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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

NYT has published details of Trump's tax returns.
More here: New York Times: Trump paid no income taxes in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000

Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes whatsoever in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000 because he reported losing significantly more than he made, according to an explosive report released Sunday by the New York Times.

The President paid just $750 in federal income taxes in both the year he won the presidency and his first year in the White House, according to more than two decades of his tax information obtained by The Times.

At a White House briefing Sunday, Trump denied the New York Times story and said he pays "a lot" in federal income taxes. "I pay a lot, and I pay a lot in state income taxes," he said.
Trump added that he is willing to release his tax returns once he is no longer under audit by the Internal Revenue Service, which he said "treats me badly." The President is under no obligation to hold his tax returns while under audit, but has been saying that for years. The President repeatedly refused to answer how much he has paid in federal taxes in the briefing and walked out to shouted questions from CNN's Jeremy Diamond on the topic.

The expansive Times report paints a picture of businessman who was struggling to keep his businesses afloat and was reporting millions in losses even as he was campaigning for President and boasting about his financial success.

According to the newspaper, Trump used the $427.4 million he was paid for "The Apprentice" to fund his other businesses, mostly his golf courses, and was putting more cash into his businesses than he was taking out.
I remember reading about a massive tax refund Trump got one year.
Can't find the article, but searches show that the most of the articles are from a pay site NYtines.

A while back someone posted links to override the need to pay to read the paywalled site.
It was put into a spoiler cover.....any one.....

On with the Trump thing.

His "China bad" thing kinda back fired with Tik Tok

And, naturally, most stuff keeps hitting the fan for his anti-china crusade.

A number of lawsuits are reported to have been filed by carmakers in the past few days in the New York-based Court of International Trade.

Mercedes-Benz in its filing accused Washington of "prosecution of an unprecedented, unbounded, and unlimited trade war impacting over $500bn in imports from the People's Republic of China".

Tesla in its filing called the tariffs "arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of discretion".

Founder Elon Musk wants the tariffs cancelled along with a "refund, with interest" of import taxes paid, according to the filing.

Chinese-owned Volvo Cars has also filed a lawsuit saying it is in favour of free trade and open markets.

"Volvo Cars strongly believes the way to reach economic growth is to reduce tariffs and harmonize international trade," a spokesman told the BBC.
The policies that allow Trump to do this have been permitted and promoted through governments of both flavours for years, and will continue under Biden (who represents Delaware which is a key location for enabling tax shirking). The wealthy have captured the system, and Trump has little personal blame for this.
The only bit that might harm him is that, if he’s not been lying to the taxman for decades, then all his businesses are making enormous losses year after year. How his supporters would feel about that idk. They would certainly prefer to believe he’s been successfully lying.

Also, if they get that far, fans might be a bit disappointed to read that the President personally owes well over 400 million dollars in loans which come due within the next 4 years. Who does he owe it to ?
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"paying tax is for losers" - etc

Its a embarrassing for him but no game changer.

"Trump the is a tax dodging, wheeler dealer shyster" is no more news than the fact that he is a gobshite a racist and a misogynist. In all cases, his base supporters either don't care or admire him for it.
blimey. This looks legit and suggests he actually owes over a billion dollars. The president is a sort of ponzi scheme.
"paying tax is for losers" - etc

Its a embarrassing for him but no game changer.

"Trump the is a tax dodging, wheeler dealer shyster" is no more news than the fact that he is a gobshite a racist and a misogynist. In all cases, his base supporters either don't care or admire him for it.

true, but it's the non-base supporters you'd hope might feel cheated.
I remember reading about a massive tax refund Trump got one year.
Can't find the article, but searches show that the most of the articles are from a pay site NYtines.

A while back someone posted links to override the need to pay to read the paywalled site.
It was put into a spoiler cover.....any one.....

On with the Trump thing.

His "China bad" thing kinda back fired with Tik Tok
Bypass paywall for chrome and firefox:

e2a wrong link
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true, but it's the non-base supporters you'd hope might feel cheated.

I think he's already lost all of those he was going to lose. I mean he has had so many disasters and caught out lying so many times that I dont think this adds anything we didn't already know. I suspect - hope - that he will lose in november because the opposition is more motivated and many of his former non-base voters will stay at home.
But - like the tories - his bedrock of support seems impermeable, in both cases it shows the strength of "culture war" narratives based on emotive nationalism rather than evidential argument.
"clever lad, wish I didn't pay taxes" will be what most of his supporters and tbf non-supporters will say.

What needs to emphasised is how shit a businessman he is.

Seventy thousand dollars he has spent on that hairdo according to the new york times.
Who is the hairdresser that person deserves a certain grudging respect.

A true modern day Rasputin.
I hope that anti trump people are going to be clever enough to spend all of their time on talking about his massive debts and who it might be that he owes these hundreds of millions to, not his underpayment of taxes.
I hope a large slice of his fanbase compare and contrast their tax bills to his and their lifestyles to his.
Don't think that will happen because his appeal is not 'donald trump he's a normal man like me' it's that he lives a gilded fantasy of a life free from the consequences of his actions, gets to do and say whatever he wants shag porn stars and shit in gold toilets etc. The only thing that might mar that image is the massive and soon due debts.
Don't think that will happen because his appeal is not 'donald trump he's a normal man like me' it's that he lives a gilded fantasy of a life free of the consequences of his actions, gets to do and say whatever he wants shag porn stars and shit in gold toilets etc. The only thing that might mar that image is the massive debts.
The massive debts will only enhance that, as you say, free of consequences.
The massive debts will only enhance that, as you say, free of consequences.
how so? The fantasy doesn't include the whole thing being a borrowed house of cards and standing to lose it all when whoever you're in debt to demands their loan back or they'll break your kneecaps and your wife will leave you, that's much too relatable.
The massive debts will only enhance that, as you say, free of consequences.

To his core absolutely everything is forgivable, always will be. In theory though there's still got to be some bootstrap Republicans out there who at least tell themselves that everything they have, they earn. Trump having nothing but debt might turn a few of them off. Then again I've spent years doubting those Repubs really exist, so who knows.
I think things have got to the point now where his core voters will just dismiss this as fake news along with everything else. If despite all the evidence to the contrary people can believe that the Earth is flat or that the lurgy is a commie/jew/lizard conspiracy then its not a great stretch that people can believe everything the Orange Shitgibbon is telling them.
He has probably lost all the waverers by now and this is just more fuel on a fire that is already blazing wildly. I think Trumpy actually understands this at some fundamental level which is why he is coming out with ever more blatant lies and outrageous promises. His problem is that he is a fucking moron who thinks he's a supergenius, he knows his base will swallow whatever guff he spouts but isn't capable of understanding why others won't and just keeps doubling down in the belief that endlessly repeating lies makes them true.
Seventy thousand dollars he has spent on that hairdo according to the new york times.
Who is the hairdresser that person deserves a certain grudging respect.
To be fair it won't be cheap gold plating each hair.

I agree, as I did the same -- assuming you are both talking about the actual New York Times! :)
NYTines is run by journalists armed with pitch forks. :)
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