the Babylon Bee, which is an unfunny conservative Christian version of the Onion.

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The question "If Twitter has shut down its entire network, how am I tweeting?" apparently never crossed his mind.

This is just...I have no words. So 'out there' I had to check it was true. And it is. This is The. President. Of. America.

This is insane.
some of his desperate supporters are there trying to say he was doing a very clever double satire to own the libs but their laughing emojis have no conviction at all.

Hannah Arendt described this behaviour in the 'Origins of Totalitarianism'.

The best propagandists realised that the mob could be controlled by their propensity to both gullibility and cynicism.
They'd believe almost anything one day, and when it was disproved the next they'd take refuge in cynicism; saying they'd known all along it was "fake news" and admiring the Great Leader for his tactical skill in "owning the libs" etc.
I'm cross-posting this as it's on is America burning thread which is not getting read much due mainly I supect to the election. However I feel it is of suffiecient importance that more people should be aware:

i read this the other day, It pretty much confirmed my suspicions that he was executed:

and now this:

Fucking hell.
I'm cross-posting this as it's on is America burning thread which is not getting read much due mainly I supect to the election. However I feel it is of suffiecient importance that more people should be aware:

i read this the other day, It pretty much confirmed my suspicions that he was executed:

and now this:

Fucking hell.

That is truly scary new teritory. If there was actually any doubt remaining that Trump is taking the US into new and chillingly authoritarian pastures, that kills it.
You would image there'd be a bit on an outcry about this but there appears to be little or no reaction.

Might be because no-one believes a word the orange liar says.
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